Weekly Twitter Update 2015–December–27
#KSCourts: Supreme Court posts January 2016 argument docket: bit.ly/1kiEODg #SCOKS
#KSCourts: Arbitrator failure to disclose connection with party did not void arbitration under circumstances bit.ly/1NEhiv1 #112917
#KSCourts: Kansas Uniform Arbitration Act allows court to vacate award only on 1-of-5 grounds bit.ly/1NEhiv1 #112917
#KSCourts: Once parties agree to arbitrate, court may only overturn for egregious arbitrator breaches bit.ly/1NEhiv1 #112917
#KSCourts: Appeal court review of divorce arbitration award is highly deferential bit.ly/1NEhiv1 #112917
#KSCourts: Appeals court affirms confirmation of divorce arbitration award bit.ly/1NEhiv1 #112917
#KSCourts: When @DCFKansas takes action outside statutory duties, it may create liability and not be immune bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: A request to rule on a motion to dismiss does not request a particular ruling, so not a waiver bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: Kansas law imposes public & private duty to investigate on @DCFKansas when child-abuse alleged… fb.me/KldR4ctH
#KSCourts: Kansas law imposes public & private duty to investigate on @DCFKansas when child-abuse alleged bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: The public-duty doctrine applies when a person sues state for negligence bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: In Kansas, motions to dismiss are rarely granted; discovery is necessary companion bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: Purpose of petition for damages is notice of claim, purpose of discovery is to learn details bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: Kansas is a notice pleadings state; petition need not set out claims in great detail bit.ly/1NEgF4I #112415
#KSCourts: Appeals court reverses dismissal of case against @DCFKansasover child’s death, failure to investigate bit.ly/1NEgF4I
#KSCourts: 2 #FamilyLaw-related Appeals Decisions were issued yesterday, 1 Separation of Powers case (2015-Dec-23): bit.ly/1HkKjs0
#KSCourts are closed December 24-25, 2015 and January 1, 2016.
Woman asks Missouri court for custody of frozen embryos she created with her ex-husband bit.ly/1Zr0UmO
Former #Reno judge, Rep. Jan Pauls named as Chair of #KSHouseFed&State Affairs Committee: bit.ly/1ZqZdGd fb.me/6UhNYH0Wz
Former #Reno judge, Rep. Jan Pauls named as Chair of #KSHouseFed&State Affairs Committee: bit.ly/1ZqZdGd
Kansas Supreme Court strikes down judicial selection law passed by hostile legislature bit.ly/1Pla3e2
Kansas Supreme Court rules against Kansas Legislature in separation-of-powers case: bit.ly/1Pl9UHh #kscourts
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2015 bit.ly/1HkKjs0
KS Supreme Court strikes down law changing appt procedure for chief judges, but does not address ‘severability’ issue on funding #ksleg
KS Supreme Court on why changing how chief judges are selected in judicial districts violates Constitution. #ksleg pic.twitter.com/lLZ90PBfZS
#KSCourts administrative authority under #KSConstitution includes power to make and enforce administrative rules bit.ly/1RGpL4E
Kansas Sup. Ct. overturns judicial selection law, possibly putting funding for courts in jeopardy. #ksleg kscourts.org/Cases-and-Opin…
#KSCourts: Kansas constitution provides for separation of powers that #KSLeg cannot override and cannot violate bit.ly/1RGpL4E
#MOCourts: Court properly dismissed Motion to Modify Custody where #WV possessed exclusive #UCCJEA jurisdiction on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Notice for underlying #UCCJEA registration need only be “reasonably calculated to give actual notice” on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: #UCCJEA requires person living outside forum state be served under law of forum or where service made on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: #MO court was required to register #WV custody order under #UCCJEA where due process satisfied on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: #MO court properly registered child-custody orders from #WVunder #UCCJEA on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: #WVa properly claimed #UCCJEA jurisdiction because no other state would have it for after-born child on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Given facts of case, #MO court would have declined #UCCJEAjurisdiction over after-born child on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Where after-born child never lived in decree state, that state didnt have #UCCJEA home state jurisdiction on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Logically, divorce determines custody of all parties’ children, including those born post-initial filing on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Sister courts have determined #UCCJEA does NOT confer jurisdiction over fetuses, only “children” on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: In #WVa, #UCCJEA jurisdiction is subject matter jurisdiction, rather than merely statutory jurisdiction on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: In Missouri, #UCCJEA is based in statutory jurisdiction, not subject matter jurisdiction on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
#MOCourts: Trial court decision to register other state’s custody order under #UCCJEA is a legal conclusion on.mo.gov/1kh2Bn2
Some helpful tips for surviving the holidays. “8 Commandments for Surviving Christmas Custody” ow.ly/Wbb2s
KS Supreme Court will issue opinion today in Solomon v State of Kansas. After 9:30 a.m. on court’s website kscourts.org/Cases-and-Opin… #ksleg
Kentucky governor alters licenses to accommodate opponents of equal marriage washingtonpost.com/news/post-nati…
OurFamilyWizard offers a useful alternative to other methods of co-parent communication: ow.ly/WepZZ pic.twitter.com/VSsP0k1mOL
#KSLeg Joint Corrections & Juvenile Justice Oversight Chair backs proposal for 72-hour #mentalhealth crisis holds… fb.me/28RuZJJ9U
#KSLeg Joint Corrections & Juvenile Justice Oversight Chair backs proposal for 72-hour #mentalhealth crisis holds bit.ly/1O4C7Bf
Top #KSLeg Senate Republican predicts short 2016 legislative session–unless #SCOKS rules on school funding bit.ly/1T716Ec