Kansas Family Law Appeals 2024

Kansas Supreme Court and Court of Appeals opinions are normally released Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Published Appellate Opinions are posted to the Kansas Appellate Courts’ website within one hour of that time. Unpublished Appellate Opinions are posted on the Kansas Appellate Courts’ website but are not available until later – between one hour to one day after release. Unpublished decisions are available on this website. This page includes only Kansas Family Law and Family Law-related Appellate Decisions. The decisions on this page include both published and unpublished opinions.

Supreme Court

Court of Appeals

July 19, 2024


126269 – C.A. vs. A.S. – Marion – Affirmed. [PFS, protection orders, stalking, abuse of legal process, appellate standards, sanctions, expenses, punitive damages, contempt, countersuit, frivolous actions, 60-211]

July 5, 2024


126487 – In the Interest of B.H. – Jackson – Reversed and remanded with directions. [CINC, due process, appellate standards, parent rights, Guardians ad litem, parent liberty interests, notice and opportunity to be heard, motions to continue, parent attorney withdrawal, failure to appoint replacement attorney]

June 28, 2024


126566 – In re Marriage of K.C. and C.C. – Johnson – Affirmed. [Child support, post-decree child support, child support modification, appellate standards, abuse of discretion, retroactive child support, motion filing requirements, judicial discretion]

May 31, 2024


124904 – In re Marriage of Karanja-Meek and Meek – Johnson – Reversed and remanded with directions. [Divorce, property division, personal injury awards, lack of findings, alter or amend, preservation of claims, “marital property”, definitions, appellate standards, judicial discretion, marital property as default]


125656 – In re Marriage of L.S. and D.J. – Leavenworth – Reversed and vacated. [Divorce, child support, 60-260, beginning date of child support, alter or amend, pretrial orders]

126458 – In re Marriage of Elfgren and Hendrickson – Wyandotte – Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded with directions. [Divorce, property division, appellate standards, judicial discretion, dissipation, abuse of discretion, appellate burden, appellate attorneys fees, preservation of issues, marital property vs. separate property, Married Persons Acts]

May 24, 2024


126508 – In the Interest of L.S. – Shawnee – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, statutory factors, nonpleaded basis, due process, sufficient evidence, drug use, methamphetamine, unstable environment]

May 17, 2024


126727 – In the Matter of H.W. – Sedgwick – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, statutory factors, nonpleaded basis, due process, sufficient evidence]

126758 – In the Matter of K.M.L. – Crawford – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, statutory factors, due process, sufficient evidence, refusal of assistance, planned adoption, relinquishment of rights in hospital]

May 10, 2024


126639 – In the Interests of A.S. and D.W. – Harvey – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, statutory factors, negative evidence]

126974 – In the Interests of M.C. and J.M. – Johnson – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, due process, State prefer, failure to object, timely objection, voluntary absence from court, clear and convincing evidence]

May 3, 2024


126539 – In the Interests of M.M. and R.M. – Johnson – Affirmed. [CINC, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, best interests, effective assistance of counsel, waiver]

126561 – In the Interest of X.L. – Wyandotte – Appeal dismissed. [CINC, appellate standards, appellate jurisdiction, interested party, foster parents, desired adoption, post-termination decisions, abuse of discretion, decision contrary to recommendation]

April 26, 2024


126061 – In re Marriage of B.L. and S.L. – Cheyenne – Affirmed in part and dismissed in part. [Divorce, appellate standards, motion to set aside, appellate jurisdiction, appeal timing, abuse of discretion, 60-260, abuse of discretion, relief from judgment vs. alter or amend]

April 22, 2024


126302 – In re Marriage of C.D. and S.T. – Harper – Affirmed. [Child custody, parenting time, material change, move-away, appellate standards, abandoned move-away]

April 5, 2024


125994 – In re Adoption of E.A. – Shawnee – Reversed, decree vacated, and case remanded with directions. [Adoption, non-parent adoption, grandparent adoption, UCCJEA, appellate standards, failure to allow testimony, fraud on the court, interested party status, unethical trial techniques, due process, “preemptive legal strike,” fact dispute, standard of review]

March 29, 2024


126233 – In the Interests of Y.B. and L.B. – Sedgwick – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, best interests, inability to care for other child]

March 8, 2024


126320 – In the Interest of M.R. – Johnson – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, best interests, failure to progress]

March 1, 2024


126668 – In the Interest of A.G. – Leavenworth – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, best interests, physical abuse, bruises, step-parent, physical threats]

February 2, 2024


126233 – In the Interests of Y.B. and L.B. – Sedgwick – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, inability to care for child, other children]

126694 – In the Interest of K.B. – Atchison – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, sufficiency of evidence, lack of fitness, drug abuse, failure to advance]

126802 – In the Matter of the Adoption of D.A., D.A., and Y.A. – Ford – Reversed and remanded with directions. [Adoption, step-parent adoption, parent termination, appellate standards, failure to assume parental duties, child support, lack of child support order, divorce orders, child custody orders, sharing expenses, waiver of child support in divorce, post-divorce custody orders]

January 26, 2024


126570 – In the Interests of C.S. and J.S. – Leavenworth – Affirmed in part and dismissed in part. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, new evidence, appellate jurisdiction, post-termination motions, post-termination appeals, statutory construction, statutory interpretation]

January 12, 2024


126083 – In re Marriage of Chandler – Johnson – Affirmed. [Divorce, property division, discovery, failure to disclose, failure to comply, equitable division, appellate standards, judicial discretion, attorneys fees, sanctions]

126610 – In the Interests of K.S., K.R., K.S., and K.S. – Butler – Affirmed. [CINC, parent termination, appellate standards, clear and convincing evidence, statutory construction, statutory interpretation]