- KansasDivorce Fighting over the kids won’t make you or them happy. RT
- KansasDivorce Why Divorced People Turn to Bad Habits To Cope huff.to/q3H14URT
- KansasDivorce How Forgiving Are You? bit.ly/ndvPzY via
@DrMichellexo RT@toddcreager
- KansasDivorce Single & Fine With It: What to Tell A Well-Meaning Relative Who Is Trying To Be Matchmaker wapo.st/oSeVMr [
- KansasDivorce Kansas
#SRS Releases List of Planned Spending Cuts t.co/V4fiaIJ
- KansasDivorce @ernieattorney You got it Ernie. I was number 25
- KansasDivorce In Divorce You have to LOVE your children more than HATE your ex if you ever expect your children to have a fair shot MT
- KansasDivorce RT
@DivorceZen Compressed Bible: ‘Love one another and be at peace’ (same compression as for other religious books)
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: My final judgment order for my divorce is very different than what was discussed in …http://rpx.me/imXc
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: A Wife files for divorce without telling hubby in april is it legal for her to have him sign fo…http://rpx.me/TlXc
- KansasDivorce See my answer on
@Avvo to: Does he have a good case? – First, there is no such thing as a “good case” when it comes to…http://rpx.me/FkXc
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: Can i file for temporary sole custody if i have joint custody but i am the custodial parent? – …http://rpx.me/9jXc
- KansasDivorce The happy marriage is not the one that has no problems, but the one that is good at solving them RT
- KansasDivorce Missouri Judge Blocks New
#MO Law Prohibing Social Network Connections Between Teachers & Students bit.ly/mOHHip
- KansasDivorce Self-value must be regulated by behavior, beliefs, and attitudesow.ly/1epVVo via
- RT
@BorowitzReport: BREAKING: Internet Outages from Hurricane Could Force People to Interact with Other People, Officials Warn
- KansasDivorce If I file bankruptcy will I lose my retirement? bit.ly/pHZikG RT
- KansasDivorce Using Tragedy to Justify
#MentalHealth Services in Delawarebitly.com/mWoES8 Great article, a must read! RT @NAMIMass
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Ct Cannot Parse Out elements of Equitable Estoppel. If Equitable Estoppel Applies, Ct Must Apply It In Whole bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Ct erred in finding that equitable estoppel applied to number of payments, but not amount of payment bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Reservation to Ct of review ‘considering all factors’ sufficient preserves broad power for Ct Determination bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where Marital Settlement Agreement Reserves Ct ‘continuing jurisdiction,’ Ct erred in refusing to do so bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where Marital Settlement Agreement Contemplated ‘full consideration’ by trial ct, refusal to do so is error bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Trial Ct Decisions on ‘Equitable Estoppel’ Are Reviewed for Abuse of Discretion bit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Kansas Cts Treat Interpreations of Marital Settlement Agreements as Legal Issues Subject to de novo Reviewbit.ly/qCkNpc
- KansasDivorce
#IowaCts: Iowa Supreme Court Oral Arguments Will be Streamed Live sns.mx/vKfcy9
- KansasDivorce Divorce Discourse: Free Software for Clients to Develop Budgetsdi.vorc.es/qtbSwM
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: If my daughter’s father isn’t paying child support like he is ordered, isnt on birth crrtificat… http://rpx.me/p3Wc
- KansasDivorce Kansas Receives $3.4M As Part of Fed Affordable Care Act Immunization Improvements bit.ly/qYibjq
- KansasDivorce Study Links Writing Difficulties to ADHD bit.ly/naHg3l via
@kctherapist #ADHD Children 5X more likely to have problems with spelling
- KansasDivorce Reconnect with your partner by recalling early relationship moments MT
@MarriageMediate But Make Sure You’re Positive About It!
- KansasDivorce National Academy of Sciences Report Finds No Link Between Immunizations and
#Autism wapo.st/nnyHiU
- KansasDivorce They say divorce is contagious. So is love. RT
- KansasDivorce Arizona Father Obtains Mediated Visitation/Child Custody Agreement in Brazil Child Abduction Case bit.ly/ofu19i
- KansasDivorce Love failures are not life failures ow.ly/1eoZZ2
- KansasDivorce The New U.S. Deportation Policy Recognizes Same-Sex Couples as ‘Family’. But only for those in process bit.ly/nT76DM
- KansasDivorce 2nd marriages have unique financial challenges. If finances are hurting your marriage, consider marital mediation RT
- KansasDivorce Pew Research Reviews
#Census Data on Marriage and Divorcepewresearch.org/pubs/1380/marr…
- KansasDivorce Census Data Shows Marriage Earlier, Divorce Higher in South; Marriage Later, Divorce Lower in Northeast http://n.pr/nZ021K[NPR]
- KansasDivorce Kansas Insur Xchang Planning & Education Efforts Will Advance Despite Gov’r Rejection of $31.5M Fed Grant. bit.ly/oO5XLV via
- KansasDivorce More families living together means more family fightswapo.st/pKWtzY
- KansasDivorce
#Census: Marriage, divorce rates higher in the South, lower in Northeast usat.ly/reIUVl
- KansasDivorce He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still~Lao Tzu
- KansasDivorce What You Need to Know About Debt Before Entering Into a Post-marital Agreement bit.ly/odgeiU via
- KansasDivorce New Study Finds that
#MentalIllness Affects Men & Women Differently. bit.ly/q45dBB
- KansasDivorce A divorce trial is about as painful as major surgery, except you’re awake while it’s happening. Avoid at all costs. RT
- KansasDivorce
#Kansas #SRS to release plan for cutting $43M from budget:bit.ly/qERvOM RT @KHIorg
- KansasDivorce Violence, even well intentioned, always rebounds upon oneself~Lao Tzu
- KansasDivorce Are You TOO Comfortable in Your Relationship? Is it a Potential Problem? bit.ly/qRpfKA via
- KansasDivorce Perspectives on Dating a Single Parent: Kids Come Before Dates.wapo.st/qmTBF6 [
- KansasDivorce News story on Minnesota CtApp Decision on Parentage – Biology Does not Trump Psychology bit.ly/oJma8j via
- KansasDivorce #MinnCts: Biology is Only One Factor That Makes a Man a Father. Psychological Parent Must be Considered 1.usa.gov/r3TAZt [PDF}
- KansasDivorce The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be~Lao Tzu
- KansasDivorce The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step~Lao Tsu
- KansasDivorce Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy~Lao Tsu
- KansasDivorce To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did RT
- KansasDivorce Debt Considerations for Postnuptial Agreements bit.ly/pcGWUe RT
- KansasDivorce Lawsuit Against Hawaii Claiming Denial of Educational Services to Children with
#Autism “could cost State millions’ bit.ly/pb9J2q
- KansasDivorce Only you can control your actions when divorcing. Be the bigger person. Your kids will thank you! RT
- KansasDivorce The leading cases and statutes on postnuptial agreements in all US states bit.ly/nUNMsr RT
- KansasDivorce Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage~Lao Tzu
- KansasDivorce RT
@breaking Video Several cars crushed by falling bricks in Tysons Corner, Virginia Pauldonovan08 via @mpoppel youtu.be/2AnNlyDcySY
- KansasDivorce A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit~George Herbert RT
- KansasDivorce Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment—Lao Tzu via
- KansasDivorce 34-years later,
#SCOTUS will revisit Eye Witness Identification nyti.ms/o2GciR
- KansasDivorce Substance abusers are nearly 6-times more likely to report a lifetime suicide attempt cot.ag/ndgZkw RT
- KansasDivorce Intelligent Lust: Learning Ways for Sex to Heal the Past bit.ly/nTpqYz
- KansasDivorce 2 Kansas Areas Other Than Lawrence Seek Funds to Keep Local SRS Offices Open as Govr Cuts Critical Local Services bit.ly/n46HhS
- KansasDivorce
#MentalIllness is harder and more expensive to treat than to preventbit.ly/rkx5mZ
- KansasDivorce Writing letters to the school from Wrightslaw: bit.ly/oHzpLn via
- KansasDivorce Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities Executive Director Removed Aftr 18 Years bit.ly/pis5ij Council Moved to Govr Office 7/1
- KansasDivorce Kansas SRS Eliminates Support for Keys for Networking & Kansas Youth Empowerment Academy Child Advocacy Programsbit.ly/r4gqnI
- KansasDivorce Legal/Genetic Mother of Child Born to Gestational Mother Determined. NY Stat Unconstitutional 1.usa.gov/oIOVtU via
- KansasDivorce Is There a Cure for Divorce? huff.to/od0LEi via
- KansasDivorce Don’t Try to Control Your Child’s Life When Your Child Is At the Other Parent’s House. You’ll Fail.
- KansasDivorce California Assembly Approves Cell Phone Privacy Bill Requiring Warrant to Search Contents sfg.ly/p9rQmk
- KansasDivorce Do You Support
#Marriage Equality? Support the Human Rights Campaign’s (@HRC) Millions for Marriage bit.ly/mCas15
- KansasDivorce New authorization system will speed
#Kansas #Medicaid prescriptions bit.ly/oJtsGR
- KansasDivorce Washburn Law School-Topeka, Ks named as 1 of 60 ‘Best Value Law Schools-2011’ bit.ly/pV1dRH
- KansasDivorce Major Federal Legislation Concerned With Child Protection, Child Welfare, and Adoption: 1.usa.gov/o4hG6K via
- KansasDivorce “Upbeat Dad” Lives the Sweet Life After High-Conflict Divorce: Forgiveness is the Key to Living Better, Less Bitter bit.ly/rloBH7
- KansasDivorce Negotiation does not properly include threats to walk out when discussions get heated ow.ly/1em7fv
- KansasDivorce The Cost of Conflict: The Conflict Model of Human Interaction Costs Us Dearly bit.ly/n68HYt
- KansasDivorce 13 Tools for Resolving Conflict bit.ly/pFec6Y via
@AIMinstitute Good Advice No Matter the Conflict–or When
- KansasDivorce Preserving Facebook Discovery bit.ly/qTmvTP RT
- KansasDivorce The Kids Are Not Alright. Corporate Interests Threaten Children’s Welfare nyti.ms/rr1kA0
- KansasDivorce “Shame is a tool of oppression, not change.” There’s no shame in living with a
#mentalillness. @NAMIMass
- KansasDivorce NEVER use your child to carry an angry message to the other parent. via
@Chicago_Divorce Or, for that matter, Any Message. Talk Direct!
- KansasDivorce Understanding How Your Own Needs Block Communicationbit.ly/9amUOV
- KansasDivorce Bitter Over A ‘Destroyed’ Life ow.ly/1elOqX [
- KansasDivorce TN high court to set limits for paternity fraud suits bit.ly/mTejEl via
@Tennessean. Been happening all over country. RT @GAdivorce
- KansasDivorce 10 tips for working with a divorce attorney: bit.ly/oJvPGn RT
- KansasDivorce Your children have enough to deal with in
#divorce, NEVER make them feel sorry for you. MT @Chicago_Divorce
- KansasDivorce Using QR Codes to Share a Presentation: bit.ly/pBvGRQ
- KansasDivorce On this day in 1863: William Quantrill led a raid on Lawrence, Kansas (Quantrill’s Raid)
- KansasDivorce
#SocialSecurity #Disability on the verge of insolvency as people w/ disabilities lose their jobs & can’t find new ones nyti.ms/qcWy1o
- KansasDivorce Never injure a friend, even in jest~Cicero