Weekly Twitter Update 2016–January–17
#KSLegislature: Bills to save #KSCourts budget will be heard by House and Senate committees bit.ly/1J4Xz9s fb.me/70yW74g99
#KSCourts: #JOCO first in Kansas to offer Veterans Treatment instead of jail bit.ly/1ZxxJlG
Johnson County program is first in Kansas to offer veterans treatment instead of jail via.fox4kc.com/t7gDz via @fox4kc
#KSLegislature: Bills to save #KSCourts budget will be heard by House and Senate committees bit.ly/1J4Xz9s
Child-custody issues for parents of #specialneeds children bit.ly/1J4Xz9s
Tucson attorney says #Arizona Governor’s campaign to shame ‘deadbeat parents’ won’t make them pay bit.ly/1l9PdBx
Temporary agreement announced in Knoxville TN #Hague #Abduction battle over Mexican boy bit.ly/1l9OMr2
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2016 bit.ly/1R0ECah
New York judge rules that woman’s Facebook ‘tagging’ of victim may constitute protection order violation bit.ly/1n1L9oZ
Bill introductions on the agenda. HCR 5013 hearing was cancelled. #ks
A judge has ordered Kentucky to pay $1.1M in fees in same-sex marriage case; rejected request for 75% enhancement at.law.com/NZiifP
#KSLegislature: #HB2147 Amending #PFA/ #PFS statutes, #HJudiciaryhearing 01/21/2016 in 112N @3:30p #KSLegislature: bit.ly/1ZvBg3Q
#KSLegislature: #HB2002 Sexual exploitation of child #HJudiciary will hear testimony on 01/19/2016 @3:30p in Rm 112N bit.ly/1Pcd5wc
#KSLegislature: #HB2451 Introduced: Expanding list of mandatory reporters of #childabuse to animal control officers bit.ly/1PccrPv
Updated Page: Legislature–2016 bit.ly/1OcEuhe
“Why I Kept My Maiden Name” huff.to/1Ztlq9V
#KSLegislature: #HB2449 Introduced: Eliminate ‘non-severability’ clause to #KSCourts funding, allowing severability bit.ly/1RLQqfr
#KSLegislature: #SB320 Introduced: Eliminating ’non-severability’ clause in #KSCourts funding, allowing severability bit.ly/1RLQ7Bb
Sen. King also introduces bill to have 100 day session in odd years and 60 days in even years. #ksleg
#KSCourts: Chief Justice Nuss will give 2016 State of the Judiciary speech on February 3, 2016: bit.ly/1W3h442 #sotj
#KSLegislature: Introduced #SB315: Limiting Number of Foster Children in Homes bit.ly/1IYMEhh
#KSLegislature: #HCR5013 #HJudiciary hearing Constitutional Amendment: Attack on Fair Courts 01/13/2016 bit.ly/1W3g3ZN
#KSLegislature: #HB2323 #HJudiciary hears testimony on KS Act Against Discrimination: Sexual Orientation, 01/14/2016 bit.ly/1W3foYh
House in session. #ksleg underway
Good Afternoon #ksleg. On the House Floor. We gavel in at 2. We have some new legislators to swear in. GOP will also elect a new caucus whip
Rep. O’Brien wants a standing foster care oversight Cmte similar to one for KanCare #ksleg
It passed on a 5-1 vote, if I counted correctly. #kslegtwitter.com/bryanlowry3/st…
Divided #Alaska Supreme Court rules on Native #childsupport issue bit.ly/1P4a1ST @JuneauEmpire #SCOAK
Kansas Child Support Guidelines updated; some increases may be seen: bit.ly/1P49y38 @GardnerKSNews
Week ahead: Kansas considers changing membership of supreme court nominating commission wp.me/p4BAOf-2Gm #ksleg
“Backstage at the Legislature: Staff of hundreds make sessions run on time” #ksleg on LJWorld.com www2.ljworld.com/news/2016/jan/…
#KSLegislature: #SB315 Prefiled: Limiting number of foster children in a home bit.ly/1IYMEhh
#KSCourts: #JOCO launches first #Veterans Treatment Court in Kansas bit.ly/1IYLpyE
#MSCourts: Court erred granting grandparent child-custody over parent without considering strong parental preference 1.usa.gov/1PnxJtE
#KSLegislature: The 2016 Session Begins Today: Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate bit.ly/1OcEuhe
8 Small Ways to Show Your Spouse Some Love flip.it/Bs35S