Weekly Twitter Update 2016–January–10
#WICourts: Trial court erred interpreting previous order to require it to equalize incomes by increasing alimony wicourts.gov/ca/opinion/Dis…
#NDCourts: Court did not err awarding permanent maintenance instead of rehabilitative maintenance ndcourts.gov/court/opinions…
#NCCourts: Court had power to set-aside previous #childcustody order though court no longer had #UCCJEA jurisdiction appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&…
#NCCourts: A temporary child custody order is not a “final appealable order” appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&…
#NCCourts: Court erred dismissing “dueling” petition for protection instead of hearing it with other partys petition appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&…
#NCCourts: Party cannot object to an equal division of marital property when party asked Court for equal division appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&…
#ILCourts: Appeals courts do not re-decide issues of property division or witness credibility illinoiscourts.gov/R23_Orders/App…
#ILCourts: Trial court is not required to follow recommendations of child custody evaluation expert illinoiscourts.gov/R23_Orders/App…
Study shows how canine advocates help children in court & forensic interviews. @CAP_Michigan buff.ly/1Zd5DGM pic.twitter.com/Cm5RYZInAz
#ILCourts: Appeals court does not re-try or re-determine trial court determinations of child-custody, parenting time illinoiscourts.gov/R23_Orders/App…
#ILCourts: Trial court need not grant child-custody as desired by the children, rather than for their best interests illinoiscourts.gov/R23_Orders/App…
#ARCourts: Court did not err ordering that child support continue though mother’s visitation was ordered stopped opinions.aoc.arkansas.gov/WebLink8/0/doc…
#AZCourts: Adoption overturned where bio-father diligently pursued determination of parentage azcourts.gov/Portals/0/Opin…
#AKCourts: Parent does not have absolute right to leave workforce for religious reasons if it affects child support courtrecords.alaska.gov/webdocs/opinio…
#AKCourts: Courts do not use a “best interest” standard when determining #childsupport, guidelines guide the award courtrecords.alaska.gov/webdocs/opinio…
#AKCourts: A parent has an obligation to support child regardless of parent’s “vow of poverty” & subsistence… fb.me/7EKiK8ZYN
#AKCourts: A parent has an obligation to support child regardless of parent’s “vow of poverty” & subsistence living courtrecords.alaska.gov/webdocs/opinio…
#AKCourts: #Childsupport reduction denial affirmed where parent voluntarily quit job for “subsistence living” courtrecords.alaska.gov/webdocs/opinio…
#KSCourts: No Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals decisions were issued this past week (2015-Jan-8): kansas-divorce.com/kansas-family-…
Why You Should Get Divorced This Year flip.it/89X4_
14 Signs You’re in a Healthy Relationship time.com/3699452/health…
Ala. high court chief orders halt to same-sex marriage licenses flip.it/VIqrL
Alabama chief justice: Same-sex marriage ban still in effect cnn.com/2016/01/06/pol…
Governor, DCF officials to announce start of new mentoring program for poor, foster kids reaching adulthood. bit.ly/1PMUWtZ #ksleg
1st decision on 1996 #Hague Convention on Protection of Children issued by @UKSupremeCourt re Art 11 “urgency” bit.ly/22KytTs
Pennsylvania mother jailed after abducting 3 children from their father’s residence bit.ly/22Ky7MM
#JOCO Sheriff Frank Denning announces he will not run for re-election bit.ly/1S1Tjdb #jocoks
#UIFSA Amendments benefit #VirginIslands children & families bit.ly/1Ut4vgI by @vilaw fb.me/Jj7nToGQ
#UIFSA Amendments benefit #VirginIslands children & families bit.ly/1Ut4vgI by @vilaw
Federal court issues #Hague #Abduction order restraining mother from again removing/concealing child’s location bit.ly/1R8ZKem
What not to say to a divorcing friend flip.it/GYACb
Kansas Legislature seeks new website host. Not happy with quality, cost of service bought from executive branch IT. cjonline.com/news/state/201…
Landmark cases in 2015 clarified the right to equal marriage; but opened a world of questions washingtonpost.com/news/acts-of-f…
#PACourts: Although stepparents generally don’t owe #childsupport, they may in unique situations when seeking rights pacourts.us/assets/opinion…
#PACourts: Stepparent may be liable for #childsupport by aggressively seeking #childcustody / opposing #relocation pacourts.us/assets/opinion…