Weekly Twitter Update 2016–February–28
Kansas’ first Veterans Treatment Court comes to #JOCO bit.ly/1nbIB6S#kscourts
Updated Page: Seminars and Presentations bit.ly/LA3YYi
#KSCourts: District Judicial Nominating Commission Election results posted: bit.ly/1TE4wQK
#KSCourts: 13th District (#Butler #Greenwood #Elk) Chief Judge David Ricke will sit with Supreme Court March 1 2016 bit.ly/1TE4jgz
#KSCourts: 6th District (#Miami) Judge Amy Harth will sit with Supreme Court by designation March 1, 2016: bit.ly/1TE3Yul
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2016 bit.ly/1R0ECahfb.me/QrGpBTRa
#KSCourts: 2 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals decisions were issued today (2016-Feb-26): bit.ly/1R0ECah #113355 ##114251
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2016 bit.ly/1R0ECah
Kansas gunman was served with domestic restraining order before #Hesston shooting spree wapo.st/24t27O5
#KSLegislature: #SB439, Impeachment of #KSCourts judges/political retribution; #SJudiciary Hearing Mar 3 1030a bit.ly/24t0iAJ
#KSLegislature: #SB466, Domestic Battery penalties, #SCorrectionsHearing Mar 3 0930a bit.ly/1OsFPjP
#KSLegislature: #HB2704, #KSCourts appropriations, judge salaries; #HJudiciary Hearing: Mar 3 3:30p bit.ly/1WpVfv0
#KSLegislature: #SB325 #CINC Prosecutor Records Access, #HCorrectionshearing Mar 3 1:30p bit.ly/1NacUAn
Updated Page: Seminars and Presentations bit.ly/LA3YYi
Updated Page: Ronald W. Nelson’s complete curriculum vitae bit.ly/RJqbsz
Transgender activist sues state of Kansas for refusing to change gender on birth certificate kansas.com/news/politics-… #ksleg #lgbt
#KSLegislature bill would require municipal courts certify compliance with standards or be shut down #kscourts twitter.com/GaveltoGavel/s…
A very legal playground: Inherent Jurisdiction) and the #habitualresidenceseesaw bit.ly/1VEzgjX
Judge to Parents in Bitter Child-Custody Dispute: Be Nice bit.ly/1VEyROs
KS Supreme Court announces cases for March 9 special session at Topeka High School. Open to the public. kscourts.org/Kansas-Courts/…
#KSCourts: Supreme Court announces list of cases for hearing in Topeka March 9, 2016: bit.ly/20V8FjO #SCOKS
Late #KSCourts Chief Justice Kay McFarland’s estate sale to be large, offer high-quality goods cjonline.com/news/2016-02-2…
Senate passes Knox’s CARE Foster care bil, 24-15. Reimburses certain foster parents for cost of private/parochial/home school. #ksleg
Knox’s foster care bill passes 24-15. The judicial measure passes 28-9 #ksleg
That’s it for the #ksleg House until Wednesday, March 2nd. When we return, we will work Senate bills, and Blessed House bills.
#KSLegislature: #SB466 Introduced: Increased Penalties for Domestic Battery bit.ly/1OsFPjP
Senate approves ‘sexting’ bill concerning teens sending naked images of other youth: cjonline.com/news/2016-02-2… #kslegpic.twitter.com/r73ownrjR3
Understanding Violence of Texting and Sexting: loveisrespect.org/is-this-abuse/… #teenDVmonth #TDVAM #TDVAM2016pic.twitter.com/78gFc6Kubc
Kansas Senate advances proposal promoting prohibition era ideal #fostercare program <bit.ly/1L8Zw5s fb.me/7do13Ycmr
Kansas Senate advances proposal promoting prohibition era ideal #fostercare program <bit.ly/1L8Zw5s