Weekly Twitter Update 2015–September–20
#KSCourts: Although some issues may be relitigated #ResJudicata bars change when facts are the same as before bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: Changes to previous #childsupport orders require the movant to show a material change bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: #ResJudicata applies to #custody & support only as to matters determined and when it was rendered… fb.me/7wSGTEKLa
#KSCourts: #ResJudicata applies to #custody & support only as to matters determined and when it was rendered bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: As a general rule, #ResJudicata is not relevant to decrees awarding child custody or support bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: #ResJudicata embraces 2 concepts: claim preclusion & issue preclusion bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960 fb.me/3tmgDwcTI
#KSCourts: #ResJudicata embraces 2 concepts: claim preclusion & issue preclusion bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: #ResJudicata prevents parties from relitigating claims previously decided bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: Trial court incorrectly applied #resjudicata to preclude subpoenaing 3rd party financial records bit.ly/1QvItrX #112960
#KSCourts: Trial court did not err refusing to award attorneys fees where #UCCJEA jurisdiction at issue bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Under circumstances presented, Kansas court retained nonexclusive #UCCJEA jurisdiction to modify bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: In order to modify child custody, court must have #UCCJEAmodification jurisdiction under Sec201 bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Kansas court cannot modify child custody merely because it is convenient to do so bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Kansas court can only modify #child custody if it has #UCCJEAmodification jurisdiction bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: #KS court cannot speculate what would happen if court had had not made error in #UCCJEA deferral bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Kansas appellate courts cannot deny #UCCJEA jurisdiction because other state declined jurisdiction bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Kansas court must defer to other state’s determination that it is/not inconvenient #UCCJEA forum bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Kansas court cannot decide that another state is an “inconvenient” #UCCJEA forum bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: #KS was not #UCCJEA ‘home state’ merely because they previously lived in Kansas bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Trial court divested itself of #UCCJEA jurisdiction by acknowledged parties & child moved from KS… fb.me/6ShXkTu2y
#KSCourts: Trial court divested itself of #UCCJEA jurisdiction by acknowledged parties & child moved from KS bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Parties’ statement that they believe Kansas would continue to be #UCCJEA forum does not bind court bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Parties do not contract for jurisdiction by merely acknowledging that the #UCCJEA applies bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Parties cannot waive #UCCJEA jurisdiction by failure raise issue to trial court. Court must review bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Parties cannot confer or deny a court’s #UCCJEA subject matter jurisdiction by agreement bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: When a statute is plain & not ambiguous, legislative intent is determined by statute’s terms… fb.me/Md3sHCa0
#KSCourts: When a statute is plain & not ambiguous, legislative intent is determined by statute’s terms bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: A question involving the interpretation of the #UCCJEA is a question of law, denote review bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: #UCCJEA Jurisdiction is #subjectmatter jurisdiction bit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: #KSCOA affirms #UCCJEA decision involving Kansas and #ARbit.ly/1JlKAJc #112206
#KSCourts: Supreme Court Docket for November 6, 2015: bit.ly/1JlKq4H#Gannon
#KSCourts: Supreme Court Docket for October 2015: bit.ly/1JlKlOm
#KSCourts: Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in Garden City on October 13, 2015: bit.ly/1FpMZ6W
Harvard university posts disturbing data on non-consensual campus sex, esp among #LGBTQ students: ow.ly/Sui49
Kansas, coercion and the courts: What an unholy mess fw.to/u935SOT via @smartelle @latimes #ksleg #kscourts
#KSCourts: Kansas Court of Appeals will hear arguments in appeals cases on Wednesday, Sept 23, 2015: bit.ly/1QrPoST
Alabama Supreme Court: We Don’t Have To Recognize Lesbian Adoption Via @DailyCaller dailycaller.com/2015/09/18/ala…
#USCA6 rejects another appeal from Kim Davis in which she claims court order applies only to named-plaintiffs nyti.ms/1QqHAAF
#ALCourts: #Alabama Supreme Court refuses to recognize #GA second-parent adoption decree by same-sex couple 1.usa.gov/1KnOxBk
Saga surrounding Kentucky clerk may not be over apnews.myway.com/article/201509…
#KSCourts: 2 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions were released yesterday (2015-Sept-18): bit.ly/1HkKjs0 #112206 #112960 #UCCJEA
@KSAGOffice asks #SCOKS Justices to recuse themselves from deciding appeal of #KSCourts separation of powers: bit.ly/1FmglXG
#SpecialNeeds Parenting in Stunning Photo Series abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/phot…
Tennessee Lawmakers Unveil Defiant Bill Aimed at Dismantling Gay Marriage Ruling theblaze.com/stories/2015/0…
#KSCourts: Kansas Court of Appeals commemorates #ConstitutionDay with session at KU – September 22, 2015 bit.ly/1NFNMXU
#KSCourts: Unpublished opinions of the Kansas Supreme Court and Kansas Court of Appeals are now accessible online bit.ly/1UT1S7i
NY appeals court upholds trial court ruling that teen does not have to visit dad, but should suspend child support bit.ly/1Mpai7g
Florida marriage licenses become gender-neutral usatoday.com/story/news/nat…
Kentucky clerk returning from jail won’t authorize issuance of marriage licenses, but won’t block deputies either. reut.rs/1URq4Ha
Congratulations to @IAML_FamLaw & its Pres. @WilliamLongrigg on voting to become the IAFL (International Academy of Family Lawyers) in 2016.
#FLCourts: Florida Supreme Court adopts ’no frills’ judicial robe policy bit.ly/1NrHk5d
#FLCourts: Court erred making parenting time “subject to” recommendations of social investigator, improper delegation bit.ly/1iaxWXI
#FLCourts: Trial court erred entering emergency supervised parenting time without adequate notice/hearing on merits bit.ly/1iaxrwV
Kentucky clerk asks for another delay issuing gay-marriage licenses chicagotribune.com/news/nationwor…
The Kentucky clerk is far from alone in denying all couples marriage licenses theguardian.com/us-news/2015/s…
Gay marriage plaintiffs bill Ohio more than $1.1 million for legal fees cleveland.com/open/index.ssf…