Weekly Twitter Update 2015–July–26

Ronald W Nelson, PA@KansasDivorce

: Court did not abuse discretion allocating education exp, but erred excluding parents college ed contrib bit.ly/1GLRiHa

Anything You Post May Be Used Against You…in a Divorce huff.to/1GLQOB0 by @jtmatty1

: Appeal courts do not re-decide childcustody cases an appealing party believes were wrongly decided bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: Litigants who “sit on your rights, you lose them, often with unfortunate results” bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: Trial court has unique advantage child custody decisions; appeals ct will not redetermine issues bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: To preserve appeal issue, appealing party must object to lack of findings of fact or law bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: Court need not specifically reference child custody factors if clear it used them to make decision bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: When party fails to object to trial court lack of findings appeal court assumes correctly made bit.ly/1CVD7Vj #112561

: Appeals court finds no manifest error by judge finding no  modification appropriate  bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Law of the case bars relitigation/redetermination of issue already litigated and determined  bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Failure to support a point on appeal is an abandonment of that issue bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Appeals court does not reweigh evidence or overturn a credibility finding by the trial court bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Trial court can base its decisions to modify support on lack of credibility bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Though material change to modify support is a precondition, it does not mandate that change occur bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Trial court has discretion to implicitly impute income to a party for   bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Appeals court presumes trial court found facts supporting its decisions, unless clearly no support bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Party asserting trial court error bears burden of showing abuse of discretion bit.ly/1HOS9uJ #112188

: Appellate atty fees awarded for  reversal of trial and appeals court  decisions bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Though interest not included in lump sum judgment transmitted to TX, doesn’t mean interest barred bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

@DCFKansas limitation to enforce lump sum determined does not stop interest accruing bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

 interest attaches as a matter of law, not as a result of court order bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

 Obligee parent not in ‘privity’ with state collector for res judicata purposes  bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Obligee parent not precluded from recovery of interest in  enforcement filing bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Before res judicata ‘privity’ requirement applies requires that parties truly have same interest bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Res judicata requires parties be same or in privity “Privity” requires careful exam of circumstance bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Res judicata is applied case-by-case, not in rigid, technical way bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: In applying res judicata, courts must be mindful of reasons for its application, not merely form bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: 4 elements Resjudicata: same claims/parties, issues were/could previously raised, merits judgment bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

: Whether claim is barred by res judicata is issue of law subject to de novo consideration  bit.ly/1HOOsW2 #10907

 overturns   decision holding no res judicata applied since parties not the same bit.ly/1HOOsW2

: 3 Kansas  Appeals Decisions Issued Today–1  (2015-July-24) bit.ly/1HkKjs0 #109079 #112188 #112561

9 Alabama Counties Still Not Issuing Gay Marriage Licenses abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/a…

: 10 candidates apply for 9th judicial district ( judge vacancy created by retirement bit.ly/1gOS1CA

US Appeals Court rejects judge’s order that man cannot have sex without contraception: bit.ly/1GDCOt5

: 9th District ( ) Chief Judge Richard to retire August 1, 2015 after 31 years: bit.ly/1JfdzDr

Cell-phone user did not have an “expectation of privacy” preventing use of information gained from “butt-call” 1.usa.gov/1egaNRF

 September Docket for Kansas City: bit.ly/1eg7LN1

: September Docket for Kansas Court of Appeals is posted: bit.ly/f2sEdn

: A married couple does not live “separate & apart” under CFC 771 when they live together in the same home. bit.ly/1eg75aw

: Married couples are not legally separated until one of them moves out of their house says  bit.ly/1eg6RA8

Please consider this tweet a friendly reminder that civility is all the rage these days and there’s plenty of room on the bandwagon.

When It Comes To Marriage Counseling, Timing Is Everything ow.ly/PQzRc

Kansas attorney provides pro bono services for adoption of more than 1000 kids. Way to go! nbcnews.com/nightly-news/l…

European Court of Human Rights condemns Italy for failing to provide legal recognition to same-sex couples reut.rs/1Lq3o0N

Texas Concedes Case Over Benefits for Same-Sex Couples, by Alexa Ura texastribune.org/2015/07/20/tex…

The Negative In Positive Stereotypes n.pr/1Khguu8

: Supreme Court refuses to remove  judge from hearing   case bit.ly/1KhfkyK

: Trial court is not required to state any particular facts that a party desires it to make bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Trial court appropriately denied  visits in contested child custody proceeding bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Appeals courts do not make arguments appellant should have made: we cannot serve as both advocate & judge bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Appellant conclusion that inadmissible evidence entered into court decision not entitled to consideration bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Appeals courts do not reweigh or redetermine factual or discretionary issues bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Court did not inappropriately award grandparent visitation by allowing appellee to decide when in her care bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Appeals court will not consider claim that trial judge was biased for the first time case appealed bit.ly/1Kff9H7

: Only that portion of a pension earned during the marriage is part of marital estate for division 1.usa.gov/1KfdvoR

: Father’s increased ability to pay was substantial change justifying  increase bit.ly/1e9TmSz

 evaluator entitled to quasi-judicial immunity despite claim that appointment secured by fraud bit.ly/1TKVi41

: Trial courts are the ultimate arbiters of disputed facts based upon testimony presented to that court bit.ly/1TKTLLh

: Appellant claim that no evidence supported court decision overruled because Appellee testified to the fact bit.ly/1TKTLLh

: SCt affirms transfer of Marriott hotel loyalty points over objection it improperly modifies divorce decree bit.ly/1TKTLLh

: Trial court should have considered improperly labeled motion for rehearing, rather than dismissing it bit.ly/1TKTs3j

: When timesharing schedule did not include school designation or move restriction, court erred changing it bit.ly/1TKTcRO

Two senior Kansas federal district judges set to fully retire from the bench within next 2 months: bit.ly/1Lv70Nt