Weekly Twitter Update 2015–January–18
Supreme Court will hear arguments over same-sex marriage in April (Video): http://bit.ly/1AsW4Xx
Supreme Court to hear arguments whether state ban on marriage by same-sex couples is constitutional: http://bit.ly/1AsW4Xx
Let’s be clear – the marriage bans are about animus http://zite.to/1ynaQnN
If The Supreme Court Legalizes Same Sex Marriage In 2015, How Will Evangelicals Respond? http://zite.to/1Asy0Ee
Updated Page: Media http://bit.ly/Mw7ea4
ACLU promises to push forward on Kansas marriage lawsuit after U.S. Supreme Court takes 4 6th Circuit cases http://bit.ly/1zngR3u
#KSCourts: Personal service at hearing to contest personal jurisdiction cannot support jurisdiction http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Substantial evidence supported trial court finding personal jurisdiction http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Personal jurisdiction existed to enter support orders against non-resident in protection action http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
#KSLegislature: Introduced #HB2039, Domestic Case Management, #KSHouse http://bit.ly/1ysbzAP #dcm
#KSCourts: 2 brief visits to state cannot support ‘constitutionally permissible personal jurisdiction http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: 2-step process governs personal jurisdiction: 1/ statutory basis 2/ constitutionally permissible http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Party claiming jurisdiction exists bears burden to establish it http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Appeals court has unlimited power to determine if personal jurisdiction exists http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Otherwise moot appeal may be heard under certain circumstances http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Whether appeal is moot is a question of law http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: PFAO appeal not moot when financial orders issued may be enforced after order expiration http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: Appeals court finds personal jurisdiction for support order vs non-resident not served in-state http://bit.ly/1ys8yR2 #110058
#KSCourts: 1 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decision Issued Today (2015-Jan-16) #110058 http://bit.ly/1HkKjs0
#KSCourts: 1 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decision Issued Today (2015-Jan-16) #110058
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2015 http://bit.ly/1HkKjs0
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2006 http://bit.ly/N1HMd3
How to Tell if You’re in the Wrong Relationship http://zite.to/1y3Qdeh
Plaintiffs in successful same-sex marriage lawsuits awarded >$800K attorneys fees with more fees pending: http://bit.ly/17NAztN
Updated Page: International Child Abduction (Hague Convention) http://bit.ly/1KOdZQV
Updated Page: Publications http://bit.ly/LkmZ2O
Federal Judge says Michigan Must Recognize 300-Plus Marriages by Same-Sex Couples When They Were Allowed in 2014 http://zite.to/1zjT98k
Middle age is slightly less terrible when you’re married http://wapo.st/1G3qLew @Wonkblog
News: Weekly Twitter Update 2015–January–11 http://bit.ly/1AkqI5n
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2009 http://bit.ly/S4IdjR
Updated Page: Publications http://bit.ly/LkmZ2O
Updated Page: Third-Party and Grandparent Visitation http://bit.ly/1stITTl
Updated Page: Client Information and Forms http://bit.ly/NoVpkh
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Forms http://bit.ly/KUyiMp
Updated Page: Kansas Divorce, Annulment and Legal Separation http://bit.ly/1x1tOu2
Updated Page: Interstate Jurisdiction and Enforcement http://bit.ly/MsO1Va
Updated Page: Child Custody and Parenting Time http://bit.ly/1KOeWZp
Updated Page: Frequently Asked Questions http://bit.ly/LC4Zza
Updated Page: International Child Abduction (Hague Convention) http://bit.ly/1KOdZQV
Orthodox Jewish rabbi admits conspiring to travel interstate to force man to give Jewish Get http://bit.ly/1ynT5l2
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
.@uniformlaws Quarterly Report, Issue 18 issued: http://bit.ly/1ynPEea
Maryland parents investigated for neglect after letting kids walk one-mile home alone http://wapo.st/1x5aVqi
Updated Page: Appellate Practice and Procedure http://bit.ly/XnkDZq
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2014 http://bit.ly/JyIajN
#KSCourts: Three #Shawnee Judges sworn into office http://bit.ly/1ylsipC
#KSCourts: Effective 3/2/2015 ALL attorneys must e-file with #Johnson Courts; no paper or fax filings http://bit.ly/1sevpik
My answer to: In the state of Kansas, How easy is it for a mother to gain full custody of a special needs c… http://rpx.me/1/UD86l
#KSCourts has a funding problem but also a clear solution: http://bit.ly/1xqgOwX @kansasdotcom #kslegislature
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
New Page: Cohabitation, Living Together and Alternative Relationships http://bit.ly/1x1u4cx
New Page: Kansas Divorce, Annulment and Legal Separation http://bit.ly/1x1tOu2
Updated Page: Attorney Representation, Self Representation, Costs and Fees http://bit.ly/1x1t6Nq
RT @SSCJoCoKs: I just heard there is going to be a bill introduced in this cmmte today that will allow for judges to be recalled. #kscourts
Updated Page: Appellate Practice and Procedure http://bit.ly/XnkDZq
#ksleg House Judiciary Committee scheduled for a bill introduction meeting at 330
Updated Page: Introduction http://bit.ly/1xZ34ON
Updated Page: Frequently Asked Questions http://bit.ly/LC4Zza
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
#KSLegislature: Introduced #SB12 Battery on judge, attorney or court services officer http://bit.ly/1FSljed
House Judiciary has 12 attorneys and 11 non-attorneys. #ksleg
Rep. Rubin makes conceptual proposal to amend the KS constitution to change merit selection. #ksleg
#KSLegislature: Rubin proposes 9 member #kscourts nominating comm’n, 3 by governor, 3 by speaker and 3 by Senate president MT @KansasBarLeg
#KSLegislature: Attacks on #KSCourts beginning early with multiple proposed bills to change selection & retirement
Rep. Macheers introduces bill to reduce retirement age of judges: District 75 to 70, appellate 75 to 65. #kscourts MT @KansasBarLeg:
International law bar takes aim at overbroad bans on #Shariah law http://bit.ly/1svbCwa RT @ABAJournal
Federal Judge strikes down South Dakota’s same-sex marriage ban http://zite.to/1Cfq1gc
Chairman king introduces bills dealing with magistrate judge jurisdiction and new bill to deal with summary judgment motion fees. #ksleg
KS Judicial Council introduces bill dealing with Power of Attorney. #ksleg
To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This http://zite.to/1DzRq09