Weekly Twitter Update 2015–Feb-1
My answer to: If your son and daughter in law are getting a divorce, would it be acceptable for the grandpa… http://rpx.me/1/Bjk7l
My answer to: Is commission a guarantee income? http://rpx.me/1/gik7l
Anonymous sperm donation a thing of the past in Germany – http://www.bioedge.org/index.php/bioethics/bioethics_article/11309 …
#KSCourts: Governor’s office refusing to disclose names of candidates passed over for Court of Appeals http://bit.ly/1yWbw1P MT @APjdhanna
#MECourts: Maine Supreme Court rules against medical marijuana patient in child custody appeal http://bit.ly/1CkjZ1q
#KSCourts: Testimony of step-parent seeking adoption cannot meet requirement of “written” consent http://bit.ly/16694Li #112259
#KSCourts: #Adoption is not a right; it is a privilege granted by statute. Statutory requirements must be met http://bit.ly/16694Li #112259
#KSCourts: Stepparent adoption statute requires parental consent, it is improper without–even if deceased http://bit.ly/16694Li #112259
#KSCourts: Step-parent adoption properly dismissed where step-parent did not have deceased parent’s written consent http://bit.ly/16694Li
#TXCourts: Court erred ordering removal of family violence indicator from support enforcement reporting system #CSE http://bit.ly/1DnNCvN
#KSCourts: 1 Kansas #FamilyLaw related appeals decision was issued today (2015-Jan-30): http://bit.ly/1HkKjs0
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2015 http://bit.ly/1HkKjs0
#KSCourts: Supreme Court Docket for March 2015 Posted: http://bit.ly/1DeBUDh
#ILCourts: Subsequent final divorce order renders appeal of interlocutory orders moot, no exception shown http://bit.ly/1Dexigx
Five strategies for divorcing/separation from a partner with a high-conflict personality http://bit.ly/1ESNvtn via @HighConflict
Let’s take guns out of the hands of abusers in Kansas–at least temporarily http://bit.ly/1DlVxtF #kslegislature
Naming Kathryn Gardner as my nominee for the Kansas Court of Appeals. On to the Senate for confirmation. #ksleg
Center. Kathryn Gardner, Brownback’s nominee to KS Court of Appeals. #ksleg
Proud to name Kathryn Gardner to the Kansas Court of Appeals. #ksleg
#KSCourts: Governor Sam Brownback nominates Kathryn Gardner to Kansas Court of Appeals http://1.usa.gov/1tABCHc
Brownback nominates Topeka attorney Kathryn Gardner to KS Court of Appeals. #ksleg http://www.kansaspublicradio.org/kpr-news/brownback-selects-topeka-attorney-ks-court-appeals …
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals Judge Karen Arnold-Burger awarded #ABAJudicial Award http://bit.ly/1tAt6I6
#MECourts: Trial court did not violate protection in #Maine Medical Marijuana Act by modifying child’s residence http://1.usa.gov/160caAs
#MECourts: Contempt finding not “compelled” where disputed intent/evidence presented http://1.usa.gov/160bBXo
#MECourts: Trial ct refusal to modify spousal support award 27-years after original entry affirmed; no change shown http://1.usa.gov/160b08f
#MECourts: Lump sum attorneys fee award remanded; requesting party failed to itemize fees/hours/basis http://1.usa.gov/1wF26SK
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
SB58 makes clear Shawnee County is only venue for actions of judicial review of state agencies. #ksleg
Why You Should Tell Your Children How Much You Earn: http://nyti.ms/15Wz1Mz
Updated Page: Legislative http://bit.ly/10jFGfV
MT @KansasBarLeg: Gov. Brownback to name new #KSCourts Appeals judge Thursday
A Marriage of Convenience http://nyti.ms/1EQyF6D
Yes, same-sex marriage is legal. No you cannot get married. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/29/us/battles-over-same-sex-marriage-roil-statehouses-ahead-of-supreme-courts-decision.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share …
Same-sex Marriage Foes Dig In At The State Level… http://fb.me/75wOSLi6s
#KSCourts: 11th District Nominating Comm’n #Cherokee seeking nominees for district magistrate judge position http://bit.ly/1y60uTK
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
Updated Page: Legislative http://bit.ly/10jFGfV
#KSLegislature: #HB2039 Domestic Case Management. Testimony to House Judiciary today: http://bit.ly/1Lhwmhs
Kansas House moves to eliminate post-midnight sessions, limit bundling of multiple measures in a single bill. http://bit.ly/1y3De91 #ksleg
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice warns governor about same sex marriage rulings http://zite.to/1Lg3iqn
Mormon Church backs legal protections for gays — and the religious http://lat.ms/1z8LEyF
Lesbian couple wins the right to have both mothers on the birth certificate in Virginia. https://lnkd.in/eGiudYk
Massive Resistance MT @mcpli Ala. Chief Justice Roy Moore urges defiance of federal court orders on same-sex marriage http://media.al.com/news_impact/other/Read%20Chief%20Justice%20Moore%20letter.pdf …
New @DCFKansas Foster Parent and Youth Ombudsman named to help foster families in Kansas http://1.usa.gov/1H7scsO
Kansas courts now in the center of partisan politics, attacked for partisan gain http://bit.ly/1BkGtty
#KSCourts: Robert Wonnell appointed as new #Johnson District Judge by governor http://1.usa.gov/1BkByJi
Rubin’s anti-bundling amendment passes 82-35. Limits conference committee reports to only original bill and one other. #ksleg
Here’s the vote on Rep. Rubin’s amendment to stop work at midnight. #ksleg
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
Alabama same-sex marriage ruling put on hold: No same-sex wedding licenses for 2 weeks http://bit.ly/15DJNHy
News: Weekly Twitter Update 2015–January–25 http://bit.ly/1ynRwAh
News: Weekly Twitter Update 2015–January–18 http://bit.ly/1ynQ1ln
Updated Page: Legislative http://bit.ly/10jFGfV
#KSCourts Chief Justice Defends Kansas Merit Selection System http://bit.ly/1wy98Zz
The First Date That Changed Everything http://zite.to/1CHVMB2
Updated Page: Legislature 2015 http://bit.ly/1yEyuv3
Updated Page: Appellate http://bit.ly/OxjmaO
Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2015 http://bit.ly/1HkKjs0
Deeply conservative Oklahoma adjusts to sudden arrival of same-sex marriage http://zite.to/1yYpeA0