Weekly Twitter Update 2015–April–26
- by Ronald Nelson
- News
Five lawyers take on history in Supreme Court same-sex marriage cases http://wapo.st/1Oqkeia
Internet is transforming #India‘s concept of #marriage http://nyti.ms/1Oqh79Y
Busloads of people from across the U.S. descend onto the Mall to voice opposition to other people’s marriages http://wapo.st/1OqeTaz
‘The term “medical technology” [in #VA #ART statute] does not encompass a kitchen implement such as a turkey baster’ http://bit.ly/1PBIkn3
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Most people blame their spouse for marriage problems, never realizing how their own unconscious behavior plays a role.
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The (not really) surprise ruling that could come out of the Supreme Court in the same sex marriage cases http://www.businessinsider.com/this-surprise-could-come-out-of-the-supreme-courts-big-gay-marriage-case-2015-4 …
#KSCourts: #Shawnee Judge again orders Kansas sperm-donor to undergo genetic testing http://bit.ly/1JDASEc
India Supreme Court rules polygamy not integral part of a Muslim’s right to profess Islam http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Polygamy-not-integral-part-of-Islam-SC/articleshow/46180105.cms …?
#India Supreme Court says that Different divorce law for Christians than other religions is unreasonable http://m.timesofindia.com/india/SC-Different-divorce-law-for-Christians-unreasonable/articleshow/46994297.cms …
Gay marriage is ready to be legal across America.but the culture war is far from over http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/24/gay-marriage-us-culture-war …
Alabama State Senator looks to end marriage licenses … for everyone http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/alabama-rep-looks-end-marriage-licenses-everyone …
#KSCourts authority & funds at risk in high-stakes constitutional crisis http://www.kansas.com/opinion/editorials/article19262556.html …
#WALegislature: #UIFSA2008 passed, delivered to governor for signature http://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=5498&year=2015 …
#NELegislature: #UIFSA2008 sent to governor for signature, enactment http://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=25221 …
#INLegis: Senate concurs in House Amendments to #UIFSA2008, sent to governor for signature http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2015/bills/senate/324# …
Senate Moves Closer to Stopping Rapists From Getting Custody of Children http://bit.ly/1Hy41BW
Reactionary fears emerge during Idaho Legislature sinking common sense legislation on #childsupport #UIFSA2008 http://bit.ly/1Di8H8G
Presenting “An Overview of The Hague #FamilyLaw Conventions” for @KansasBar Family Law Institute tomorrow, April 24 http://bit.ly/LA3YYi
Updated Page: 108 Overview & Update–Hague Family Law Conventions http://bit.ly/1H4obmG
Texas legislative panel votes to restrict funding for issuance of same-sex marriage licenses http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-texas-same-sex-marriage-20150422-story.html …
Arizona Governor says same-sex couples can again adopt, foster parent together http://www.azcentral.com/story/news/arizona/politics/2015/04/23/arizona-sex-couples-can-adopt-foster-together/26224297/ …
My answer to: Why is the state of Texas saying that I owe child support when I have proof of all my support… http://rpx.me/1/5Hr8l
Man is jailed for refusing to turn over Facebook and Twitter passwords in business bankruptcy case http://dlvr.it/9VldzF
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Idaho Department of Health & Welfare preparing letters to 155K families warning of #IDLeg defeat of #UIFSA2008 http://bit.ly/1IIj2ji
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Idaho will expend $80K to warn #childsupport recipients about #IDLeg foolish action killing #UIFSA2008 http://bit.ly/1IIiwSi
Idaho Legislature endangers international #childsupport enforcement http://nyti.ms/1IIhkhS
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#SCOTUS rejects attempt to overturn ruling allowing same-sex marriage in Oregon http://bit.ly/1HtjkvC
Updated Page: Home http://bit.ly/1DtDeku
Evaluating the success of #Japan’s #Hague #Abduction Convention adoption: http://bit.ly/1D79zOz
When divorce and domestic violence collide http://flip.it/U1o0x Jim McLaren
“In America, you have a right to discriminate as a private citizen” says opponent of #marriagequality in Missouri http://bit.ly/1O7x9VV
40 years later, story of the first same-sex marriage remains remarkable http://wapo.st/1O7wKTw
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Former military officials file brief with #SCOTUS supporting same-sex marriage, decry patchwork of #marriagequality http://nyti.ms/1O7vBLy
New law signed by President removes social security numbers from #Medicare cards http://nyti.ms/1O7v9NE
Kansas removing children from homes for abuse and neglect far more than non-abuse reasons than in past years http://bit.ly/1GaTcHc
11-year-old removed from Kansas home, mother arrested after he defends medical marijuana during a school presentation http://wapo.st/1GaSBoL