Weekly Twitter Update 2013–September–15
#VTCourts:#SCOVT affirms protection from abuse order over defendant’s objection about service of process http://bit.ly/1aAexaj#VTCourts: Court has discretion to account for asset value changes between time of division order and actual division http://bit.ly/1aAdQO8#VTCourts: Where divorce decree orders 50/50 division of retirement benefits, it applies to decrease and increases http://bit.ly/1aAdQO8#TNCourts: Trial court need not follow parents agreed child support stipulation if it doesn’t follow child support guidelines http://bit.ly/1654bKC#TNCourts: No error failing to give specific parenting times where Father had irregular work schedulet http://bit.ly/1654bKC#TNCourts: Court need not accept mediated parenting plan in total; must determine what is in child’s best interests http://bit.ly/1654bKC#TNCourts: Although court should be as specific as possible when making parenting findings, only need apply factors http://bit.ly/1653Kjc#TNCourts: Appeals court upholds change of custody over mother’s claim court failed to identify nature of the change http://bit.ly/1653Kjc#TNCourts: Trial court reversed where it applied the wrong legal standard to decision whether to set aside judgment http://bit.ly/1652EnG#TNCourts: Court is not required to assess costs of pscyhological/child custody evaluations in any particular manner http://bit.ly/1biqGUj#ORCourts: Parent must establish substantial change in circumstances in order to modify stipulated 3rd party custody http://bit.ly/1651NmY#MTCourts: Appeals court will not consider subsequent events when reviewing trial court’s findings and orders http://1.usa.gov/165119z#MNCourts: Trial judge was not required to accept expert valuation of survivorship benefits http://bit.ly/1bimhk0#MNCourts: Trial court did not err finding that wife did not dissipate marital assets by her gambling losses http://bit.ly/1bimhk0#MNCourts: Trial court did not erroneously award temporary maintenance “forcing husband to re-enter workforce” http://bit.ly/1bimhk0#MICourts: BioFather did not have standing to sue for paternity of child born during bio-mother’s marriage to another http://1.usa.gov/164ZAIn#KYCourts: Trial courts have wide discretion in determining the amount of attorneys fees awarded-if any http://bit.ly/164XOqu#KYCourts: Trial courts have broad discretion to equitably divide marital property; it need not be “equal” http://bit.ly/164XoAr#KYCourts: Court did not improperly consider marital fault when it unequally divided assets due to asset dissipation http://bit.ly/164XoAr#KYCourts: Party may not hide & expend marital funds for nonmarital purposes then expect an equal division in divorce http://bit.ly/164XoAr#KYCourts: Court will not retroactively superimpose on 18 year old decree current statutory medical expense division http://bit.ly/18me2lK#KYCourts: Appeals court will not consider objection to court ordered tax reimbursement in 18 year old divorce decree http://bit.ly/18me2lK#GACourts: Court upholds jury verdict determining husband’s income & child support as supported by the evidence http://bit.ly/18mcUib#AKCourts: Trial court may in its discretion allocate the federal tax exemption for a child between separated parents http://1.usa.gov/1bi2EZt#AKCourts: A trial court is not obligated to follow the recommendations of a custody investigator http://1.usa.gov/1bi2EZt- Oklahoma custody dispute being compared to SC couple’s case over
#BabyVeronica http://ow.ly/oRCTY via@divorcestlouis #AKCourts: Courts must consider both geographical and emotional continuity in child custody decisions http://1.usa.gov/1bi2EZt#AKCourts: Court affirms custody order over mother’s objection court disregarded evaluator recommendations http://1.usa.gov/1bi2EZt#ALCourts: The mere passage of time and persistence of visitation disputes does not equal material change for custody http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: Material change of circumstances occurs when important previously unknown facts impact child’s welfare http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: Although court’s orders effect the child in custody proceedings, the child is not party to proceedings http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: GAL not disqualified although#GAL zealously advicated for child rather than child’s best interest http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: In#AL a#GAL is not a child advocate, but a best interest attorney http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts:#GAL is to advocate for child’s best interests http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: Sixth Amendment applies to criminal–not family law–cases http://bit.ly/163q7q9#ALCourts: No violation where#GAL obtained only one parent’s approval for child psych evaluation in custody case http://bit.ly/163q7q9- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–September–08 http://bit.ly/1axe7RY
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#BabyVeronica case, some evangelicals side with adoptive parents http://wapo.st/18bzjZE - Indiana Supreme Court considering whether Internet blogger’s statements about judge are protected speech or a threat http://bit.ly/18byBvd
#KSCourts: Atcheson dissent: disabled child support obligor should receive#SSD reimbursement he duly paid http://bit.ly/15q3vnq #109121#KSCourts: In 2-1 decision,#KSCOA decides disabled child support obligor not entitled to#SSD reimbursement http://bit.ly/15q3vnq #109121#KSCourts: Obligor who continued to pay child support after disability, not entitled to#SSD reimbursement http://bit.ly/15q3vnq #109121#KSCourts: Obligor parent not entitled to reimbursement for paid child support from retroactive#SSD award http://bit.ly/15q3vnq #109121#KSCourts: Generally, excess#SS payments to child from parent’s disability over child support due is a gift http://bit.ly/15q3vnq #109121#KSCourts: 1#Kansas#FamilyLaw Appeals Decision (Published) was issued today (2013-Sept-13) http://bit.ly/UnMG92 #109121#AZCourts:#Arizona Supreme Court#SCOAZ launches new web page for court watchers http://ow.ly/oQ58v via@StateCourts#KSCourts: Budget constraints delays new#KSCOA judge from taking seat until Jan 3, 2014 http://bit.ly/1b73fNm#USAppeals9: Federal privacy laws apply to protect privacy of open residential Wi-Fi networks from data capture http://bit.ly/1b72a8i- Revenue Ruling Confirms
#IRS Will Recognize Same-Sex Marriages, But Not Civil Unions/Registered Domestic Partnerships http://bit.ly/188Rcy4 - RT Miles Mason
@Memphis_Divorce Tennessee Court Allows for Car Payments Made in Lieu of Child Support http://fb.me/6jkxhSYug - South Carolina sheriff sends officers to Oklahoma in
#BabyVeronica adoption dispute http://bit.ly/17rjqA4 via@ZoeMeigsLaw #BREAKING: Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie calls Oct. 28 special session to consider marriage equality legislation RT@JustinCSnow- “Why Doesn’t She Just Leave? A Special Report on
#DomesticViolence” http://bit.ly/1axAMku (via@emilylhauser) via@sarahfelts #KSCourts: 2014 Primary Election–Courtney Mikesic, Kansas City, Democrat, filed for District Court Judge, District 29, Div 11 via@KansasSOS- The Pros and Cons of ‘Virtual Visitation’ http://lawdai.ly/185JJQl by
@StevenBishopLaw via@Family_Law - Couple Remarries After 48 Years Apart http://ow.ly/oBSjN via
@CenterMedDiv@A_BetterDivorce #NJCourts:#SCONJ begins 2013-14 term today with important cases-including same-sex marriage on its docket http://bit.ly/17RuqXu#NJCourts: Trial court improperly denied discovery on motion seeking child support modification http://bit.ly/16eNv7i#NJCourts: Court erred by compelling father to pay 50% of daughter’s college expenses w/o reviewing Newburgh factors http://bit.ly/1fQs4em#SCOTUK UK courts have inherent jurisdiction to order return to England based on child’s British nationality http://bit.ly/1fQo7Gq- 5 Potential Pitfalls of an Uncontested Divorce http://lnkd.in/uszZCt via
@GrahamHurd - Possible Kansas Supreme Court vacancy will show contrast between merit & political selection methods http://bit.ly/17Qbc4G