- RT Jan Crawford
@JanCBS Justice Ginsburg officiates marriage of Kennedy Center Pres and his partner–1st for a justice. Photo Margot Schulman pic.twitter.com/vjhqFpw2Dx View photo
- Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said. Watch your WORDS! RT
- Why Where You Divorce Matters: Equitable Distribution vs. Community Property http://huff.to/17at0Vu
- Couples can divorce without drama: Beyond the hurt, anger and fear http://bit.ly/15oNJv5
- Men After Divorce Are More Likely To Live In Single-Person Households http://huff.to/15oNtfy
- Children and Divorce: ‘I just want to know why they broke up’ http://bit.ly/15oNkc7
- Multitasking on Mobile May Affect Children of Divorce in Unexpected Ways http://bit.ly/15oNeRH
#International #Adoptions at lowest level in 10 years http://bit.ly/14gRMUf
- Having a child with
#specialneeds doesn’t give parents super powers, but too often others criticize those who don’t http://bit.ly/14gPhRB
- Why People Have Such High Expectations of Parents of Children with
#SpecialNeeds http://bit.ly/14gPhRB
#TXCourts: When a subsequent judgment does not grant all requested relief, the motion remains a viable complaint http://bit.ly/14gMbx4
#TXCourts: Generally, postjudgment motion is subsumed by subsequent judgment granting all relief requested in motion http://bit.ly/14gMbx4
#SCCourts: South Carolina does not recognize the “putative spouse” or “putative marriage” doctrine http://bit.ly/1crUJq5
#MOCourts: A mandate from the appellate court “defines the scope of the trial courts authority on remand.” http://on.mo.gov/1crS4wL
#MOCourts: Failure to raise points in prior appeal means that court later hearing the case need not consider them http://on.mo.gov/1crS4wL
#MOCourts: Appeal barred by law of the case where issue not raised in previous appeal http://on.mo.gov/1crS4wL
#MOCourts: Trial court did not err in awarding attorney fees under facts presented http://on.mo.gov/1crRpeN
#MSCourts: Where trial court only awarded father custody “on a trial basis,” decision not final appealable order http://1.usa.gov/1crQhrq
#MSCourts: Petition for review decision removing child not ripe since decision is not yet final order http://1.usa.gov/1crQhrq
#MNCourts: Trial judge’s “poor choice of words” does not show bias sufficient to disqualify from deciding case http://bit.ly/1crOrHd
#MNCourts: Where divorce parents cannot agree on school their child will attend, trial court may resolve dispute http://bit.ly/1crOrHd
#MNCourts: Where parents have joint legal custody, neither parent may enroll child in school without other’s consent http://bit.ly/1crOrHd
#MNCourts: Trial court applied proper legal standards when deciding school attendance dispute between parents http://bit.ly/1crOrHd
#KYCourts: Lower courts in #KY cannot simply ignore #SCOKY precedent when making their decisions http://bit.ly/1crMaMa
#KYCourts: Affirming trial court decision reducing support in hi-income case, #COAKY follows “3-pony rule” http://bit.ly/1crMaMa
#KYCourts: Motion to alter adverse trial court decision denied where complaining party failed to appear at trial http://bit.ly/1crLc2h
#KYCourts: Where party failed to timely appeal protection order, appeal dismissed http://bit.ly/1crJT3z
#KYCourts: Trial court not “required” to deviate from child support guidelines merely because parties have 50/50 time http://bit.ly/1crIcTC
#KYCourts: Trial court may deviate from statutory child support guidelines if sufficient evidence basis presented http://bit.ly/1crIcTC
#KYCourts: Although #KYLegislature‘s child suppot guidelines are out of date, they are nontheless presumptively right http://bit.ly/1crIcTC
#ILCourts: Trial court did not err awarding some fees to adverse party after considering disparity in incomes http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Prior adverse ruling does not show judge is biased and should be removed as presiding judge in divorce http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Trial court did not err awarding as non-marital property received as inheritance/gift http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Child custody evaluator’s report not inadmissible because it is based on others’ out-of-court statements http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Since statute allows court to appoint child custody evaluator, illogical not to allow report from that CCE http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Independent child custody evalutor’s report is not inadmissible hearsay if statutory requirements followed http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Appellate court does not re-decide child custody issues adequately addressed by trial court findings http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#ILCourts: Trial court’s residency determination upheld where it made sufficient findings on all relevant factors http://bit.ly/1crDMfy
#FLCourts: Court may only order maintenance of life insurance to protect spousal support award if findings made http://bit.ly/12XrTv0
#FLCourts: Trial court has power to order maintenance of life insurance to protect spousal support award http://bit.ly/12XrTv0
#FLCourts: If a court fails to make appropriate valuation findings, it is unable to make valid property division http://bit.ly/12XrTv0
#FLCourts: Courts failure to consider statutory factors in property valuation leads to reversal http://bit.ly/12XrTv0
#FLCourts: Court erred in dismissing, rather than transferring, case filed in improper venue http://bit.ly/1crBdKw
#FLCourts: Spousal support award reversed for where court failed to current, rather than past, expenses http://bit.ly/1crAj0F
#FLCourts: Spousal support award reversed for reconsideration where court failed to consider tax consequences http://bit.ly/1crAj0F
#FLCourts: Denial of spousal support reversed where record not clear that court considered wide-disparity in incomes http://bit.ly/1a8Nnuq
#FLCourts: Trial court denial of spousal support reversed where no analysis of required factors was made http://bit.ly/1a8Nnuq
#ARCourts: In decision between 2 good, caring parents, trial ct is in best position to decide custody arrangemnt http://1.usa.gov/18ek2sE
#ARCourts: Father’s absence from delivery room not relevant inquiry in current custody determination http://1.usa.gov/18ek2sE
#ALCourts: CJ Moore (Dissent): Court termination of father’s rts in part for failing to divorce mother inapproprite http://bit.ly/18eiMFY
- On
@Avvo: Can a judge legally order 50–50 custody if both parents aren’t in agreement? #familylaw http://rpx.me/1/cjUp
- On
@Avvo: How and where do I get a Journal Entry of Divorce or a Default Decree? #divorce http://rpx.me/1/QhUp
- The Silver Divorce: Four Mistakes That Can Affect Retirement http://ow.ly/opjar via
#KSCourts: #KSCOA disapproves #IDCourts case approving prospective change of residency, as minority view http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
#KSCourts: Child custody decisions based on possible future events is an error of fact and reversed http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
#KSCourts: Child custody decisions based on speculation, rather than present evidence are inappropriate http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
#KSCourts: A court’s decision now about what will later be in a child’s best interests is speculative http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
- RT Robert Barnes
@scotusreporter Justice Ginsburg to officiate at same-sex wedding, a first for #scotus http://wapo.st/18bWncx
#KSCourts: A court cannot now decide what will be in a child’s best interests 2-years from now http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
#KSCourts: Court erred in making sua sponte future change of current residency arrangement http://bit.ly/146DWJb #109083
#KSCourts: Correction: 1 #Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions was issued today (2013-August-30) http://bit.ly/UnMG92 #109083
- RT Amb. Susan Jacobs
@ChildrensIssues #Adoption notice: Reminder of the implementation of the Pre-Adoption Immigration Review (PAIR) program http://ow.ly/oqCpY
#KSCourts: Comments sought for proposed amendments to #SCOKS Rule 222 (atty disciplinary proceedings confidentiality) http://bit.ly/1cnMZ8N
#KSCourts: Comments sought for proposed amendments to #SCOKS Rule 216 (subpoena, witnesses and pretrial proceedings) http://bit.ly/1cnMZ8N
- Kassebaum, Tacha oppose new method of picking KS judges http://www.kansascity.com/2013/08/30/4447219/kassebaum-tacha-oppose-new-kansas.html … RT
@stevekraske #kscourts
#KSCourts: No #Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals decision were issued today (2013-August-30) http://bit.ly/UnMG92
- Mediation Agreements must be in writing to be binding http://www.thedurstfirm.com/?p=1175 via
- IRS: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for Individuals of the Same Sex Who Are Married Under State Law-Rev 8/29 http://1.usa.gov/159kshW
- RT Chris Geidner
@chrisgeidner The IRS Just Made Life Very Difficult For States That Want To Ignore Gay Couples: http://www.buzzfeed.com/chrisgeidner/the-irs-just-made-life-very-difficult-for-states-that-want-t …
- Why Should I Retain a
#Collaborative Divorce Lawyer? http://tmblr.co/Zh4sZytdvn9D via @tampafamilylaw
#KSSenate Hensley and Governor’s staff spar over #KSCourts choice for #KSCOA http://bit.ly/17o0w0B via @andymarso
- RT ABA Family Law
@ABAFamily All Legal Same-Sex Marriages Will Be Recognized for Federal Tax Purposes http://1.usa.gov/1drnMgA http://fb.me/2GTlXEUFX
- IRS declares that legally married same-sex couples can file joint income tax returns http://usat.ly/170aNKp
- No, You really can’t file a motion for reconsideration of a motion for reconsideration – Shocking! http://bit.ly/15nOhKL via
#KSSenate #Judiciary Chair King: seeking testimony on Caleb Stegall nomination to #kscourts #ksleg http://www.kansaspublicradio.org/news/statehouse-news/7221-ks-committee-seeking-testimony-on-court-nominee … via @kprkoranda
- Massachusetts enacts new child support guidelines & possibly less money for recipients http://bit.ly/1a2WgWm
- 3-year old boy, abducted from
#Sweden, located in Clark County, NV http://bit.ly/15knYFm
#KSCourts #KSCOA nominee Stegall faces deadline today to answer #KSLegislature questions & provide documents http://bit.ly/1844J62
- RT
@divorcestlouis: Using mediation to keep your cool during divorce and beyond. http://ow.ly/okN5l
- RT Scott Rothschild
@ljwrothschild sen king announces senate judiciary will take up stegall nomination to ks court of appeals at 1 p.m. tuesday, sept 3 #ksleg #kscourts
- Walmart will offer health insurance and other benefits to domestic partners with no questions asked http://usat.ly/18Zdv6i
- A great resource: RT
@BenBHVoices: Schizophrenia and Social Security Benefits http://nblo.gs/OvQTl
- Does My Special Needs Child Need a Guardianship? https://www.cacu.com/does-my-child-need-a-guardianship …
- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2013 http://bit.ly/UnMG92
- From Singapore to Maine to Greenwich: International child custody dispute spans the globe &
#Hague #Abduction filings http://bit.ly/16L67rC
@nwfamilylaw named for inclusion in 20th edition of “Best Lawyers in America” http://bit.ly/14z4XDz
- Massachusetts rape victim sues state for allegedly forcing her to maintain her relationship with attacker http://bit.ly/1dkIFeo
- Missouri Family Support Division Workers Worried About Job Cuts from reorganization http://sgfnow.co/1dkIfET
#KSCourts: Two #Crawford attorneys nominated for 11th District Judge Position (Gariglietti) http://bit.ly/141tvkH