Weekly Twitter Update 2013–August–25
- Santa Fe, NM clerk begins issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples after judge issues order in pending case http://bit.ly/19PVBYh
#TXCourts: abuse or neglect of a child necessarily includes risks or threats of environment in which child is placed http://bit.ly/18PHFsu#TXCourts:#SCOTX accepts two cases about same-sex divorce for argument in November http://bit.ly/179pnDg#HICourts: “Business losses” are not “reasonable & ordinary business expenses” deducted from child support income http://bit.ly/18PEYr1#FLCourts: When deciding whether to grant extension of#PFA, court is not limited to considering new violent acts http://bit.ly/179n4jJ#FLCourts: Trial court attorneys’ fee award reversed where no findings entered to support award, amount, or basis http://bit.ly/179m0MP#FLCourts: Trial court divorce order reversed where no emergency existed and no notice was given to adverse party http://bit.ly/179m0MP#KSCourts: No#Kansas#FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions were issued today (2013-August-23): http://bit.ly/UnMG92#IACourts: Trial court appropriately divided marital increase of premarital inheritance in divorce http://bit.ly/178F0co#IACourts: Difference in#SSI benefits received may be considered in elder-divorce http://bit.ly/178F0co#IACourts: Trial court reversed where it ordered ‘joint physical care’ without either parent requesting it http://bit.ly/1dafiKH- ‘Boyfriend Tracker’ app raises stir in Brazil, concerns about privacy http://yhoo.it/178DZRI
#IACourts: Where trial court made the best choice for custody/visitation in difficult situation, result affirmed http://bit.ly/1daey8u#IACourts refuse to adopt narrow construction of#PFA statute that would lmt order entry due to passage of time http://bit.ly/1dadXDu#IACourts: Civil protection action is less formal than criminal actions, may consider past events as basis for entry http://bit.ly/1dadXDu#IACourts:#PFA statute is protective, rather than punitive http://bit.ly/1dadXDu#IACourts: Trial court did not exceed its authority or#IACOA directives in property division on remand http://bit.ly/178BM8O#IACourts: Where husband didn’t request life-long alimony change to consider#SSI during life, no change after death http://bit.ly/1dadqS1#TNCourts: Where husband’s separate assets & debts were nearly equal, near-equal divorce property division not error http://bit.ly/178A3QK#TNCourts: Trial court did not err in dividing property nearly-equal in divorce http://bit.ly/178A3QK#TNCourts: Although court had power to award 7 yrs, rather than 17 yrs, retroactive support, it did provide rationale http://bit.ly/178z1o1#TNCourts: Trial court reversed where it failed to explain deviation from child support guidelines http://bit.ly/178z1o1#TNCourts: Trial court retroactive award of child support for 7 years, rather than to date of birth, reversed http://bit.ly/178z1o1#NMCourts: Where trial court failed to advise mother of her right to counsel, termination of rights reversed http://bit.ly/177ceJf#NMCourts: Bosson Concurring: the price of citizenship in secular society is acceptance of organized societys’ rules http://bit.ly/1779Ody#NMCourts:#SCONM: photographer who refused to photograph same-sex wedding violated anti-discrmination law http://bit.ly/1779Ody#NMCourts: Photographer who refused same-sex wedding violated anti-discrmination laws http://bit.ly/153Lm0z- Kansas League of Women Voters requests Governor’s schedule to determine
#KSCOA candidate names http://bit.ly/1d8BtB3#kscourts - “Group seeks gov’s schedule 2 find out who was interviewed 4 appeals judge” http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2013/aug/22/league-women-voters-seeks-governors-schedule-find-/ …
#ksleg#kscourts RT@ljwrothschild - Ohio child support agency wants to be “more than just a collection agency”: “We’re here to help them re-engage” http://bit.ly/19AfvTl
- Know the Limits of Friendship – and Kinship – During
#Divorce http://hub.am/16b1KrD via@SupportInASplit - Kansas DCF responds to criticism of state’s child support services privatization http://bit.ly/17MEuAX
- RT “
@RonaldWNelson: The lamented@LCarpenter1863 1Kan. Preface pic.twitter.com/0cZYbBL31z”#qr1863 View photo - MT
@andymarso: Brownback selects Stegall for Kansas Court of Appeals http://cjonline.com/news/state/2013-08-20/brownback-selects-stegall-kansas-court-appeals#.UhPgxtwogL4.twitter …#ksleg#kscourts Updated (w/video) - Cuyahoga County among lowest counties for child support collection in Ohio, likely due to high unemployment http://bit.ly/14YOtHa
- Ohio seeks to raise child support collections from 66% to 70%, but results are mixed http://bit.ly/14YNXc0
- Private contractors prepare to take over Kansas child support system as questions remain about special interests http://bit.ly/17IbB8M
- Rally at
#OK Capitol supports#BabyVeronica‘s father, Indian Child Welfare Act (#ICWA) http://bit.ly/14YNB5r - RT
@govsambrownback: This morning I nominated Caleb Stegall to the KS Court of Appeals.#ksleg#kscourts https://governor.ks.gov/frontpagenews/2013/08/20/governor-nominates-caleb-stegall-to-kansas-court-of-appeals … - To no one’s surprise, Brownback selects Caleb Stegall as new
#KSCOA judge: http://bit.ly/14YMFhr - Updated Page: Client Information and Forms http://bit.ly/NoVpkh
- Who will be Brownback’s Court of Appeals judge? http://bit.ly/17ETdh6
#kscourts #ILCourts: Where husband didnt have contractual right to bonus pd after-divorce it was not divisible marital property http://bit.ly/170lOzg- Was a Tennessee Judge Right to Reject a Child’s Parents’ Choice of the Name “Messiah” for Their Baby Boy? Opinion: http://bit.ly/12jfnWg
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–August–18 http://bit.ly/16X7962
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–August–11 http://bit.ly/16X5RrL
- Updated Page: Seminars and Presentations http://bit.ly/LA3YYi
- New Page: 94 2012 Kansas Family Law Legislative and Case Law Update http://bit.ly/16X2gde
- New Page: 96 Special Needs Families in Family Court http://bit.ly/16WZHb7
- Updated Page: 97 Life Insurance After Hall http://bit.ly/1bJPGRK
#KSSenate Judiciary chairman King moves to counter criticism that court nominee won’t be vetted enough. http://bit.ly/19t5Pdf MT@APjdhanna#KSCourts: Retiring#SCOKS spokesman Keefover bridged gap between law & news http://cjonline.com/news/2013-08-18/retiring-kansas-supreme-court-spokesman-bridged-gap-between-law-news#.UhIiYhoQkA4.twitter … via@ljwrothschild- Lengthy questionnaire from
#KSLeg awaits governor’s#KSCourts#KSCOA nominee http://cjonline.com/news/2013-08-18/lengthy-questionnaire-awaits-governors-court-nominee#.UhIixsjNeJ0.twitter … MT@ljwrothschild - MT
@bradc25: 18 people expressed interest to Gov. Brownback for spot on Court of Appeals. 13 interviewed, with 3 finalists#ksleg#kscourts - RT
@bradc25: Governor Brownback to introduce Court of Appeals nominee at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday.#ksleg#kscourts - Politically connected contractors prepare to take over Kansas child support collections from State http://bit.ly/1dlOEwV
- “Victory” unlikely for either sidein
#BabyVeronica case as mediation begins http://bit.ly/14P38xC - Bitter child custody case leads 2 Canadian courts to enter opposite rulings http://bit.ly/1dlNvoY
- International child custody case returns to
#Sweden on#Iowa federal court order#Hague#Abduction Convention return http://bit.ly/14P1Anr - Kansas Familiy Policy Council will seek longer divorce waiting period, faith-based marriage mentoring programs, cut marriage license fees
- New Page: 97 Life Insurance After Hall http://bit.ly/1bJPGRK
- News: 97-Life-Insurance-After-Hall http://bit.ly/1bJOZYB