#KSCourts: Nancy Parrish completing term as Chief #Shawnee Judge http://bit.ly/1fsw9tc
#MOCourts: Where father does not assert legal error, but only that trial court made wrong decision: case affirmed http://on.mo.gov/167whpQ
#MSCourts: Perfection of appeal does not divest trial court of power to hear motion to set aside Decree http://1.usa.gov/167vRzA
#KYCourts: Trial court properly determined spouse of plaintiffs’ deceased mother had power to control burial http://bit.ly/16DK4bk
#KYCourts:Court properly imputed child support income to father where he attempted to hide his true income from court http://bit.ly/167vg0J
#FLCourts: Trial court properly denied contempt motion alleging violation of superseded order http://bit.ly/16DHqCg
#FLCourts: Father need not prove a material change in circumstances to enforce an existing parenting time schedule http://bit.ly/GLkDuk
#FLCourts: #FLCOA emphasizes importance of making explicit findings on statutorily mandated alimony/property factors http://bit.ly/16DG5LQ
#FLCourts: #QDRO improperly included value of outstanding loans on husband retirement funds as distributable to wife http://bit.ly/GLjXF4
#FLCourt: Although trial court properly imputed child support income to father, decision reversed for math error http://bit.ly/16DF3zp
#IDCourts: Court erred wen it retroactively dismissed motion to modify child support as a penalty for civil contempt http://bit.ly/GLjByk
#GACourts: “Travel expenses” deviation on child support reversed where trial court did not make any written findings http://bit.ly/GLjjaL
#GACourts: Designation as “custodial parent” does not mean that parent cannot be made to pay child support http://bit.ly/16DDYYu
#GACourts: “Curtilage” exception allowing surrepticious video surveillance within home was repealed by #GaLeg http://bit.ly/GLj0wG
#ARCourts: Enforcement of existing visitation order is not a modification, and is not error http://1.usa.gov/16DCNrO
#AKCourts: Trial court properly included #BAH in calculating #servicemember child support obligation http://1.usa.gov/16DBJUR
#AKCourts: Father not entitled to #SCRA stay where actively & voluntarily participated in child support proceeding http://1.usa.gov/16DBJUR
#ALCourts: One reason for alimony awards is to prevent former spouse from requing government assistance as support http://bit.ly/GLhzOH
#ALCourts: Failure to apply for #SSDI not appropriate reason to deny spousal support http://bit.ly/GLhzOH
#ALCourts: Trial court $200K property division award reversed where evidence showed little value in marital property http://bit.ly/GLgW7K
- RT
@HaralambieLaw: Why Does My Husband’s Ex-Wife Hate *Me*? http://huff.to/QvPgUT via @HuffPostDivorce
- Adrian Peterson’s 2-year-old son dies after abuse from mother’s boyfriend http://es.pn/GQ7KiY
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals finds circumstances supporting presumption of unfitness not present http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Evid established no support for 2-years, but not that mother failed to provide emotional support http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Where mother put forth significant effort to change, court erred finding her unfit http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: “Unfitness” in KSA 59-2136(d) considers nonexclusive factors listing in Code for Care of Children http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Unfitness must prevent parent from assuming parental duties/responsibilities http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: “Unfitness” has inherent meaning of unfitness into foreseeable future http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Trial court must look at totality of circumstances to decide when parent failed to assume duties http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Failing to be good parent does not lead to termination of parental rights http://bit.ly/GU08eH #109247
#KSCourts: Appellants must timely object to trial court on claim of insufficient findings http://bit.ly/1855sGq #109257
#KSCourts: Appellant has the duty to designate facts in the record to support claim of error http://bit.ly/1855sGq #109257
#KSCourts: Substantial evidence support parental rights termination, #adoption grant http://bit.ly/1855sGq #109257
#KSCourts: Appellate arguments asserted without argument or authority are not properly considered http://bit.ly/18534zv #109525
#KSCourts: #CINC court retained jurisdiction over children, properly dismissing adoption petition http://bit.ly/18534zv #109525
#KSCourts: #KSCOA affirms part, dismisses part #adoption appeal arising in #CINC context http://bit.ly/18534zv #109525
#KSCourts: Trial court correctly dismissed #adoption petition for failure to include required consents http://bit.ly/18534zv #109525
- RT Johnson County, Kan.
@jocogov JoCo Courthouse is closed today due to a power outage. Court settings for today will be rescheduled for Tues., Oct. 15, when it reopens.
#KSCourts: #Johnson County Courthouse closed for rest of Oct 11 because of power outage, reopen Tuesday
- How much is your relationship costing you? http://huff.to/1c8uy84
- RT SAGE psychology
@SAGEpsychology Family-focused #autism spectrum disorder research: A review of the utility of family systems approaches http://ow.ly/pv5V7 #MHAW
- NJ State’s appendix in emergent motion for stay in Garden State Equality case (same sex marriage) http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/samesex/GSE%20Appendix%20for%20Defendants%20Appellants%20brief.pdf … via
#New Jersey’s brief in emergent motion for stay in Garden State Equality case (same sex marriage) http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/samesex/GSEappellatBriefEmergentStay.pdf … via @njcourts
#KSCourts: Troxel does not mean parent rights are absolute–only subject to strong preference http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Trial court has broad discretionary power to decide appropriate grandparent visitation times http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Appeals court does not decide trial court made “right decision,” only if supported by evidence http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Appeals court does not “redetermine” issues present to the trial court http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Kansas does not require “current” relationship in order for court to grant grandparent visitation http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: In order to claim insufficient findings on appeal, claim must be raised first to trial court http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Court affirms grandparent visitation requested by father over mother’s objections http://bit.ly/16BqdcN #109322
#KSCourts: Supreme Court posts second day argument docket http://bit.ly/1cDhqKS
#KSCourts: Supreme Court posts December 2013 argument dockets http://bit.ly/18UAqAD
#NVCourts: When 2 parents enter into co-parenting agreement, agreement is not unenforceable because they are same-sex http://bit.ly/GRppXR
#NVCourts: Court erred finding, without evidentiary hearing, that surrogate mother had no legal rights to child http://bit.ly/GRppXR
- Kansas Legislature Threatens Showdown With Court Over School Financing http://nyti.ms/GOl2fR
- A 17-year-old girl, given up for adoption at birth, finds her biological mother on Facebook http://nyti.ms/16TVmuq
- In Mexico child custody battles, high-profile fathers gain an edge, landing one mother in prison accused of fraud http://lat.ms/GIqWij
- Is there benefit in apologizing to a wronged ex? http://ow.ly/2ABNNg by
- On
@Avvo: Need to have slanderous material removed from child custody papers filed with the court. What do I do? #familylaw http://rpx.me/1/-DCq
- Missouri Court of Appeals upholds parental rights termination/adoption for Guatemalan child alleging abandonment http://bit.ly/1bZ1Q9y
- How Long Do You Have To Keep Supporting Your Child? http://bit.ly/1e6mmWA via
- Courts cutting child custody investigators as part of ongoing county budget cuts http://bit.ly/1gnvmZC
#KSCourts: Comments solicited on proposed changes to Kansas Attorney Ethics Rules http://bit.ly/19vgqHC #KS2020
- On
@Avvo: If I get married, will my new wife be responsible for paying child support? #familylaw http://rpx.me/1/j9zq
- The Supreme Court begins a new term today. Here’s what you should know: http://wapo.st/19uaApY by
- In new term, starting October 7,
#SCOTUS may steer to right on key social issues http://lat.ms/15UtpfD
#FLCourts: Court erred not explaining why it granted wife house other than that she resided there during divorce http://bit.ly/15Q968p
#ARCourts: Where court was faced with conflicting business value testimony, it had discretion to decide approach http://1.usa.gov/15UsTyd
#INCourts: Where parties agree to adjust child support each year, agreement incorporates future guidelines changes http://bit.ly/15Usf3M