Twitter Weekly Update 2012–July–15

  • Comm of Whole dismissed Premarital & Marital Agreements Act as well as Deployed Parents Custody & Visitation Act up tomorrow RT@uniformlaws
  • Avoid permanent damage to your marriage when fighting with your mate by following “fair fighting” rules. RT @MarriageVelcro
  • Uniform Marital and Premarital Agreements Act up for debate this afternoon at @uniformlaws annual meeting
  • Ten tips on how to talk about anything with anyone: 
  • .@UniformLaws Annual Meeting to hear 1st Reading of Uniform law Implementing Hague Convention on Protection of Children 
  • Uniform Deployed Parents Custody Act back on the floor at Uniform Laws Annual Meeting today for debate via @uniformlaws 
  • Uniform Law Commission (@UniformLaws) Convenes for its Annual Meeting in Nashville  @onlawyering
  • “Labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.” RT @foundingfather
  • Judith Wallerstein and #divorce: how one woman changed the way we think about breakups.  via @GAdivorce
  • .@divorcelawyernj #CollaborativeLaw Isn’t a panacea, but it’s a valid tool for some cases, some families, some attorneys.
  • Same-sex couple fights to stop deportation, same-sex marriage ban  via @DrCraigMalkin
  • #Anxiety disorders have increased more than 1,200 percent since 1980  via @APA
  • A view from the floor of the Annual Meeting of @UniformLaws as commissioners debate new uniform acts  via @uniformlaws
  • Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act now under consideration at the Annual Meeting of RT @UniformLaws #military #custody
  • What are the laws regarding contested divorce in Kansas? 
  • How long does it take the judge to approve a divorce decree after it’s submitted? 
  • Can my ex fill out school papers naming his girlfriend without putting me on to those papers? 
  • At what age can children decide with which parent they want to live? 
  • If I leave my husband can I move to another state with our child? 
  • I submitted a divorce decree to the judge last week. What happens now? 
  • Can I lose custody of my child? 
  • I wanna no how to get full custody of my daughter. I am a father. 
  • Legal adoption in a second marriage and consequences of child custody rights on divorce. 
  • #KSCourts: Where a parent continues to live in initial #UCCJEAstate, only that state can give up #UCCJEA jurisdiction 
  • #KSCourts: A state that has made a child custody order retains exclusive #UCCJEA jurisdiction unless 202(1)(a) or (b) are met 
  • #KSCourts: Ct with request to modify another state’s custody order must determine if other state retains #UCCJEA jurisdiction 
  • #KSCourts#UCCJEA does not include any provision allowing for jurisdiction by waiver, consent, or estoppel 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas cannot “take” #UCCJEA jurisdiction from another state and modify custody orders 
  • #KSCourts: Where a parent continues to live in state that determined custody order, that state retains #UCCJEA jurisdiction 
  • #KSCourts: Merely becz child has lived with parent in Kansas for more than 6 months does not mean KS has #UCCJEA jurisdiction. 
  • #KSCourts: The Kansas Adoption statute references the #UCCJEA in determining if Kansas has jurisdiction 
  • #KSCourts: The Appeals Court exercises de novo review over questions of #UCCJEA meaning 
  • #KSCourts: Court has a duty to question its own #UCCJEA jurisdiction, rather than accepting parties’ agreement to it 
  • #KSCourts: Appeals court decides case about declining #UCCJEA jurisdiction over #adoption due to #inconvenient forum 
  • #KSCourts: 1 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decision Issued Today (2012-July-13) #UCCJEA #Adoption
  • #KSCourts: Shawnee County District Judge Daniel L. Mitchell announces his retirement effective August 31 
  • If your spouse says “I don’t love you anymore,” it may not mean that decision is final; it DOES mean you have work to do! MT@MarriageVelcro
  • Updated page: Client Information and Forms 
  • Updated page: Kansas Family Law Forms 
  • Updated page: Helpful Information and Resources 
  • Updated Internet Links 
  • Updated page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 
  • @NAMICommunicate just updated their information on psychosocial treatments.  #mentalhealth
  • #DomesticViolence rises with summer temps. Learn more about domestic violence at @StateCourts library  #DV
  • The way to true self respect is to be yourself, not to fit into someone else’s mold. RT @MarriageVelcro
  • How a stay-at-home mother can handle her controlling husband 
  • Episcopal Church becomes biggest US church to bless same-sex unions 
  • Why Getting Rid of Old Books and Clothes Is So Tough On a Couple; Revealing the Power Struggle Underneath 
  • #KSCourts: Brownback appoints Ossmann to Shawnee County District Court position  @CJOnline
  • #KSCourts: Governor names Carl William Ossmann to Shawnee County District Court position 
  • Courts working on guidelines for case managers quoting @RonaldWNelson
  • Updated page: Practice Areas 
  • Case manager crackdowns continue  via @AndyMarso
  • Updated page: Media 
  • .@UniformLaws Annual Meeting Begins this Friday in Nashville. First Reading Hague Protection of Children Convention #UCCJEA
  • Hawaii adopts Uniform #CollaborativeLaw Act (#UCLA) via@UniformLaws
  • News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–July–08