- New: Kansas Family Law Appeals Subject Index http://bit.ly/Jfok58
- How do I file a marriage defacto? http://rpx.me/i14f
- How old does a kid have to be to go in front of a judge and say which parent they want to live with? http://rpx.me/BL4f
- How do I get my ex-husband’s name off of my son’s birth certificate? http://rpx.me/yL4f
- How can I get him off my child’s birth certificate? http://rpx.me/xL4f
- I filed a paternity case and my ex’s parents filed for a legal guardianship. What do I do? http://rpx.me/tL4f
- A district court has ruled favorably for the Petitioner (Father) in… http://rpx.me/mL4f
- New: Can you tell me what are the grounds for divorce in Kansas? http://bit.ly/w2XjYN
- Physical discipline slowly declining as studies reveal lasting harms for children http://on.apa.org/HkS7rV via
- Work instead of jail time: New Child Support Court Pushes Fathers to Make Turnaround. http://bit.ly/HCulOa RT
- The purpose of marriage is for you to become greater and better than you were before marriage. MT
- Maine Supreme Judicial Court To Decide Who Are The Parents In A Gestational Surrogacy Arrangement: http://bit.ly/HP17d0 RT
#KSCourts: Dissent: Although appeals ct does not reweigh evidence, facts overwhelmingly show abuse of discretion http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Dissent states belief that sufficient bias of trial judge was shown by appellant under facts of case http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Where appeals court cannot determine trial court rationale for modification decision, case remanded http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: KSA 60-252 requires findings adequate to advise parties of court’s rationale http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Where party asks ct to state its reasons for a decision, court cannot refuse to do so http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Ct order failing to state sufficient factual basis for custody modification appellant requested is remanded http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Ct need not find a “material change in circumstances” to modify prior custody order entered by agreement or default http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Testimony about a previously called–and excused–witnesses statements are hearsay and are inadmissible http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: It is the duty of an appellant to include facts believed relevant in the record on appeal http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Appeals ct cannot review facts not contained in the record on appeal http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Mere “possibility” of prejudice from judicial remarks is not sufficient to overturn a judgment http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Litigant who believes judge is biased cannot “roll the dice” by not filing bias motion, then later seek reversal http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Trial court’s directive is ultimately to decide what is in the child’s best interests considering all facts http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Although half-and-step sibling relationships are important, #KsLeg didn’t include them within “exceptional cases” http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Legislative directive that #divided #custody used only in “exceptional cases” not applied to half-siblings http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Legislative directive that #divided #custody may be used only in “exceptional cases” is not applied to step-siblings http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: In first appeals case on #divided #custody, Ct remands for further findings http://bit.ly/ILLDa0
#KSCourts: When the court’s determined property value is “within the range of evidence,” it is not “abuse of discretion” http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Kansas does not restrict testimony on property value only to licensed appraisers http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: A party cannot base claimed error on evidence that party submitted to court http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Attribution of financial responsibility for expenses is not punishment for “fault” in divorce http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Ct cannot use “fault” to make divorce property division, but it can consider economic responsibilities http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: “Fault” is a term of art in family law, relating solely to the grounds for divorce http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Trial Ct valuation of property is abuse of discetion only if “outside the range of evidence presented” http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: When reviewing divorce property division, appellate court does not reweigh or redecide facts http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Property Division in divorce must be “reasonable” and “equitable.” It need not be “equal” http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Party asserting error in property division action has burden to show an “abuse of discretion” http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Trial Ct is vested with broad power to “equitably” divide property in divorce http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Court affirms #propertydivision over appellant complaints of error http://bit.ly/HA3VwS
#KSCourts: Court did not inappropriately extend #PFA based on victim’s subjective fear – fear is a valid extension reason http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: If #KSLeg intended #PFA Extension Required Proof by Preponderance, it would have said so in #PFA statute http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: Issues on #PFA are not moot because they are capable of repetition and addresses matter of public importance http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: Court may extend #PFA although evidence presented would not be sufficient for original protection order entry http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: Plaintiff need not “prove” additional threat in order to extend #PFA http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: Judge has power to extend protection order in its discretion; “preponderance of evidence” not required http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ #PFA
- Is
#Marriage a #Poverty Buster? Myths and Realities @CLASP_DC http://huff.to/HxeMaG via @KACAP_KS and @KansasAction
#KSCourts: Protective Order or consent agreement “may” be extended for 1 additional year within court’s discretion http://bit.ly/HLaQBJ
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals Issues 3 Family Law Appeals Decisions Today (12-Apr-2012) 1 Published http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
- New: Do I really need a family lawyer? http://bit.ly/I79FIm
- New: Court cannot determine parenting issues solely based on unanswered requests for admission http://bit.ly/ImLg8p
#NEBCourts: Child custody issues cannot be determined based solely on unanswered requests for admission http://bit.ly/HvtXwf
- Bodybuilder sperm donor doesn’t owe child support according to new California court ruling http://bit.ly/ImucPQ
#KSLegislature: Legislative Research Dept Releases Supplementary Preliminary Summary of 2012 Legislation http://bit.ly/HKMfcc
- New: Can I get a “common law divorce?” http://bit.ly/IyspBP
- New: Does Kansas recognize “common law marriage?” http://bit.ly/IKuVEp
- New: What happens if I don’t want a divorce and my spouse does? http://bit.ly/Io7ZfD
- New: What is “separate maintenance?” http://bit.ly/Iy8zqd
- New: What is an “annulment?” http://bit.ly/IpmuCk
- New: Can I move with my children after divorce? http://bit.ly/Hz25JH
- New: What is a “no fault” divorce? http://bit.ly/HuOVeN
- Is it against the law to not abide by residential custody court papers? http://rpx.me/I92f
- How do I write an answer to a summons in a child custody case? http://rpx.me/p92f
- Do I Need and/or When Should I Get A Family Lawyer in my situation? http://rpx.me/T52f
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–Apr–08 http://bit.ly/HHBd7r
- A Court Conundrum: When Same-Sex Couples Want to Divorce. Maryland Appeals Court Hears Arguments http://wapo.st/Ie8sB7