#KSCourts: No Kansas Family Law Appeals Decisions Issued Today (2012-Apr-06) http://bit.ly/HnfzaO
- It’s much easier to practice preventive maintenance in your marriage now than to fight damaging fires later. RT
- Study Reports Same Flaws in Some U.K.
#ChildCustody Evaluations as in U.S. http://bit.ly/I6L0EC @JohnCrouchEsq
#KSLegislature: #SB397, Changing Terminology from “Mental Retardation” to “Intellectual Disability” to Governor for signing http://bit.ly/y8YuKU
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals May, 2012 Oral Argument Docket Posted http://bit.ly/f2sEdn
- 1st Cir U.S. Court of Appeals Hears Arguments Over Constitutionality of Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) http://reut.rs/HgRykl
- In
#parenting #teens, remember that the main chore of #teenagersis to succeed at adolescence. All others are trivial. RT @wescrenshawphd
#SRS Special Asst Marks, working on Governor’s marriage programs, steps down to return to #Florida http://bit.ly/HWbtYY via @SSGKS
- Untreated
#MentalIllness costs #Kansas more than $1 billion yearly http://bit.ly/I0mDaZ via @SSJoCoKS
#KSLegislature: Instead of making excuses or trying to shift blame to the victim, the Legislature needs to do its job and fund the courts.
- Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: Would I get alimony if my husband and I were to divorce? http://rpx.me/8s0f
- Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: How do I retract my motion for child custody? http://rpx.me/Qs0f
- Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: What can I do to fight my husband, who is an attorney? http://rpx.me/Es0f
- See my answer on
@Avvo to: Do i need a lawyer? – Do you need a lawyer? http://rpx.me/rs0f
- Children need love from both parents. Don’t poison your children with anger. Be the adult. MT
#KSCourt furloughs will affect 150 peple in #WyCo, 140 in #JoCo and 38 in #Atchison & #Leavenworth counties.
- Tax Traps for Divorcing Couples http://read.bi/HlqlQx
#custody #taxes #alimony
- Who gets the dog when a couple splits? http://bit.ly/HlqhjS
- RT
@KansasBarLeg: CJ Nuss says that he will not use attorney registration fees to fund salaries. #KSCourts
#KSCourts: CJNuss says furloughs could be avoided if #KSLegislature passes simple bill dealing only with judicial appropriation MT @bradc25
- Press release Kansas Supreme Court regarding furloughs & Court closing dates http://bit.ly/HfYJ1p RT
#KSCourts: Nuss orders 5-day court furlough http://tinyurl.com/7xvgubr via @KansasBarLeg
#Kansas Drivers’ license exam stations unable to issue/renew licenses because of computer issues. MT @BrentWistrom
#KSCourts: State courts will close for 5 days because of#KSLegislature budget meltdown http://bit.ly/HUyv0e via @BrentWistrom
#KSCourts: Kansas court furlough will postpone swearing-in ceremony for new Kansas lawyers
#KSCourts: #Kansas court furlough will postpone Supreme Court’s April 13 oral argument docket
#KSCourts: Only non-judicial staff will be furloughed for 5 days as a result of Kansas budget issues. Judges will continue to work.
#KSCourts: #Kansas courts will close for 5 days to deal with current Kansas budget issues. Apr 13 & 27. May 11 & 25. June 8
- Anatomy of a Relationship, Dissected. A new memoir detailing one couple’s therapy http://bit.ly/HcsoI0
- Nothing diminishes anxiety faster than action~Walter Anderson, The Confidence Course, 1997
@healthyplace via @DrLeeKeyes
- Diffusing anger in your marriage is like diffusing a bomb. Do it carefully, otherwise there’s an explosion. RT
- Johnson County advocates having effect in
#KanCare debate http://CJOnline.com: http://bit.ly/HQUIP1 RT @andymarso
- New: Family Law Appeals http://bit.ly/HQ8O2X
- New: Trial Counsel – Full Scope Representation http://bit.ly/HclL3O
- New: Limited Scope Representation http://bit.ly/HQ7VYj
- New: Mediation and Arbitration http://bit.ly/HmOcuu
- New: Collaborative Law http://bit.ly/HmNsps
- New: Consultation and Legal Counseling http://bit.ly/HQ5O6F
- My answer on
@Avvo to: Can you send notice of court by regester mail, or does a sheriff or constable have to… http://rpx.me/6YZf
- Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: How can I terminate my daughters biologicals fathers rights? http://rpx.me/XYZf
- New: Non-marital Property Division http://bit.ly/H6QjVN
#KSLegislature: Preliminary Summary of Legislation Passed by the #2012 Kansas Legislature http://bit.ly/HcDPLk
- See my answer on
@Avvo to: Modification of Support order in Violation of UIFSA? http://rpx.me/vSZf
#Breakup Tip 19: Sit down, write the ex an angry letter. Vent all your mean, hurtful thoughts & feelings. Burn the letter RT @wescrenshawphd
#KSCourts: As a result of no budget, Judicial branch employees will be furloughed beginning Apri l14 MT @PaulDavisKS
- Term of the Day: “Legal Separation.” Allows for court ordered support & maintenance without granting of a divorce MT
- Did you know? The average monthly allowable income for people on
#HCBS #waiver services Is $727.00. http://bit.ly/H9LKuM RT @RCIL
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–04–01 http://bit.ly/HGdd8L