- KansasDivorce Chief Justices are busy rolling out their State of the Judiciary messages. NCSC’s 50-state index: bit.ly/w94EsR
- KansasDivorce Topeka Woman Talks About Living with
#Schizophrenia on 30-minute #KTWU Documentary, Sun, Jan 22 bit.ly/xdRnP3
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: #SB283: Increasing Sheriff Process Fees to $30: Senate Judiciary Hearing, Wed, Jan 25 @ 9:30am bit.ly/w7k1WO
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: #SB297: Removing Gifts Exception to Marital Property: Senate Judicary Hearing on Monday, Jan 23 9:30am bit.ly/A77BfS
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: #SB292: Revoking ex spouse inheritance rights: Senate Judicary Hearing on Monday, Jan 23 9:30am bit.ly/yCTl2B
- KansasDivorce RT
@JohnCrouchEsq: Court: Hague Convention is different from jurisdiction/enforcement cases bit.ly/xvTRuD Thanks John!
- KansasDivorce Colorado Appeals Case Shows Need for International Child Custody Jurisdiction Clarity–Hague Child Protection Convention bit.ly/wfmWPv
- KansasDivorce
#ColoCourts: Trial Ct Correctly decided Canada has child custody jurisdiction applying #UCCJEA and Hague Abduction Convention bit.ly/wfmWPv
- KansasDivorce The Kansas Family Law Code–Revised Is Now Online with Correct Statute Numbers at kslegislature.org: bit.ly/AuEhWa
- KansasDivorce Medical Professionals’ Debate over how to define
#Autism Worries Parents and Observers nyti.ms/y8OCt1
- KansasDivorce Same-sex marriage legislation is gaining momentum in Washington State bit.ly/z0NsOn
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Court of Appeals released 1 Family Law Appeals Decision on 2012-Jan-20 bit.ly/A8FGAf
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Appellant must support contentions with citations to the record, not merely make unsupported statements bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Although self-employment tax is deducted from income, party must present evidence on what that amount bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where trial ct makes a ‘negative finding,’ party challenging finding must show arbitrary disregard of evidence bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Party claiming depreciation as deduction from child support income must show how it produces income bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Merely claiming that “depreciation is necessary to produce income” does not make it so bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Burden of proof on depreciation is on the person w/ superior knowledge – ie the one claiming depreciation bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where trial court considered, but did not allow, depreciation, it did not ‘totally disregard’ depeciation bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Burden of showing that depreciation should be deducted from income is upon party claiming depreciation bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Although trial judge could have used better terminology, discretion was properly applied bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Kansas law directs that deduction of depreciation for child support depends on individual circumstances bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: American Cts recognize 3 ways to treat ‘depreciation’ in child support calculations. bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Depreciation is deducted from gross income only if shown to be reasonably necessary to produce income bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Appellate Cts do not review the merits of a trial ct decision, but only the way it arrived at that decision bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Trial court discretion is guided by the law, and abuses discretion if it ignores that guidance bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: When case facts fall outside the guidelines, the guidelines do not limit ct discretion bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Determining child support amount under guidelines is subject to abuse of discretion std bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Interpreting the language of child support guidelines is a legal question, subject to unlmt review bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: CofA Affirms trial ct’s refusal to deduct depreciation from income for child support calculation bit.ly/zLjeK4
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: Introduced: #SB 304, Enacting a “batterer intervention program certification act” bit.ly/y8MZjm #DV
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislauture: Introduced: #HB 2482. Lmting to $80/hr Atty Time for Parent in Relinquishment Proceedings bit.ly/zVrR8R
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislauture: Introduced: #HB 2482, relinquishment final unless proven by clear & convicing evid not voluntary bit.ly/zVrR8R
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn: Legislation Should Require That All Docket Fees Go to Judicial Branch Without Exception
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn: Audio and Video Hearings Should Be Encouraged, Rather than always in-person appearances
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn: SCt should adopt rules/legislation to recognize courts’ e-version of documents as the official court record
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: 5 State Judicial Districts Handle 1% or less each of all Kansas caseload bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: 6 State Judicial Districts account for >50% of all Kansas caseload bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn: Because the Judicial Branch serves a core government function, it should never be “self-funding”
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn: All e-file fees should go to the Judicial Branch (not to other departments as present) bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn Recomm that attorneys be required to e-file bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commn Recomm: Statewide e-filing should be implemented as soon as possible to cut down on costs bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commission Recommends Removing 1-judge-1-county requirement bit.ly/ybaxEJ
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Blue Ribbon Commission recommends that all future magistrate judges be lawyers bit.ly/zWBYxh
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: The Blue Ribbon Commission Report is out. Find it atbit.ly/w0vbXa via @KansasBarLeg
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: Introduced #HB2473 amending 60-208 and 60-226, removing bankruptcy as affirm defense and expert witness bit.ly/A6lg9a
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: Introduced: #SB 297 amending “separate property” in marriage by removing “gifts from spouse” bit.ly/A77BfS
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: Introduced: #SB 292, AN ACT automatic revocation of spousal inheritance rights upon divorce bit.ly/yCTl2B
- KansasDivorce Teens Engaging in Another Dangerous Trend: Sharing Passwordsnyti.ms/wXdkWJ
- KansasDivorce
#Massachusetts Appeal Court Overturns Court Ordered Sterilization of Woman with #Schizophrenia b.globe.com/xwDRJv #mentalhealth
- KansasDivorce
#KsLegislature: House Judiciary today hears testimony on #HB2252 Out-of-State Post-Divorce Name Change 330pm
- KansasDivorce Just added myself to the wefollow.com twitter directory under:
#overland_park_ks #familylaw #legislation #courts #kansas
- KansasDivorce Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: Am i married because i filed married filing jointly – Filing income tax retur…
- KansasDivorce Washington State Legislators Shifting Their Views Towards Same-Sex Marriage With New Proposal on File nyti.ms/wqqtcN via
- KansasDivorce Help for Men: How to Better Communicate with your Spouse bit.ly/AxVcMK via
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: My ex is the custodial parent but my daughter doesn’t live with her anymore. Do I still have …
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: How can I best prepare myself for court in attempting to re-establish joint residential custod…
- KansasDivorce Why Do So Many People Think Marriage Less Important If It Does Last Forever? ow.ly/1gFmkd
- KansasDivorce News: Twitter Update 2012–01–15 bit.ly/zXfo3S
- KansasDivorce Families Skeptical of Need/Wisodom/Appropriateness of Brownback Proposed
#Medicaid Changes bit.ly/zGLhmv