- KansasDivorce Stop using the silent treatment and learn to handle disagreements with your spouse http://ow.ly/6ppbY via
- KansasDivorce RT
@HealthyPlace: #FF #MentalHealth Organizations @bpkids@namicommunicate @mentalhealtham @apapsychiatric@APAHelpCenter @NIMHgov
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: Is it legal for an employer to stage a safety drill without informing employees? – G…http://rpx.me/xg5c
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: Are you required to put pro se on your response to a summons. – You are not required…http://rpx.me/sg5c
- KansasDivorce @“
@bradc25: Ideas for promoting marriage revealed in report sent to govr earlier this yr bit.ly/ng827d” Some unconstitutional. Few wise
- KansasDivorce RT KHIorg Turmoil besets
#Kansas #MentalHealth community: bit.ly/nEwtmX—Resignations and firings of top managed care officials raise questions
- KansasDivorce RT KHIorg Turmoil besets
#Kansas #MentalHealth community: bit.ly/nEwtmX—Resignations and firings of top managed care officials raise questions
- KansasDivorce Tax filing deadlines for employers are nearing: Does your business qualify for
#ACA small biz health care tax credit http://ow.ly/6qbXN
- KansasDivorce Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: Will not having a driver license due to a recent DUI effect my chances of gett…http://rpx.me/j-4c
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: My ex and I were never married I live in Kansas and she said she filed for temporary…http://rpx.me/_94c
- KansasDivorce My answer on
@Avvo to: Do I have the right to stay for 30 days is we are separating due to domestic violence, he is in…http://rpx.me/V94c
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: Joint custody, how does it work? – Yours is an unfortunately too common situation. T…http://rpx.me/v94c
- KansasDivorce See my answer on
@Avvo to: My ex-husband was recently laid off. He will be getting a severance package. Is child suppo…http://rpx.me/d94c
- KansasDivorce Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: A 17 year old who resides in KS wants to live with parent in MO because of emo…http://rpx.me/984c
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: Does my ex stayin with her new boyfriend a good thing or bad thing for our kids they…http://rpx.me/Z84c
- KansasDivorce Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: Under Kansas law, do you have to wait until the child is born to finish a divo…http://rpx.me/W84c
- KansasDivorce Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: Can the judge change a decision? – It depends. But from your question, it’s di…http://rpx.me/K84c
- My answer on
@Avvo to: Under Kansas law, does the divorce halt if the wife is pregnant twice by someone else? – Pregna…http://rpx.me/o84c
- KansasDivorce
#OregonCts: Suspended med license b/c of substance abuse was substantial chg of circumstances deck.ly/~wRv7G via @markjpdx
- KansasDivorce
#OregonCts: Repeated threats creating “imminent” threat for abuse R/O. bit.ly/pTN7of via @markjpdx
- KansasDivorce Don’t Let Others Give You Stress. You Don’t Have to Accept It if They Try.
- KansasDivorce Infants Don’t See Fast Changes: An infants’ world changes more slowly than that of adults ow.ly/1eCpbf via
- KansasDivorce VAFamLawAppeals: Threatening your ex on your own Myspace, in “rap”, is a crime. goo.gl/fb/h3h6i RT
- KansasDivorce Brief on 5 states innovative initiatives to improve
#Medicaid service and quality of care bit.ly/oA6ss2 [PDF] by @KaiserFamFound
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Ct has power to award attorneys fees in later matter although orig settlement contemplated each pay own feesbit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Ct not deprived of power to grant relief from judgment merely becz judgment inclds marital sttlmnt agreement bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Although Ct cannot modify maintenance agreement, Ct can require proof that recipient still living bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where judgment is alleged to be void, std of review is de novo bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Appeals Ct revews denial of motion to set aside for abuse of discretion bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Court had authority to suspend maintenance payments until proof recipient was alive-giving 60 days for proof bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Motion to Set Aside is Untimely When Filed 5 years after judgment sought to be invalidated bit.ly/n0XUrv
- KansasDivorce You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation~Plato
- KansasDivorce ‘Divorce Business: Divorce process can be complicated course to navigate’ bit.ly/qd5beX Quoting
- KansasDivorce
@LondonCollab: #ABAFamily is Now Working on a Model Relocation Act to Deal with some Issues Discussed at #IAML
- KansasDivorce RT ABAJournal Judge’s Holiday-Weekend Civility Class is Cancelled, But Attorney Manners Remain a Contentious Topic ow.ly/1eBT9b
- KansasDivorce
#SRS officials say Brownback administration won’t close Kansas Neurological Institute—this year bit.ly/repW2E #KNI #DD #MentalIllness
- Consumer Run Organizations (CRO)s that help those with
#MentalIllness are at risk of dissolving due to lack of funding.bit.ly/pUVXcx
#KsCourts: Court of Appeals Commemorates ‘Constitution Day’ With Special Sessions Around Kansas bit.ly/nBC134
#KsCourts: Court of Appeals Commemorates ‘Constitution Day’ With Special Session at Barton Co, Ks Community Collegebit.ly/qROikz
#KsCourts: Proposed 2012 Kansas Child Support #GuidelinesChanges here: bit.ly/mVvU7M Comments Accepted Until Oct 24, 2011
#KsCourts: Comments Sought on Proposed Changes to #KansasChild Support #Guidelines bit.ly/p7N8Vh
- KansasDivorce U.S. spends far more on doctor services than do other nationsbit.ly/oqCID8
- KansasDivorce Anger in
#ADHD and Temper-Reducing Tools to Helpbitly.com/rlOduh RT @NAMIMass
- KansasDivorce Scoreboard: Tracking Health Care Reform Act Court Challengesbit.ly/mRrjf8
- KansasDivorce Fourth Circuit Vacates Decision Invalidating Health Care Reform Individual Mandate Due to Lack of Standing 1.usa.gov/ocjSnR[PDF]
- KansasDivorce Percentage of People Without Health Insurance Coverage for Entire Year, by State 2005-2009 bit.ly/pDQO9S Kansas-2009=12.7%
- KansasDivorce Marriage, Divorce & Annulment By Kansas County 2006-2009 Statistical Abstract bit.ly/nQfAsc [PDF]
- KansasDivorce New
#Kansas statistical abstract available free online bit.ly/qXt4CLRT @SSGKS
- KansasDivorce How to distinguish a healthy argument from unhealthy conflictbit.ly/n3QaxU RT
- KansasDivorce Instead of dwelling on the minor differences between you and your spouse, nurture/celebrate the similarities. RT
- KansasDivorce Eight Rules of E-Filing: Rule #6 from
@StateCourts bit.ly/oHMGCV #NCSC
- KansasDivorce The #911 Tapes: The Story in the Air. Chilling. nyti.ms/r4iL7w
- KansasDivorce
#IAML on people using mediation dishonestly: “mediator must be neutral but not neutered-be prepared to terminate” MT@topfamilylawyer
- KansasDivorce
#IAML #REUNITE Mediation for abduction cases.. “mediation process must be drawn to the clients’ needs” Angela Lake-Carroll RT @LondonCollab
- KansasDivorce Australia propose family violence definition to include withhholding finance RT
@topfamilylawyer #IAML
- KansasDivorce
#IAML Civil Partnerships in Ireland in force this year….the Irish family now includes #GayPartners RT @LondonCollab
- KansasDivorce QR Codes Explained-a good video tutorial by Common Crafthttp://ow.ly/6n5WL RT
@clifmims via @cdcowen
- KansasDivorce RT ABAFamily Committee for Implementation of Hague Convention on Protection of Children to meet in DC from 9/23-9/25 draft… fb.me/1gfHyeOkS
- KansasDivorce
#Missouri Senate panel OKs repeal of law restricting teachers’ #Facebook (and other electronic media) use. bit.ly/nMtWRf
- KansasDivorce 7 Rules Guys Live By That Hurt Their Relationships bit.ly/9amUOVRT
- KansasDivorce Time for
@DrRossGreene‘s Radio Programs to begin again. Educators: Mondays @4 pm (EST) Parents: Tuesdays @11amwww.livesinthebalance.org
- KansasDivorce Government Report Cautions that 50% of Americans Will Suffer from Some Form of
#MentalHealth Problem During Lifetime usat.ly/pnnIwC
- KansasDivorce Converting
#Medicaid to block grant would have significant negative impact on states, cities, beneficiaries & providershttp://ow.ly/6nPwQ
- KansasDivorce A new study estimates the percentage of people in Europe with mental disorders at 38% econ.st/omIkrv
- KansasDivorce MUST WATCH:
@ABCnews in Australia reports: “Japan proves safe haven for abducted kids” bit.ly/qpWc7B RT @bringseanhome
- KansasDivorce Despite Deficit, WY Senator Enzi Supports Federal Spending On
#Autism http://n.pr/oAQrnI It simply makes sense.
- KansasDivorce Common reactions to
#trauma are similar to the symptoms of #PTSD. Don’t diagnose yourself. Ask your doctor. owl.li/6iNtq
- KansasDivorce
#NLRB judge, for the first time, finds that firing employees based on #Facebook posts was illegal. http://ht.ly/6nA1G RT@danielschwartz
- KansasDivorce RT @
@NIMHgov Director’s Blog: No Health Without #MentalHealth1.usa.gov/nUmDKd
- KansasDivorce What Do Lawyers Charge for Divorce and Why? bit.ly/r0kQnq via
- KansasDivorce 3 Tips For How To Remember To Keep Your Mouth Shut During Divorce bit.ly/mSaKa1 RT
- KansasDivorce Letting Go After a Divorce Can Be Hard bit.ly/n73ch0 RT
- KansasDivorce Divorce and Journaling: Write Your Way out of Pain–Part 3bit.ly/pqvxsF RT
- KansasDivorce RT njfamilylaw The Truth About Marriage Counseling zite.to/p9ouEb via
- KansasDivorce High Maintenance Men: They Deserve As Much Credit as Their Female Counterparts bit.ly/qqQteo via
- KansasDivorce Group Concerned About Possible Cuts in State Funding for Consumer-Run Kansas
#MentalHealth Organizations bit.ly/mZtMbz
- KansasDivorce Nations Jails Struggle With
#MentallyIll Prisoners. http://n.pr/nuVdLL
- KansasDivorce Gay & straight couples more monogamous than in the pastusat.ly/nXe776
- KansasDivorce Perception of Facial Expressions Differs Across Culturesbit.ly/mQNldQ via
- KansasDivorce Do you feel that those years spent with your ex were wasted? See them instead as a learning time.
- KansasDivorce Do U feel that all those years spent with your ex were wasted time? Seeing him as friend might help. bit.ly/oDWzeu RT