- KansasDivorce 3 Tips For How To Remember To Keep Your Mouth Shut During KansasDivorce Divorce bit.ly/rePKvE
@divorcementor via @MerrillJD
- KansasDivorce Back-To-School Essentials For Non-Custodial Parents huff.to/rre9fLvia
- KansasDivorce New hope for early autism diagnosis via brain maps. sfg.ly/qB9EDf
- KansasDivorce RT PsychToday “The effects of social aggression can be more damaging than those of physical aggression.” says Ditta M. Oliker, Ph…. ow.ly/1exd65
- KansasDivorce Quick Advice on Dealing with Difficult In-Laws and Preserving Your Partnership bit.ly/ojZ6KQ
- KansasDivorce It is not he who reviles or strikes you who insults you, but your opinion that these things are insulting~Epictetus
- KansasDivorce Temple Grandin: The Movie. bit.ly/o9fnax via
- KansasDivorce Great tips for cooperative parenting: bit.ly/pTNZid via
- KansasDivorce Few things affect children of
#divorce as much as their parents’ interactions. MT @Chicago_Divorce:
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Supreme Court Plans Historic ‘Road Trip’ for Arguments Across Kansas Sept 28-29 bit.ly/oMjXRg
- KansasDivorce When you tell your children about the
#divorce, do so with both parents present. RT @Chicago_Divorce
- KansasDivorce
#CMS Issues Final Rule #Medicare Electronic Prescribingbit.ly/rlRjM0 including @APAPsychiatric’s recommendations
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: A Ct Appearance to Argue a Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction does not waive jurisdictional defenses bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Kansas abolished ‘special appearances’ to protect against imposition of personal jurisdiction in 1963 bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: #UCCJEA wording ‘where the child lived’ means physical presence, not legal residence bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: #UCCJEA phrase ‘where the child lived’ does not ‘residence’ or ‘domicile.’ It is a factual concept. bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: #UCCJEA looks at where ‘the child lives’ not where a parent lives to determine UCCJEA jurisdiction bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Acceptance of #UCCJEA Emergency Jurisdiction does not mean Ct has other UCCJEA jurisdiction bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: ‘Accepting service’ by filing motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction does not waive ability to object bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where <6mo-old child lived most time since birth with parents in MO, KS did not have #UCCJEA Jurisdiction bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Where nearly-6-mo-old child left KS for MO immediately after birth until case filed, MO is ‘home state’ bit.ly/nNin69
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Among duties imposed on busy trial judges is the responsibility to make findings, conclusions & explain rationale bit.ly/nhym2j
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: When nothing of evidentiary value appears in the record on appeal the appeals court cannot presume adequacy bit.ly/nhym2j
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Meaningful appellate review can take place only when trial judge makes sufficient findings and explainations bit.ly/nhym2j
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Pro-se divorce remanded where trial judge failed to give adequate reasoning for property division ordered bit.ly/nhym2j
- KansasDivorce MT
@gdahlberg: Just read appellate decision so wrong-headed it made me a little nauseous. Abandon common sense, all ye who enter.
- KansasDivorce Robo-Signed Mortgage Documents Date Back to the 1990sow.ly/1ew4Fb In one country, 74% of mortgage docs had questionable signatures
- KansasDivorce Is ‘Computer-Assisted’
#Psychotherapy the Future of #MentalHealth? bit.ly/mU7JgU via @PsychTimes [login req]
- KansasDivorce
#Census2010 shows recently divorced women are 2X more likely to live in #poverty than men (22% vs 11%) 1.usa.gov/pj4Ux3
- KansasDivorce Census2010 shows recently divorced mothers more likely to live in multi-generational households (11%) than men (5%)1.usa.gov/pj4Ux3
- KansasDivorce In 2009, 75% of children whose parents were
#divorced lived with their mother. 1.usa.gov/oKiruH via @nyfamilylawyer via@njfamilylaw
- KansasDivorce Why Mistresses Have Everything to do with Marriage zite.to/qYL4aM via
- KansasDivorce How much time he saves who does not look to see what his neighbor says or does or thinks~Marcus Aurelius
- KansasDivorce The practice of altruism is the authentic way of living a human life; it is not limited only to the religious. RT
- KansasDivorce Colorado Woman Sues For Paternity of Child She Helped Her Former Partner Adopt bit.ly/n3RUYf via
- KansasDivorce Dr. William Wolff, 94,
#Colonoscopy Co-Developer, Diesnyti.ms/nNCa2r
- KansasDivorce After Fierce Federal Judge’s Invitation to ‘Kindergarten Party,’ Lawyers Settle Case ow.ly/1evvA4
- KansasDivorce Director of Kansas
#SRS Addiction & Prevention Services Resigns Effective Sept 16. ANOTHER Ranking SRS Official Leaves Post bit.ly/niUAGN
- KansasDivorce Women are more likely to believe in saving first marriage, than second http://ow.ly/6h2fp RT
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Basic Information on Licensed Kansas Attorneys Will Be Available Online Starting November 1, 2011 bit.ly/oEdlN5 [PDF]
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Basic Information on Licenensed Kansas Attorneys Will Be Available Online Starting November 1, 2011 bit.ly/oEdlN5 [PDF]
- KansasDivorce You can be jealous that your children love their stepparent or you can rejoice in the fact they don’t hate them! MT
- KansasDivorce September is
#ADHD Awareness month! Visit the ADHD Awareness Center for more Information bit.ly/pbV5uE RT @AACAP
- KansasDivorce Partner Violence Can Damage Victim’s
#MentalHealthpsych.ly/oSUBn1 @psychcentral via @MentalHealthAm
- KansasDivorce Privacy: Fed Ct Refuses to Dismiss Unlawful Interception of E-Communications Claim by Woman Using Stolen Laptopbit.ly/oKtyc1
- KansasDivorce Cohabitation Doesn’t Cause Bad Parenting bit.ly/nryPP8 via RT
- KansasDivorce Does Marriage Contribute to Stability? Or Do Stable Couples Tend to Marry? And Should Parents Marry ‘for the Kids?’ nyti.ms/rid7p5
- KansasDivorce Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: For the State of Kansas – You don’t give enough facts in your question to know the c…http://rpx.me/Tv0c
- KansasDivorce Before getting upset consider their point of view: Did You Misunderstand? Misinterprete? MT
@MarriageMediate Maybe Stressed or Frustrated?
- KansasDivorce Just Released by
#ABAFamily: ‘The Forensic Accounting Deskbook: A Practical Guide.’ by Miles Mason… bit.ly/nVwfYB RT@ABAFamily
- KansasDivorce Dr. David Kupfer of
@APAPsychiatric comments: ASAM’s new definition of #addiction as ‘chronic brain disease’ bit.ly/ppOACe
- KansasDivorce New Findings: Rates of
#Autism have soared in the U.S. Why?bit.ly/r91Z4K @APPI_Publishing via @APAHealthyMinds
- KansasDivorce New tool for Forensic Accounting in Divorce bit.ly/oTyKpv RT
- KansasDivorce Soldiers’ brains bear scars of emotional wounds: goo.gl/LVBLC
#PTSD RT @NAMICommunicate
- KansasDivorce Choosing a Mediator? Choose Carefully. 14 tips on selecting the right mediator. bit.ly/mWqA0V via
- KansasDivorce Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they’re on the same side. RT
- KansasDivorce RT CouplesHelpTday Meeting spouse online more likely than ever | Journal and Courierjconline.com/article/201108…
#online #dating #marriage
- KansasDivorce RT nathancenter RT
@sfkeiko: “You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.” by 釈迦
- KansasDivorce To have a loving marriage, you have to put yourself out and love your partner the way s/he wants to be loved. RT
- KansasDivorce A Look @ the Texas Uniform
#CollaborativeLaw Act-enacted with no opposition. It will improve #ADR bit.ly/pZI0zk MT @uniformlaws #ucla
- KansasDivorce Kansas
#SRS #MentalHealth Services Director Leaving Kansas for Similar Iowa Job bit.ly/pWtdPo
- KansasDivorce Pro-Tip: Don’t submit legislative testimony in writing & then show up to read that testimony. We can all read…I think. RT
- KansasDivorce Study finds even when couples are embroiled in the divorce process, reconciliation is possible http://ow.ly/6h22f RT
- KansasDivorce
#COBRA Insurance Subsidies End August 31, 2011 For Laid-Off Workers http://ow.ly/6hACB @philgalewitz via @KHNews
- KansasDivorce Divorce Myths Debunked huff.to/qhhRFu RT
- KansasDivorce Federal Judges Often Do Not Take Kindly to Attorneys Using Their Training to Waste the Court’s Time. Take Note: bit.ly/qp1wpd [PDF]
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Supreme Court Docket for September 28, 2011 Postedbit.ly/oK4YSY
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Supreme Court Docket for October 2011 Postedbit.ly/q3UAYg
- KansasDivorce
#KsCourts: Supreme Court Docket for September 29, 2011 postedbit.ly/rgu7oj
- KansasDivorce What’s worse for credit score—foreclosure, short-sale or deed-in-lieu of foreclosure? wapo.st/piJUMY
- KansasDivorce
#Kansas Ranks Dead-Middle for Divorces Per 1000 Population in 2008-09 Census Statistics (26th of 52 jurisdictions)on.wsj.com/pI9auS
- KansasDivorce State-by-State Census Divorce Rate (per 1000)(2008-09):on.wsj.com/pI9auS
- KansasDivorce Poll of British Family Lawyers Reveals Extramarital Affairs No Longer Main Reason for Divorce tgr.ph/pKPA9J If it ever was…
- KansasDivorce Managing and Coordinating Parenting Schedules Over Holidayshuff.to/qwlAPc via
- KansasDivorce Sides Clash on Release of
#Prop8 Trial Videos sfg.ly/mTIimU
- KansasDivorce A leader is someone who is willing to own not just the result, but the process ow.ly/1etbbU RT
- KansasDivorce Law must be stable, and yet it cannot stand still~Roscoe Pound
- KansasDivorce Vermont Tops National Ranking Of Disability Services:bit.ly/pKGycE RT
- KansasDivorce
#WyomingCts: Wyoming courts has jurisdiction to #gaymarriagevalidly contracted in another jurisdiction. bit.ly/kcTV2v via@markjpdx
- KansasDivorce
#ColoradoCts: Colorado SCT denies #PKPA recognition to NY custody order. bit.ly/ntIDNq via @markjpdx #uccjea
- KansasDivorce A Plug-in that turns text legal cites into links.. Jureeka! bit.ly/n8u8UlGreat plug-in from
- KansasDivorce What to do as the Life Partner of A Depressed Person? Facing the Tough Reality bitly.com/p3gUFh via
- KansasDivorce Divorce is the transformation of a relationship. Your actions affect what it becomes. RT
- KansasDivorce Back-To-School Tips For Divorced/Separated Parentshuff.to/nB62Qi via
- KansasDivorce Survey: Muslim Americans Are Moderate and Mainstream in Their Policital/Social Views usat.ly/pObatg
- KansasDivorce Marriage, Divorce, and Your Waistline: Stress Causes Weight-Gainhuff.to/rm5inW
- KansasDivorce The art of a good apology: Apologize quickly and be specifichttp://ow.ly/6eDpO RT
- KansasDivorce If your ex is a jerk the kids will figure it out on their own. RT
@DivorceZen Highlighting the fact only equalizes the blames
- KansasDivorce Divorce doesn’t make things easy. Ex-spouses still need to solve marital issues to successfully co-parent mT