2011 Kansas Family Law Recodification / Reorganization / Renumbering Issued
On September 14, 2011, the Kansas Revisor of Statutes posted on its website (www.ksrevisor.org) the new statutory numbering system for the Recodified/Reorganized 2011 Kansas Domestic Relations Code. Enacted by the 2011 Kansas Legislature, the Kansas Family Law Reorganization/Recodification is a multi-year project of the Kansas Judicial Council Family Law Advisory Committee, on which Ronald W. Nelson has been a member since 2006. Work began on the recodification in 2000, shortly after the passage of significant amendments to the Kansas child custody statutes as a result of the work of a select committee appointed by the Kansas Supreme Court which recommended that Kansas publish family law statutes in one volume for easy use by practitioners and the public. After its introduction in the 2009 Legislative Session, Ronald W. Nelson testified for passage of the bill to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees in behalf of the Kansas Judicial Council. The 2011 “reorganization” is a first step towards a comprehensive overhaul of Kansas domestic relations laws seeking to modernize and simplify those laws.