Weekly Twitter Update – 2015-June-7
#KSCourts: CJNuss: ‘I don’t want any Kansans to be confused about their courts’ (courts serve citizens not interests) http://t.co/MU0OBsTgno
#KSCourts: Kansas Chief Justice says Kansas courts are open on Monday even if rest of #KSGov is closed: http://t.co/ejSaCOxDPD #responsible
RT @YaelTAbouhalkah: “Governor with tax cutter’s reputation now could be biggest tax raiser in Kansas history.” by @stevekraske
RT @kprkoranda: It could be an all-nighter at the #ksleg. Worst slumber party ever?
RT @joeywenberg: Way to go, #ksleg. https://t.co/ObDX9oUXV7
RT @APjdhanna: Criminal charges filed against Garden City marijuana advocate who lost custody of 11-year-old son. http://t.co/YYISJChyFB
RT @DGCoCourtClerk: The judicial budget bill was signed yesterday. It establishes funding for the courts for FY 2016 & 2017. http://t.co/R…
Researchers figure out what to say and not say on a first date: http://t.co/6pfPpkjg4U
#KSCourts: Although reasonable judges may disagree over property division, that doesnt made it wrong division http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Court need not give detailed explanation of its rationale for property division; but here it did http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Court need not distribute property in any particular way; may divide 50/50 or 100/0 as appropriate http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Kansas courts are not required to divide marital property equally only in equitable manner http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811 #KSCourts: Trial courts have wide discretion to divide marital property as it determines appropriate http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: There is no fixed formula for determination of spousal support; it is an equitable decision http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Kansas law does NOT require trial court explicitly consider every factor when ordering maintenance http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: “Although helpful in reaching settlement, the Family Law Guidelines are not binding and have not been adopted by the Court” http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Without objection made to trial court, appeals court assumes all necessary findings were made http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
RT @KansasBarLeg: KS Sup Ct states that KS courts will be open and conducting business as usual even if state offices close due to furlough
#KSCourts: If a party contends court made inadequate findings, must ask ct to make those additional findings http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Kansas courts have said numerous times that guidelines are not binding (citing previous cases) http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Judges need not explain why they deviate from guidelines for property division http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Although guidelines provide valuable assistance to the court, they are not binding on any judge http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: An appellant cannot change positions on appeal and claim error on that basis http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Appeals court will not consider new issues on appeal http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Appeals court will not consider on appeal an issue not raised to the trial court in timely manner http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: An appellant must provide pinpoint referencs where issues were raised to trial court http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Trial court does not abuse discretion by NOT following the #JOCO Family Law Guidelines http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: An appellant has a duty to prepare the record on appeal for review of any issues appealed http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Trial exhibits critical to record on appeal not included, so court will not consider claimed error http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Court will not question trial court decision where exhibits relied upon not in appellate record http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: Trial court did not err dividing property or awarding spousal support in divorce http://t.co/3PaHqoz9iY #111811
#KSCourts: 2 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions Issued today (2015-June-5): http://t.co/e5TbZkHSPW #112057 111811
#KSCourts: Court made sufficient written findings to justify its 20% Equal Parenting #Childsupport adjustment http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: In deciding #chilldsupport a judge “must fill in the final blanks, not a computer program” http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: #Childsupport is an equitable award guided by mandatory guidelines, not dictated mandatory amount http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: #Childsupport calculations need not be made with scientific accuracy down to the penny http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: When guidelines provide considerations are “discretionary†they are NOT mandatory http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: Kansas Equal Parenting formula is only appropriate when court finds listed factors are present http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: 2013 Kansas #ChildSupport Guidelines give court wide discretion in equal parenting arrangements http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: Appeals court do not re-decide fact questions or re-determine discretionary matters http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: Fact questions decided by trial court are appropriate if supported by the evidence presented http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: Interpretation of the meaning of the Kansas #childsupport Guidelines is issue of law, denovo review http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: The amount of #childsupport is subject to “abuse of discretion” standard of review http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#KSCourts: “Without a doubt,” trial courts is in best position to make findings about child’s best interests http://t.co/e8UgquaKHY #112057
#AKCourts: Court did not err refusing to limit #international travel to #Hague countries-no fact-based concern raised http://t.co/tN5Z6EPCWX
#KSCourts: Supreme Court seeking comments on revisions to Rule 650, Judicial Ethics Advisory Panel: http://t.co/TmnDnnOSol
#KSCourts: Supreme Court accepting comment on rule changes on collection of restitution and debts owed to courts: http://t.co/tKy4Yv1kKz
Federal judge in Alabama resigns heading off probable impeachment proceedings: http://t.co/yVSXiZtnZn
KVC in Olathe “hopes to change the face of foster care.” But its center is far away from population center/transport http://t.co/xEwq4VDtdL