Weekly Twitter Update 2015–February–15
#DivorcedParents: Don’t probe beyond the superficial with your kids after they visit their other parent. http://bit.ly/1A6lvm4
House had a bill read in regarding father/child realtionships. #ksleg
Lawmakers told marriage is awesome: the sequel http://cjon.co/17nw4Gn #ksleg
No warrant required: The gov can read your emails if they’re on cloud services & 180+ days old http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2015/02/11/256304/government-wonders-whats-in-your.html …
Haley asks Knox if he would add having a gun to his list of things you can’t have next to tobacco/alcohol.Says many kids hurt by guns #ksleg
Sen. Knox says weekly social meetings are to ensure family connected to the community and not isolated. He doesn’t mention church. #ksleg
Knox: “We need something changed. And it needs to happen now.” Says bill will recruit quality foster parents #ksleg http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article9711821.html …
I think that last CARE requirement could be interpreted to mean they attend church. Other events probably count, too. #ksleg
.@facebook now has options for what happens to your account when you die http://m.kshb.com/16XOI6v
Existing regulations allow someone to take in kid for 90 days in this non-foster care system…but bill would expand it to one yr #ksleg
Knox and Pilcher-Cook’s separate. Both would expand role of churches and faith communities in foster care system or as alternatives. #ksleg
#LGBT rights groups plan to rally outside Capitol on Saturday in response to Brownback’s controversial order http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article9800048.html … #ksleg
Lawyers decry bills to choose #Kansas high court through partisan elections or gubernatorial appointment http://ksn.com/2015/02/11/kansas-lawyers-criticize-proposed-supreme-court-reform/ … #KSleg
SB148 is “Safe Families Act” allows parent or guardian to name pwr of atty for care of child up to 1 yr or longer if active military #ksleg
Senate Judiciary hearing on SB 148 and SB 158 #ksleg Background on 158 which deals with foster care. http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article9711821.html …
Couples Who Chose Not To Have Children Are ‘Selfish,’ Pope Says http://n.pr/1yqaJBx
Okay but how does a two-year waiting period to give someone time to “fight for their marriage” help? You can’t make someone love you. #ksleg
Wilkinson also wants to eliminate bifurcated divorce proceedings #ksleg
What is your opinion on these possible added requirements for divorce? http://www.wibw.com/home/headlines/Are-Divorces-Too-Easy-In-Kansas-291570911.html …
For those listening to the marriage hearing, I would suggest A) doing research and B) listening to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0iIrywZk5g … #ksleg
The administration logic here is clearly that marriage/social policy is the causation of poverty, not other way around #ksleg
DCF supports the idea of marriage in the Kansas Constitution, Gilmore says = we don’t support same-sex marriages #ksleg
Gilmore says privatization was effort to increase collections. That has not happened http://cjonline.com/news/2014-11-09/kansas-dcf-privatization-some-child-support-measures-fall … #ksleg
Gilmore talking about child welfare privatization. As I reported in November, not doing so hot http://cjonline.com/news/2014-11-09/kansas-dcf-privatization-some-child-support-measures-fall … #Ksleg
In middle of DCF presentation meant to demonstrate problems w/ single parents vs. married couples << Administration on board w/ this #ksleg
Tomorrow is the last day for non-exempt committees to introduce bills. #ksleg
Time for marriage hearings, day two. Going to get some more concrete policy recommendations today #ksleg
Never assume that just because you’re married, you don’t have to make an effort to attract your mate anymore.
Here are some legislative proposals, as suggested by the KS Family policy council. #ksleg
In #Kansas, Kelsey’s Law helps recover abducted infant in just 30 minutes @41ActionNews reports http://goo.gl/8hnYGX
House lawmakers heading into day 2 of marriage hearings. Here’s a look at day 1. #ksleg http://kansaspublicradio.org/kpr-news/ks-lawmakers-kick-hearings-marriage …
House committee hears testimony on curbing the state’s divorce rate. http://bit.ly/1zx7cl7 #ksleg
Senate Bill on Foster Care. Insert outrage here ___. http://www.kslegislature.org/li/b2015_16/measures/documents/sb158_00_0000.pdf … #ksleg
marriage counselor: Here’s how I can tell a couple is heading for divorce. http://bit.ly/1yfTbrD ” #ksleg
@jshormanCJ @andymarso Yeah…I got married in Vegas after Dating a week. Stanton should probably talk with me about that…
Some background: The divorce rate has fallen off its peak http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/02/upshot/the-divorce-surge-is-over-but-the-myth-lives-on.html?_r=0 … #ksleg
Lawmakers told why marriage is awesome and divorce should be slowed down http://cjon.co/1zWyDZp #ksleg
Marriage hearing shows how lawmakers can use info-hearings to confirm preexisting views http://cjon.co/1zWyDZp #Ksleg
Latest News: Lawmakers told divorce process should change: The divorce process should be slowed down in Kansas… http://tinyurl.com/lzqp3oy
Bill would limit certain foster parents to be married 7 years and not cheating. http://tinyurl.com/qavp84e #ksleg #fostercare #sb158
Under #fostercare bill for CARE parents, both parents could not work outside home. http://tinyurl.com/qavp84e #ksleg #sb158
Senate Judiciary working SB105 – Updates to uniform interstate family support act (UIFSA) #ksleg
Updated: Removal of protections for sexual orientation for state workers draws state and national condemnation http://cjon.co/1DfKpAq #ksleg
Sen. Knox wants new foster care system in which parents cannot have sex outside marriage or liquor in home http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article9711821.html … #ksleg
House committee planning to have two days of informational hearings on divorce laws. http://bit.ly/1DwHGD5 #ksleg
Ex-Senator Tim Owens: Ideology drives Sam Brownback’s push for judicial reform | http://CJOnline.com http://cjonline.com/news/state/2015-02-09/ex-senator-tim-owens-ideology-drives-sam-brownbacks-push-judicial-reform#.VNk7wS0aml4.twitter … #ksleg #ksed
#ksleg will hold two days of hearings on the topic of marriage/divorce this week. Brunk decries “cultural breakdown” http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article9521126.html …