Weekly Twitter Update 2013–September–29
#ARCourts:Support obligor does not suffer prejudice byimposition of permanent order where it may be later modified http://1.usa.gov/15BAotT#ARCourts: Supplemental briefing ordered where parties failed to include necessary items in the record on appeal http://1.usa.gov/15Bn1z8#ARCourts: The testimony of an interested party is never undisputed, even though unchallenged. http://1.usa.gov/15BzPQV#AKCourts: Court violated due process rights by making final custody decision at hearing to consider interim orders http://1.usa.gov/15Bzc9Y- Illinois judge rules lawsuit against ban on same-sex marriage can proceed. http://ow.ly/pizVg via
@divorcestlouis #TXCourts: Can family court refuse to enter a mediated settlement agreement (MSA) over the best interest of a child? http://bit.ly/1h9SlF4- New Jersey Judge Rules State Must Allow Gay Couples To Marry http://n.pr/16PYtgM RT
@nprnews View summary #KSCourts: There is no “cumulative error” standard of error in Kansas civil appeals http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437#KSCourts: Err to not use father’s uncontroverted monthly dental insurance payment on child support worksheet http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437#KSCourts: In Kansas, depreciation is not categorically decucted as child support income or expense http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437- RT David Tracy
@tulsafamilylaw New Jersey judge orders that state to allow same-sex marriage. Expect the state to appeal. Read the opinion here. http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/samesex/Decision_Summary_Judgment.pdf … #KSCourts: Depreciation is only deducted from child support income if necessary to produce income http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437#KSCourts: Ct properly imputed child support income to lawyer father although no expert testimony presented http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437#KSCourts: Error of fact in trial court decision that doesn’t effect result is not basis for appeal reversal http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437- NJ Judge rules that same-sex marriage is legal in New Jersey after US Supreme Court ruling
@rizzoSL http://bit.ly/15zp01w #KSCourts: Appeals court reviews findings of fact to see if there is sufficient evidence to support them http://bit.ly/15A0u5R #108437#KSCourts: The Statute of Frauds was designed to prevent fraud, not to encourage it http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: When a party asserts statute of frauds defense, burden of proof lies on that party http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Appeals court ignores factual statements made in appeals brief unsupported in record http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: A litigant cannot appeal an issue not determined by the trial court http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Appeals court does not reweigh or redetermine facts http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Where no demand to elect between remedies made at trial, court decision under either appropriate http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Trial court journal entry controls over prior announced bench decision http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Appeals court affirms trial court decision if correct even if it was for the wrong reason http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Court judgment based on oral non-marital property division agreement upheld on appeal http://bit.ly/16FPlKF #108935#KSCourts: Failure to exercise opportunity to respond does not grant necessity to give another chance http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Constitutional due process deprivation cannot be grounded on parties’ own failure to protect self http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Kansas law does not require additional notice of impending judgment beyond original summons http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: A divorce is not an action for money damages, therefore, KSA 60-254(c) does not apply http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Party cannot intentionally ignore court summons then pled “mistake” to set aside resulting order http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Generally, the loss of judgment alone does not prove prejudice on a motion to set aside http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Appeals court need not reverse judgment on legal err if correct standard wouldn’t benefit appellee http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: To set aside default, moving party must show: no prejudice, defense has merit, excusable neglect http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Even assuming trial court erred on legal standard, no basis shown to set aside default judgment http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: Trial court refusal to set aside default judgment affirmed where no grounds to set aside shown http://bit.ly/16FLLjU #108601#KSCourts: 3 Kansas#FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions were issued today (2013-September-27) http://bit.ly/UnMG92 #108935 #108601 #108437- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2013 http://bit.ly/UnMG92
@UniformLaws creates drafting cmte for Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protection Orders http://bit.ly/106WJyi- On
@Avvo: How do I file for divorce if I cannot find the other party?#filingfordivorce http://rpx.me/1/vLnq - On
@Avvo: Does the court system look down on a person that does not have residential custody?#jointcustody http://rpx.me/1/odnq - #Obamacare Winners: The Recently Divorced http://fb.me/2XWHqJ4BC RT
@GaFamilyLaw - #Oklahoma Governor Fallin asks South Carolina to drop charges against ‘Baby Veronica’s’ birth father http://bit.ly/171EfE3 View photo
#NCCourts: Postdecree order for parent attend anger management vacated when no material change in circumstances shown http://bit.ly/15UyXuh- #Nebraska Bar Association (
@nebrbar) opposing proposed parenting act changes that ignore children’s best interests http://bit.ly/15tFLeB Expand - On
@Avvo: My wife and I are divorcing. We have been together for 10 years.#divorce http://rpx.me/1/YXkq - On
@Avvo: What is the process for my newborn babies father to file for#childcustody? http://rpx.me/1/iXkq - RT Wall Street Journal
@WSJ When (and why) is it OK for parents to fight in front of their kids? http://on.wsj.com/1ajBJbZ #KSCourts: Kansas Supreme Court posts November Docket http://bit.ly/1eE2UTU- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–September–22 http://bit.ly/1gWaPZw
- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2013 http://bit.ly/UnMG92
- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 http://bit.ly/PHOljc
#OKCourts: Order declining to assume original jurisdiction and dissolving emergency stay http://bit.ly/1b99d1s#BabyVeronica- South Carolina adoptive parents take custody of
#BabyVeronica http://bit.ly/19AjEUN - #Kansas Senate Minority Leader Heasley questions timing for sweearing-in of new
#KSCOA judge http://bit.ly/1b96AfT#kscourts - Judge rules child will stay with grandmother in Michigan ‘Medical Marijuana’ case http://bit.ly/15p9BpO