- #AKCourts: Trial court may find that underemployment is voluntary even if the underemployment is in good faith. http://1.usa.gov/1a0Wbx1
- #AKCourts: Grandparent has the burden of proving by clear and convincing evidence to obtain visitation of grandchild http://1.usa.gov/1ewwsUO
- New Jersey Senate sends bill revising birth certificates procedures for transgendered persons to Governor http://bit.ly/1cIweD2
- Utah same-sex couples wed; Federal judge overturns Utah’s same-sex marriage ban; Utah appeals ruling to 10th Circuit http://bit.ly/1cIsFg6
- RT Chris Geidner @chrisgeidner Notice of Appeal filed with the district court by Utah officials in the marriage equality case decided today.
- #TNCourts: Court determination to modify existing parenting plan in the child’s best interests is fact issue: aff’d http://bit.ly/1fsXjxn
- Federal judge rules Utah’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional http://bit.ly/1fsTXdE
- Child Friendly Australia: children see, children do http://bit.ly/1931vCS via @Henry_Law_Firm
- RT
The New York Times @nytimes Canadian Court Strikes Down Anti-Prostitution Laws http://nyti.ms/Jbs1QA
- Federal court determines Utah ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional: http://1.usa.gov/1bVHzlI [Opinion] [PDF]
- Federal judge strikes down Utah same-sex marriage ban http://abcn.ws/1bVGURj
- On @Avvo: What does this paragraph mean within my court document… #childcustodyhttp://rpx.me/1/58wr
- On @Avvo: In the State of Kansas, how long does it take from filing date, for the fina… #divorcehttp://rpx.me/1/T8wr
- Canada Supreme Court strikes down restrictions on prostitution as unconstitutional violations of prostitutes safety http://bit.ly/J2KsY2
- #Hague Convention on International #Child#Abduction will take effect in #Japan April 1, 2014: http://bit.ly/J2IKWA
- .@FLCourts: Regular Florida Supreme Court opinion releases have ended for 2013. They resume Jan. 9, 2014. http://bit.ly/JKXQQD
- #KSCourts: No Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions were issued today (2013-December-20) http://bit.ly/UnMG92
- #NJCourts: Agreement to defray housing expenses in excess of stated amount is alimony under agreement language http://bit.ly/192eg0C
- #TXCourts: TX does not allow court to order attorney fees as additional #childsupport in non-enforcement modification http://bit.ly/192dikY
- #UTCourts: Ct erred modifying #childsupport agreed in #collaborative divorce referring to agreement rather than law http://bit.ly/192cPiC
- #WACourts: Court erred failing to enforce separation agreement provision to arbitrate post-divorce property disputes http://1.usa.gov/1bVBNx4
- #WACourts: Court is not required to place divorcing parties in precisely equal financial positions by its decree http://1.usa.gov/1bVBkuS
- #WACourts: Reserving the power to enter ‘final residential placement’ ‘indefinitely’ exceeds trial court’s authority http://1.usa.gov/1bVznyu
- #WACourts: Altough parentage order under Washington #UPA did not enter a parenting plan, it was a ‘custody decree’ http://1.usa.gov/1bVznyu
- #WVaCourts: Court did not err in refusing to modify support orders retroactive to divorce petition filing date http://bit.ly/1bVyxBV
- #CACourts: Governor Brown appoints 18 new Superior Court judges in California http://bit.ly/1fJIrvd RT @Judgepedia
- RT
Judgepedia @Judgepedia New Mexico becomes 17th state to legalize gay marriage: http://nyti.ms/J8KahW
- #TNCourts: Supreme Court Justice Koch Announces Retirement to Become Dean at Nashville School of Law http://zite.to/1bf9Dx5
- #MOCourts: Single ‘harassing’ event is not sufficient for entry of an order of protection from stalking for neighbors http://on.mo.gov/1ervPvA
- #MOCourts: Missouri Adult Abuse Act not meant as panacea for minor arguments frequently occurring between neighbors http://on.mo.gov/1dT2rtF
- #MOCourts: Repeat calls to obtain gov’t to enforce laws against neighbor not sufficient support for protection order http://on.mo.gov/1dT2rtF
- #MOCourts: Court erred when it refused revival of divorce judgment filed within 10-year limitation period valid http://on.mo.gov/1dT1scW
- #NMCourts: To withstand scrutiny, laws must advance some interest other than to discriminate against class of people http://bit.ly/1fINThX
- #NMCourts: Purported interest of ‘responsible procreation and childrearing’ is not the historical basis for marriage http://bit.ly/1fINThX
- #NMCourts: Religious belief cannot limit or determine the extent of civil marriage http://bit.ly/1fINThX
- #NMCourts: Courts’ interpretation of Constitution does not and cannot depend on religious doctrine http://bit.ly/1fINThX
- #NMCourts: When government threatens constitutional rights, courts responsibility is to determine protection granted http://bit.ly/1fINThX
- New Mexico Supreme Court declares same-sex marriage legal: http://bit.ly/1fINThX [PDF]
- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 http://bit.ly/PHOljc
- Updated Page: Seminars and Presentations http://bit.ly/LA3YYi
- Updated Page: Legislative http://bit.ly/10jFGfV
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–December–15 http://bit.ly/JH1nzu
- Federal judge questions constitutionality of Ohio same-sex marriage ban http://zite.to/1c1XQGM
- #USAppeals7: An inadequate brief often signals a desperately weak case. http://1.usa.gov/1ccE4dh #Posner
- Prepare for the Worst With a High-Conflict Ex http://bit.ly/IWtScr RT @B2BDivorce
- #OHCourts: Immediate appeal on temporary #UCCJEA jurisdiction appropriate where final appeal would take years http://1.usa.gov/J6nmzo
- #OHCourts: Ct erred claiming #UCCJEA ‘temporary jurisdiction’ w/o communicating w/ other State or setting duration http://1.usa.gov/J6nmzo
- #OHCourts: A grandparent, unlike a parent, does not have a fundamental right to custody of the parent’s child http://1.usa.gov/J6nmzo
- #OHCourts: #UCCJEA ’emergency jurisdiction’ is only temporary–not permanent where prior custody order exists http://1.usa.gov/J6nmzo
- #OHCourts: Custody of child living in Arizona improperly granted to Ohio nonparent http://1.usa.gov/J6nmzo
- Ohio Supreme Court orders child returned to mother living in Arizona, rejecting grandfather’s custody claims http://bit.ly/J6n6Ak
- Dealing with grief and bereavement http://zite.to/JDpmj5
- #USAppeals11: Chafin v. Chafin decision on remand from #SCOTUS: Return under #Hague#Abduction Convention affirmed http://1.usa.gov/1dOUQwa
- International Child Travel Consent Form http://bit.ly/1fFq0rL from http://bit.ly/1fFpYA7
- #MSCourts: #SCOMS will take another look at its decision that child support cannot extend to 21 or for disability http://bit.ly/1eoBNxb
- Two Christmases?! Five Reasons Kids With Divorced Parents Have It Best During The Holidays. http://elitedai.ly/1eoAlLn
- Man charged with murder after his ex-girlfriend strikes, kills bicyclist while fleeing from his abuse http://bit.ly/JBLvye
- #KSCourts: Domestic Relations #CaseManagement Guidelines, Administrative Order 276, filed 12/9/2013 http://bit.ly/1kV15AW
- JOAL – the Journal of Open Access to Law — debuts. Announcement here: http://bit.ly/18Wm584 RT @trbruce
- What business managers can learn from marriage therapists http://bbc.in/19QOBVu
- N.J. same-sex marriage bill put on hold http://zite.to/1gDE9sk
- #DivorcedParents: Don’t dismiss a subject lightly if it is one bothering your child. http://bit.ly/1jedkNe RT @RosalindSedacca
- America’s new relationship trend: When “husbands” and “wives” aren’t actually married http://bit.ly/1jecnV6 via @Salon (or are they?)
- Opinion analysis: ERISA limitations periods are enforceable http://zite.to/1fi3c09
- #KansasLegislature‘s Year in Review: selection of #KSCOA judges for merit ends http://bit.ly/1kPuuMI @GaveltoGavel#ksleg#kscourts
- #Oklahoma Legislative Year in Review: two laws ban use of foreign/international law in courts via @GaveltoGavelhttp://bit.ly/19tpYSC
- Social Security to process survivor benefits for same sex couples http://zite.to/J0fr6w
- Getting personal before the Supreme Court: Lozano v. Alvarez #Hague#Abduction Convention http://wapo.st/1c7rw6P
- How to Tell If Your Relationship Will Survive the Holidays http://zite.to/1bL1hQU
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–December–08 http://bit.ly/1bTyhYq
- CASA advocates for Jackson County, Mo abused and neglected children hit milestone, but cases are on the rise http://zite.to/1cM7MEc
- The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom will change its web address to reflect its constitutional position http://zite.to/198jI4D
- #FLCourts: Property division reversed where uncontroverted evidence showed property was non-divisible & non-marital http://bit.ly/18tRkcG
- My best friend: the doormat http://wapo.st/1cvdqXX @carolynhax
- #VACourts: Orders entered in court’s erroneous reopening of divorce case reversed http://bit.ly/19qIquR
- #VACourts: Court erred in reopening divorce to equitably distribute business’ account receivable not a marital asset http://bit.ly/1dfBIXp
- #INCourts: Trial court did not err in refusing to set aside final orders entered when party/attorney failed to appear http://bit.ly/19qGdjc
- #INCourts: Trial court did not err entering final divorce orders when party/attorney failed to appear http://bit.ly/19qGdjc
- #INCourts: Mother’s constitutional right to determine contact with others unduly limited by order limiting contact http://bit.ly/1dfyVgW
- #INCourts: Court order restricting mother from having children around her boyfriend reversed as too restrictive http://bit.ly/1dfyVgW
- #INCourts: Divorce orders upheld where no showing of abuse and all findings supported by testimony presented http://bit.ly/19qEuug
- #NECourts: Discovery orders within a divorce action are not subject to interlocutory appeal http://1.usa.gov/19qD96z
- #NECourts: Temporary suspension of a parent’s visitation rights do not affect substantial rights, are not appealable http://1.usa.gov/1dfvqat
- #NECourts: Proper legal effect of signed, unchallenged paternity acknowledgment is that signing person = legal father http://1.usa.gov/19qAzxv
- #IACourts: Abuse victim satisfied residency requirement for venue when she moved to escape violence http://bit.ly/JuDKdX
- #IACourts: Appeal filed 1-day after 30 day deadline timely where clerk office was closed under cost-saving directive http://bit.ly/JuDKdX