- Why you should think twice before hiring an aggressive attorney http://flip.it/PpWfX
- Study shows wedded bliss and gut feelings sometimes conflict http://wapo.st/181ikh9
- India Supreme Court finds live-in relationship neither a crime nor a sin http://bit.ly/181gpJj
- #KSCourts: Kansas Supreme Court names new information director, Lisa Taylor http://bit.ly/1eEA1ok #scoks
- “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”–Maria Robinson RT @HuffPostDivorce
- New judge named in Jackson County, Missouri: http://bit.ly/18oRMJk
- RT Stephen Dillard @JudgeDillard Happy first night of #Hanukkah!
- #SC Fed Dt Ct finds no sanctions for deletions (#spoliation) of #Facebook postings. http://bit.ly/1c9oQ6Z MT @ComplexDivorce
- KS Supremes reaffirm they decide who practices law in KS. http://bit.ly/1c90hqL MT @wbdamron #kscourts
- RT Philip J. Byers, Esq @PhilipJByers Happy Chanukah http://wp.me/p2wVUd-2V View photo
- Orders for removal entered where father failed to comply with #Hague #Abduction return order http://bit.ly/17UR2sQ #UK #Pakistan
- #Hague #Abduction return order granted where mother took child to England from Spain without consent http://bit.ly/17UNNBu
- Babies conceived by frozen, instead of fresh, embryos have remarkably better chance of survival http://bit.ly/1dBb7sN #ART @surrogacylawyer
- Achieving Better Results for Families: A Customer-Oriented Approach to Meeting #ChildSupport Enforcement Goals http://bit.ly/1dBazDk #cse
- Federal judge rules Michigan state judge can be sued over child protection case linked to alcohol at Tigers game http://bit.ly/1dB9USr
- #KSCourts: No Kansas #FamilyLaw related Appeals Decisions were issued today (2013-November-27) http://bit.ly/UnMG92 #happythanksgiving
- #SCOTUS Argument Preview for #Hague #Abduction case Lozano v. Alvarez http://bit.ly/1b4t6Qx @LIICornell
- .@USCBO releases report on the Sean and David Goldman Child #Abduction Prevention and Return Act http://bit.ly/IiJF4C via @bringseanhome
- #KSCourts: Kansas district and appellate courts are closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving Holiday.
- The Changing American Family: more diverse, more surprising, more baffling http://nyti.ms/1dzEqfg
- U.S. high court to chart fate of inherited IRAs in bankruptcy http://bit.ly/1cN7JpF via @NickPBrown via @lawrencehurley
- Adolescent men, mental illness & the need/desire to draw BIG attention http://bit.ly/1idbNXr by @HighConflict
- Updated Page: Frequently Asked Questions http://bit.ly/LC4Zza
- New Page: Can I move after filing for divorce? http://bit.ly/1jHb4Je
- Updated Page: Where do I file if I want to change a child custody order? http://bit.ly/1jH9ves
- On @Avvo: I used to live in finney county ks, and this is where my child custody case began; but I don’t live there anymore. #childcustody http://rpx.me/1/04gr
- Teen & his biological mother are charged in shooting of teen’s adoptive parents http://bit.ly/1heFvtF
- #SCOTUS will hear #Hague #Abduction Convention case December 11, 2013 (Lozano v. Alvarez) http://huff.to/193nyWS
- Facebook stalker faces jail after bombarding victim with up to 300 calls a night. http://bit.ly/18jl4ZP
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–November–24 http://bit.ly/17TZt9V
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–November–17 http://bit.ly/17TTMc6
- News: Weekly Twitter Update 2013–November–10 http://bit.ly/17TTbHc
- When clients are their own worst enemy. http://bit.ly/1erNY94 Marilyn Stowe via @divorcestlouis
- On @Avvo: Final stage of divorce, suddenly wife wants money in my business! #divorceassets http://rpx.me/1/4cfr