#LACourts: S Ct releases rule commentary on steps judges may consider in facilitating self-represented litigants http://bit.ly/Y6B8H8
- Late Marriage and Its Consequences: http://nyti.ms/ZjvtZW
- RT
@ezraklein “the age of first marriage…now lags the average age of first birth by about a year” http://douthat.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/22/late-marriage-and-its-consequences/#.UU3FduNku78.twitter …
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@Avvo: Should a person common law divorce his previous relationship before marrying someone else? #commonlawmarriage http://rpx.me/1/m13l
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@Avvo: Does he have a right to items that he believes he’s entitled to have when we’ve only been married 3 weeks? #divorce http://rpx.me/1/Q03l
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@Avvo: I trying to help a friend who got their child and grand child taken from them. #physicalcustody http://rpx.me/1/iZ3l
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@Avvo: Do not know where he is, he abandoned me and left for me another woman #divorce http://rpx.me/1/7Y3l
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@HarrietLerner It’s just when your partner is being the biggest jerk, that you’re called upon to be your best self.” http://ow.ly/jgGef
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@kevinmarksmith Can’t be forced to register for use of deadly weapon unless you actually used the weapon in commission of the crime. http://www.kscourts.org/Cases-and-Opinions/opinions/CtApp/2013/20130322/106791.pdf …
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@MarriageVelcro Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life. – Richard Bach
#TNCourts: Martial Dissolution Agreement superceded survivorship rights in joint accts not changed before death http://bit.ly/14cGaFu
- Timeline: Same-sex marriage in the law, pop culture, and the courts http://n.pr/165Fcct
- RT
@HighConflict While you may be tempted to write a response in anger, you are much more likely to reach your goal by writing in a friendly manner.
- RT
@jeannemhannah Prenuptial Agreements | Are they Worth the Cost? http://bit.ly/14hClz7
#KSLegislature: #KSHouse passes #SB20, revising statutes on poverty affds & general civil restraining orders, 119-0 http://bit.ly/11z2mIk
#KSCourts: No Kansas #FamilyLaw Related Appeals Decisions Issued Today (2013-Mar-22) http://bit.ly/UnMG92
#WACourts: Terms of a proposed written agreement were ot implied in oral settlement placed on record in divorce http://1.usa.gov/1653fIv
#GACourts: Trial court order that mother not apply for state assistance while receiving child support reversed http://bit.ly/1651zyC
- The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation is Extended through December 31, 2013 http://fb.me/22ILnFHmm RT
- Colorado Approves Same-Sex Unions http://nyti.ms/163wETn
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@Avvo: I have a 3 year old daughter. I am paying child support, but she won’t let me see her. #childcustody http://rpx.me/1/J80l
- Colorado approves civil unions for same-sex couples after long fight against 2006 ban. Will be effective May 1, 2013 http://lat.ms/14fkmcx
#BIFF: Quick Responses to High Conflict People by Bill Eddy (@HighConflict) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1936268353?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=1936268353&linkCode=shr&tag=ourfamilywiza-20&=books&qid=1363891560&sr=1-3&keywords=bill+eddy … via @OurFamilyWizard
- Support for same-sex marriage is soaring. Here’s why. http://ow.ly/jiabu MT
- Affordable Care Act will increase coverage and demand for
#mentalhealth services throughout Kansas http://bit.ly/ZWVleX #ACA
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@sassy_divorcee If marriage means you fell in love, does divorce mean you climbed back out? #divorce
- Updated Page: Legislative–2013 Session http://bit.ly/WUe21y
#KSLegislature: #KSSenate Judiciary recommends #HB2205, adoption hearing notice waivers, placed on consent calendar http://bit.ly/11HsSjg
#KSLegislature: #KSSenate Judiciary merges #HB2259 (divorce process) into #HB2215 (marital gifts not separate prop) http://bit.ly/XeGjQl
#KSLegislature: #KSSenate Judiciary recommends passage of #HB2014, revoking spousal beneficiary rights upon divorce http://bit.ly/XeG73y
- Canada’s House of Commons passes bill to make
#transgender discrimination illegal http://wapo.st/YtUpi2 #LGBTQA
- The National Marriage Project
@UVa issues report finding almost half of first babies in U.S. now born out of marriage http://bit.ly/WNi1SS
- Study of men’s falling Income cites the decline in two-parent households as a possible cause http://nyti.ms/WNfo3c
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@CDCGov issues report finding prevalence of #Autism is 1-in-50 for ages 6–17 for 2011-2012 http://1.usa.gov/WNe3tp
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@AmerAcadPeds AAP supports civil marriage for same-gender couples, and full adoption and foster care rights for all parents http://ow.ly/jhAsz
- American Academy of Pediatrics (
@AmerAcadPeds) ussues statement supporting same-sex marriage and adoption http://bit.ly/WNaPWB
#KSCourts: Tim McCarthy, 2012-13 #Johnson County Bar Ass’n Chair, named District Judge http://on.fb.me/WN7NSm #Div18
- New Mexico Governor Martinez signed Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act (
#UCAPA) into law on March 16, 2013 http://bit.ly/ZNIJZ5
- Getting rejected by a partner because you won’t perform as he wants you to is degrading to both you and him. RT
#KSCourts: Supreme Court seeks comment on proposed amendment to Rule 610 on judicial complaints, Letters of Caution http://bit.ly/XpILVl
#KSCourts: Kansas Court of Appeals Docket for May, 2013 Posted: http://bit.ly/f2sEdn #KSCOA
- The needs of special needs children: a brief overview http://tinyurl.com/d7qb9kh via
#KSCourts: Supreme Court invites comments to proposed new rule on Confidentiality during disciplinary process http://bit.ly/15WZ9lz
- RT
@IRSnews How do I pay #taxes I owe? What if I can’t pay? What if I don’t pay? #IRS explains your options. http://go.usa.gov/rvsV #tax
#SCOTUS Argument recap: Does “may only” mean “shall only”? http://www.scotusblog.com/2013/03/argument-recap-does-may-only-mean-shall-only/ … > Important also with @uniformlaws style guidelines
- Misunderstanding incivility and how to stop it. http://bit.ly/WyPqz5 via
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2013–March–17 http://bit.ly/ZUzHcE
- The 6 biggest mistakes women can make in divorce (quoting
@GADivorce) http://huff.to/XjiDv8
- Love is Not Enough for a Healthy Marriage http://zite.to/102OuV1