#SCOTUS grants cert Bond v US, testing Congress’ power to implement treaties in areas normaly reserved to the states http://bit.ly/13QrjxP
#IRS to begin accepting most 2012 #tax returns on Wednesday, January 30 this year. http://go.usa.gov/4qGG RT@IRSnews
- Judicial selection misnomer is that the Kansas Bar Association has 5 of 9 slots on nominating commission. KS attorneys select… NOT KBA. RT
- On Gavel Grab: JAS Board Member, Others Oppose Changes to Kansas Merit Selection http://ow.ly/gWf1I RT
- RT
@StateCourts: Who’s your daddy? Sperm donors, paternity, child support and #familylaw @WashingtonTimes http://bit.ly/SV7tjK #Kansas
#KSCourts are closed for Martin Luther King,, Jr. Day on Monday, January 21, 2013 http://bit.ly/VbWEKZ
- Although it’s true that no one is responsible for how we feel, it’s also true that others affect our feelings and should be mindful of that. RT
- The
@UniformLaws Commission is currently drafting Uniform legislation for prevention of human #trafficking: http://bit.ly/VbUYBf #ksleg
- AG, Gov unveil bill to toughen human trafficking laws.
#ksleghttp://kansaspublicradio.org/news/statehouse-news/5809-gov-ag-unveil-bill-to-toughen-human-trafficking-penalties … RT@kprkoranda
#KSCourts: Failing to support provide legal authority for an appellate claim is same as not briefing issue http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Points raised on appeal only incidentally are deemed abandoned. http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Appeals court determines evidence does not support trial court decision on child care costs or need http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: When court determines need for child care, evidence must support its decision http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Broad discretion to determine child support does not eliminate ct obligation to consider evidence http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: an issue over child care costs cannot be ‘severed’ when considering appropriate child support http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: An opportunity to be heard on a motion is a prerequisite to modifying child support http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Kansas child support guidelines only require consideration of child care costs where “necessary” http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: The court has discretion where a case falls outside the child support guidelines, http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Kansas child support guidelines interpretation is entitled to de novo review as a legal issue http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
#KSCourts: Appeals court reviews an order modifying child support for abuse of discretion http://bit.ly/106jUXb #107694
- Gov. Brownback and AG Schmidt announce anti-human trafficking proposal.
#ksleg pic.twitter.com/wTcazhnW RT@BrentWistrom
- View photo
- Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2013 http://bit.ly/UnMG92
#KSCourts: 1 #Kansas #FamilyLaw Related Appeals Decisions Issued Today (2013-Jan-18) http://bit.ly/UnMG92 #107694
- speaker merrick says aiming for 80 day session and real veto session, not omnibus
#ksleg RT@ljwrothschild
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #SB53, prohibiting employers from requiring employees to divulge social media content http://bit.ly/UAKHed
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2034, authorizing subpoena to issue for use of tracking devices by law enforcement http://bit.ly/UAKg3k
#KSHouse Speaker promises aggressive schedule MT @bradc25
#VACourts: #ART statute not intended to deprive child of a responsible, involved parent despite marital preference http://bit.ly/UAFXoO
#VACourts: #ART statute does not prohibit unmarried sperm donor from seeking to establish his parentage http://bit.ly/UAFXoO
#SDCourts: Order removing mother as guardian of adult child affirmed for failure to move her toward independent living http://bit.ly/UAF9jS
#KSLegislature: #KSHouse Judiciary Hearings on multiple bills/Constitutional Amndmnts to Change #KSCourts merit selection Jan-22, @ 3:30pm
#KSLegislature: #SB20, amending civil #poverty affd statute,#KSSenate Judiciary hearing scheduled: Jan-23, 10:30am http://bit.ly/11z2mIk
- Proposals to change a good system that selects good judges not a good idea. http://bit.ly/SblEzD
- Election of
#KSCourts Appellate Judges a “very bad idea.”http://bit.ly/Sbldp4 @KCStar Editorial
- Belcher Custody dispute between relatives remains in
#MO where child lived with now deceased parents, under #UCCJEA http://bit.ly/SbkvrU
#KSLegislature: #KSCourts CJ Nuss says electing judges “opens the door to politicizing the [Kansas] judicial system” http://bit.ly/Xfjagg
- Government Benefits Available to
#Kansas Residents:http://1.usa.gov/XfcZJ1 from @BenefitsGov
#KSCourts: @HuffPost, @InsideEdition seek cameras in #Shawnee Dist Court for 9-Apr-13 @DCFKansas ‘Sperm Donor’ Hearing http://bit.ly/WjiTKz
- Ukrainian president’s children’s right commissioner urges
#Ukraine to ratify #Hague Inter-Country #Adoption Convention http://bit.ly/SQXCeN
- Wisconsin man ordered to tell any woman within 3 minutes of meeting that he’s convicted felon and unpaid child support http://bit.ly/SQRmUo
- Pauline Phillips (Dear Abby) Dies at 94 http://nyti.ms/SQPz1r
- Pres. Wagle and I plan to hold fewer interim joint committees. Meetings in CYs 2009-12 cost more than $817,000 for KS taxpayers.
#ksleg RT@SpeakerMerrick
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2029: Enacting the ‘Vulnerable Kansan Protection Act,’ relating to #ID, #DD, #HCBS http://bit.ly/SQNJhj
- Debbie Nordling, former layperson of nominating commission, says that to change system is to “screw up BIG”!
#ksleg #kscourts RT@KansasBarLeg
- Merit selection process works very well and the process should be retained.
#ksleg RT@KansasBarLeg
- Judge Malone says the KS Court of Appeals is not a pilot project for change.
#ksleg RT@KansasBarLeg
- A brief look at the
#KSCourts‘ proposed budget. http://bit.ly/Xh7l9P MT@APjdhanna
- Second hearing on Judicial Selection in the Senate Judiciary Committee this morning. Lot of great input.
#ksleg RT@Garrett_Love
- On
@FreshAir @NPR: Interesting interview on effects of #infertility drugs & older parenthood. http://bit.ly/Va0DHP MT @marketingmaven#ART
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HCR5005: Gov’r appointment of#KSCourts #SCt Justices, #KSSenate Confirm, Lifetime tenure: http://bit.ly/SQFodf
- The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps working people make life easier. Are you one of them? http://go.usa.gov/1VW MT
- Updated Page: Client Information and Forms http://bit.ly/NoVpkh
- Should a judge recuse due to Facebook friendship with prosecutor? Florida Supreme Court is asked to decide. http://bit.ly/U3FnAO
- Legislators open hearings to change merit selection.http://m.cjonline.com/news/2013-01-16/legislators-open-hearing-changing-judicial-selection …
- RT
- Same-sex divorce raises new legal issues http://bit.ly/Vsv0ou RT
- Updated Page: Legislative–2013 Session http://bit.ly/WUe21y
- If KDOT/KTA merge, Let’s hope KTA roads don’t start to look like Topeka’s on a snow day…
@wibw #ksleg RT@4stephaniesharp
- 61% of Kansas voters, including majorities of Rs & Ds, oppose changes to how state Supreme Court justices are selected http://ow.ly/gSl1e RT
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2020 Providing for partisan election of #KSCourts appeals judges, no merit selection http://bit.ly/XeHwaw
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2019 Providing for appointment of appeals court judges by Governor, no merit selection http://bit.ly/XeH6B1
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2016, Repeal of #KSCourts ‘1-judge-1-county’ rule, allowing for judicial reassignments http://bit.ly/XeGRWD
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #HB2015 removing from “separate property” in marriage items gifted by a spouse http://bit.ly/XeGjQl
#KSLegisature: Introduced: #HB2014 Revoking an ex-spouse’s rights under beneficiary clauses upon divorce http://bit.ly/XeG73y
#SDLegislature: Lawmakers start to tackle revisions in state’s child-support laws. http://ow.ly/gR85S via @divorcestlouis
- In Russia, Ban on U.S. Adoptions Creates Rancor and Confusion http://nyti.ms/TZrgg4 View summary
- Relationships: Fighting ‘Snark’ With Tact: http://wapo.st/11z410P [
@CarolynHax] View summary
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #SB20: Amending Statutes on the filing of #poverty affidavits in civil actions http://bit.ly/11z2mIk Expand
#KSLegislature: Introduced: #SB18: Amending Statutes on Civil Restraining Orders (KSA 60-901): http://bit.ly/11z2bgk Expand
#KSLegislature: MT @KansasBarLeg: #KSHouse Judiciary seats 11 lawyers. Most in some time. #ksleg #kscourts Expand
#KSLegislature: MT @KansasBarLeg: Chairman Kinzer introduces bill to remove the one judge per county requirement for #KSCourts. Expand
#KSLegislature: RT @KansasBarLeg: Chairman Kinzer introduces a HCR and House bill to amend the selection of judges and justices. Expand
- Updated Page: Ronald W. Nelson’s complete curriculum vitae http://bit.ly/RJqbsz Expand
- How to “fix”
#marriage? @Slate gathers together some proposals: http://slate.me/V6WDIa Expand
- Exemplifying the complexity of
#familylaw, 1 man wants parental rights while another does not. http://bit.ly/WH5R8h Expand
#KSCourts: Judicial Vacancy in 9th Judicial District (#McPherson,#Harvey): http://bit.ly/10uRNGZ Application: http://bit.ly/10uROea [PDF] Expand
#KSLegislature: 2013 Session Begins: Remember: “No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session.” G.Tucker Expand
#KSLegislature: Another #KSSenate panoramic pic from @BrentWistrom pic.twitter.com/cmsrLAcK First day, 2013 session. View photo
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals Argument Docket for March, 2013 Posted: http://bit.ly/f2sEdn #kca Expand
- Prospective Florida juror who Googled murder defendant sentenced to jury duty http://dlvr.it/2njffw Expand
- Ex-wife of powerful former Kansas Legislator claims “hundreds of thousands” in past due child support is owed http://bit.ly/13v85xl Expand
#KSLegislature 2013 has the fewest women since 1988http://bit.ly/RSVmlB MT @LJWorld Expand
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2013–January–13 http://bit.ly/VFz8Eu Expand
- Congress’ Power to Make and Enforce Treaties (Part I): The power to alter and void conflicting state laws http://bit.ly/100TVoM via
@VolokhC Expand
#KSLegislature: 2012 Session Convenes Today (2012-Jan-14) @ 2pm Expand
- 2013
#IRS standard mileage rate set at 56.5 cents per mile for business miles driven. http://go.usa.gov/gTaB #tax #taxes RT@IRSnews