- #OKLeg: Editorial: Oklahoma lawmakers spike sensible child-support bill http://bit.ly/MJfFvZ
- .@USState Secretary Clinton to “redouble, triple our efforts” on child
#abduction http://goo.gl/fb/8Y7Cr via @JohnCrouchEsq
- Seven Ignored Tips About Social Security Benefits http://on-msn.com/LxIW9Y
- RT @JohnCrouchEsq KansasDivorce “It Considered Parents Wants, Not Child’s Needs” sounds like good all-purpose line when vetoing ANY custody bill.
- Great case about fraudulent conveyances for divorce attorneys, Cavin v Brown, 246 GaApp 40 (2000) MT @mklawgroup
- Children only get one chance at childhood. RT @GotelAssociates
- Client counseling is critical in custody cases! MT @GaFamilyLaw
- We want children to say “My parents are divorced but they like each other, respect each other and are nice to each other.”
MT @GaFamilyLaw
- Disparagement or negative feelings toward other parent is radioactive to a child’s heart, soul and mind. MT @GaFamilyLaw
- Child’s happiness is more important than a parent’s happiness, pride or hurt feelings. Take the high road in custody cases MT @GaFamilyLaw
- “Legislation can neither be wise nor just which seeks the welfare of a single interest.” –Andrew Johnson RT @WestWingReport
- MT
@BreakingNews: Kansas governor “reveals” he signed bill banning sharia law – http://cjonline.com Although it didn’t
- RT
@dianamercer Divorce: Kids and Custody http://hub.am/JdghHb
- RT
@KTVZ Prineville mom finds a tech niche: Creates online child custody management software program: http://bit.ly/K8nxYx
- Just Call It a Pre-Prenup http://nyti.ms/JCvRC2 RT
#KSLegislature: #SB79, “American Laws for Americans” is effective July 1, 2012 http://bit.ly/JlFZLc
- News: Family Law Bills Signed by Governor This Week http://bit.ly/Jsp4tq
#KSLegislature: Governor signs package of bills http://bit.ly/LBk7gQ
#KSLegislature: Govr Signed and Enrolled: #HB2613, Lifetime extension of protective orders, http://bit.ly/xw8Rgb
#KSLegislature: Govr Signed and Enrolled: #SB79, “American Laws for Americans Act” http://bit.ly/JlFZLc
#KSLegislature: Govr Signed and Enrolled: #HB2534, failure to report death, disappearance of child “Caylee’s Law” http://bit.ly/zoz2a0
- Brownback signs bill that caused
#sharia flap http://bit.ly/Jigp87 RT @andymarso
- Gov. Brownback has signed a bill blocking the use of Foreign Law in Kansas courts. http://ljw.bz/LvAlEA — Although it was never a problem.
- Today is International Missing Children’s Day http://on.fb.me/KR7Ki3 via
#Jewish and considering #divorce? What you need to know about ketubahs, gets and #FamilyLaw. http://bit.ly/KR7rUs
MT @DishonBlock
- A Love Story: In Sickness and in Health http://bit.ly/KR7iR1
- “I just need some space.” Being Aware of the
#UCCJEA in Separation and Divorce is Critical http://bit.ly/KR73Fm
- Study finds low-income earners have more–not less–traditional views of marriage than those with greater wealth http://bit.ly/KR5lUv
- Study finds efforts to save low-income marriages should confront economic & social problems not values http://ow.ly/b8i2L
via @HiddenBrain
- DC Appeals Court Finds Judge ‘Punished’ Defendant for Confronting Witness http://bit.ly/KLR3RC RT
- Minnestoa Governor Dayton Vetoes Minimum Child Custody Bill Because It Considered Parents Wants, Not Child’s Needs http://bit.ly/KR37o4
- When your mate is having a melt down, its your job to uphold 100% of the relationship. Later the roles could reverse.
RT @MarriageVelcro
- The art of being happily married is knowing what to overlook. RT
- The FBI’s free Child ID App puts safety at your fingertips. It’s available for iPhone & Android http://bit.ly/KR0KBW
MT @TheJusticeDept
#KSCourts: Child custody is one of the most difficult areas faced by courts. The child’s best interests are paramount. http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Trial court need not explicitly reference every factor when changing custody–only to ‘consider’ factors http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Kansas law imposes a duty on litigants to object if they claim inadequate findings were made by trial court http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: When party fails to object at trial level, claim of error is not preserved, but is waived. http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Appellate courts do not retry or redecide child custody cases. Standard is ‘abuse of discretion’ http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: When current parenting plan adopted uncritically by court, court may modify if in the child’s best interests http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: No ‘material change’ need be shown to change #custody if current order entered by default or agreement http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Presumption favoring past agreed parenting plan does not apply to new situations http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Presumption favoring agreed parenting plan doesn’t apply if agreement doesn’t anticipate intervening changes http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Presumption favoring agreed parenting plan no longer applies if circumstances have changed since agreement http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: Ct must articulate specific findings to overcome presumption agreed parenting plan in child’s best interests http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSCourts: 1 Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decision Issued Today (2012-May-25) http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
- General rule: spouse who pays the mortgage takes the mortgage interest deduction. RT
- Reality: short sales are necessary tool for many of our divorce clients in the current economy. RT
- #MDCourts: Not error to refuse genetic testing of non-husband father when child’s best interests properly considered http://bit.ly/LMonNn
- #IllCourts: Resources Withdrawn from Divided Marital Savings Not “Income” for Child Support Purposes. http://bit.ly/LMmW1w
- Lawyers may view inadvertent disclosed metadata in ‘unscrubbed’ e-doc, but not use program uncovering deleted metadata http://bit.ly/LMiCzb
- RT
@YaelTAbouhalkah: Here’s hoping Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback signs anti-Shariah law. http://bit.ly/LMg3x3
- Interesting new separated/divorced parenting website: http://divaroo.com/
- Evidence law alone determines what the fact finder will receive and how they will be allowed to consider it. RT
#SCOTUS Launching More Mobile-Friendly Web Site on June 1st http://bit.ly/LuFs8c via @infodocket
#KSCourts: 11 Apply for Shawnee County Judge Position (formerly held by Anderson) http://bit.ly/LMa1wk
- #KSLegislature: Brownback to decide fate of Anti-Shariah bill http://tinyurl.com/8a75q2s
- Brownback to decide whether to sign Anti-Foreign Laws bill by today (2012-May-25) http://bit.ly/LM8s1u
- It’s official. @BayAreaDivorce again Chair of the California Family Law Section Exec Committee 2012-13. Honored. http://twitpic.com/9owlzc
- Hague #Abduction Case about four sisters to go to full bench of Austrailian High Court http://ow.ly/b8ECS
via @KaseyFoxLawyer
- Why are court orders different in similar
#divorce cases? – http://ow.ly/b6LKB RT @SacDivorce
- RT
@KHIorg RT @swikleKAC: Farewell, Bob We will miss you. http://twitpic.com/9osv4v #ksleg
#KSCourts: Due to maintenance issues, http://KSCourts.org will be down today (2012-May-24) from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
- Kansas Redistricting Case web site – USDC–Kansas http://1.usa.gov/KXcDTb via
- Because of possible grave consequences, it’s recommended that every prenuptial agreement be signed by 2 witnesses
MT @GaFamilyLaw
- Why do people self-represent in divorce cases? Only 1/2 say because of $ or no legal aid. http://bit.ly/Jdsg7w via
- Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm via
@SkinDocMike RT @LisaKiftTherapy
- In this market do not include command language on refinancing. Make it good faith effort. RT
- When dealing with sales of house in divorce, don’t file terms as public record. Make it a separate non-record agreement.
RT @GaFamilyLaw
- GA
#FamilyLaw Section has a blockbuster line-up of #CLE and speakers lined up for its Institute today! http://bit.ly/KjU1xI
- Beliefs shape perception. Believing is seeing, not the other way around MT
- In a time of marriage crisis, if you don’t do something new and different, the situation is likely to get worse. RT
- Should we stay together for the kids? http://huff.to/KjMVJQ
- Will your frozen sperm be used after your death and inherit from you? http://wp.me/p25FgM-62 MT
@tulsafamilylaw #ART
- Whose God Wins When Parents Fight about Child’s Relgious Upbringing? http://bit.ly/KzxOIW (Quote Mike Albano, Joe Gitlin)
via @Henry_Law_Firm
- Helping Your Child Through a
#Divorce http://bit.ly/KzxsSl via @Henry_Law_Firm
- Colin Powell tells
#CNN that he supports legal same-sex marriage, at state or federal level http://bit.ly/JDDBNM @cnnbrk
via @BreakingNews
- Stepping Up for Kids: What Government and Communities Should Do to Support
#Kinship Families: http://bit.ly/KUvQVx
RT @HaralambieLaw
- How do I file a petition for primary custody and keep things amicable with my ex? http://rpx.me/ZWkg
- Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. RT
#UK extends free #IVF to women up to age 42, same-sex couples, & cancer patients http://bit.ly/KT4ZJh
via @willfalk @fertilitylaw #ART
- .
@NYTimes urges reform in states’ judicial elections processes http://nyti.ms/KowRXN via @JusticeStake
- Non-Compliance with Court Order and possible criminal charges in child custody matters. http://rpx.me/qKkg
- Shouldnt the adoption subsidy count as child support?… http://rpx.me/9Jkg
- Does my divorced brother have any recorse to reverse a judgement that was entered against him? http://rpx.me/ZJkg
- Should I file for contempt or file for child custody modification? (Morality Clause) http://rpx.me/MJkg
#KSLegislature: #SB304, Certified Batterers Intervention Act, #FamilyLaw Code Cleanup, Enrolled & Presented to Govr http://bit.ly/y8MZjm
#KSCourts: Five Kansas Supreme Court Justices Recuse Themselves From Ex-AG Kline’s Ethics Case http://bit.ly/JlML6G
via @ABAJournal
- #USSupreme Court: Twins conceived after father’s death can’t get
#socialsecurity benefits http://wapo.st/LyS8RL #ART
- Mark Zuckerberg Marries 1-Day After Facebook IPO – The
#FamilyLaw Aspects (Quoting #ABAFamily Chair @GADivorce) http://nyti.ms/MDamAR
- RIP Rep Bob Bethell. Condolences to his family http://bit.ly/KsrIda
- RT
@AssignDeskDiva: $1.1 million in supplemental funding was rolled into the legislative appropriation bill for FY 2013. #KSCourts #kwch12
- Did the
#KSLegislature Inadvertently Mandate the Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage in #KSCourts? http://bit.ly/JKNMX0
- #VI Supreme Court Rules Wives Are Not “Property” http://nblo.gs/xUKNv RT
#SCOTUS: Posthumous child born from #ART not entitled to social security survivor benefits http://bit.ly/JKFChr
- How do I get legal help with an Oregon domestic partnership issue when both of us have moved elsewhere? http://rpx.me/-jjg
#KSCourts: Statewide Court Closures Scheduled This Week and June Cancelled http://bit.ly/JKAZ6Q
#KSCourts: CJ Nuss Announces that the 4 remaining days of Court Closures are cancelled via @BrentWisdom
#KSSenate adjourned until Sine Die June 1 by resolution. #ksleg. #kshouse still churning out product. MT @rjwilson
#KSLegislature: The Senate has adjourned and is heading home. RT @BrentWistrom