- If your children want to talk about their time with the other parent, be open to it without judgment, but don’t push.
- Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken~Oscar Wilde RT
- In divorce, parents often use children to find out what is going on in other parent’s life. Withhold the urge–for the children.
- Never take anyone for granted because you never know when you might lose them. RT
- When you judge your spouse, you do not define them, you define yourself. RT
- Ex-Etiquette: When does a
#stepparent become a ‘bonus?’http://bit.ly/O22iu2
- New: How is paternity (parentage) established? http://bit.ly/MKTEOn
- Cheney Family ‘Delighted’ as Daughter Marries Longtime Partnerhttp://lat.ms/NsiPX1
- Oversight of Domestic Relations Case Managers Still Murkyhttp://bit.ly/NsgVFO via
#KSCourts: No #FamilyLaw Appeals Decisions Issued Today (2012-June-22) http://bit.ly/PHOljc
- Judith Wallerstein dies at 90 http://nyti.ms/MOL39R
- Will I have to pay spousal support if my ex quit her job and decided not to try to find a new one? http://rpx.me/skyg
- Can my son’s father legally influence our 15 year old son to live with him? http://rpx.me/nkyg
- Can or should a GAL (representing a child) get a warrant revoked for a parent who refuses to pay child support? http://rpx.me/3jyg
- Is there anything I can do to receive full custody of my son? http://rpx.me/Xjyg
- Will a notorized agreement between me and my ex that I not pay child support hold up in court? http://rpx.me/ehyg
- Is there anything you can do to get the other party to stop stalling our divorce? http://rpx.me/Vgyg
- What happens to child custody after one parent’s death in Kansas with a non-contested custody agreement? http://rpx.me/Lgyg
- News: What is “separate maintenance?” http://bit.ly/Mz4JR3
#KSCourts: Revised Rule 139 reaffirms that financial affd must be filed together with motion for support, whether ex parte or post-decree
#KSCourts: Effective July 1, 2012, Rule 164 Factual Statement is incorporated into Rule 139, providing for filing of financial affidavits.
#KSCourts: Revised, Restyled Kansas Court Rules & Forms Become Effective July 1, 2012 http://bit.ly/MHQnzd
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@RonaldWNelson spoke at a seminar on #UIFSA initial and modification jurisdiction last week: http://bit.ly/MtMPPB
- Update on managing
#stalking behaviors and treatment of these individuals http://bit.ly/KPSzY4 via @PsychTimes
- Facts for Families: Children with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Parents http://bit.ly/KnM9Jm from
@AACAP #lgbt
- An insightful article about how children are effected by their parents later in life: Perfect Intimacy http://bit.ly/LkP8I9 RT
- Illinois Prosecutors Refuse to Defend State’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban http://bit.ly/MHcEx7
- Violence is never a solution~
- Update: Seminar 89. Where is the Law in 2012? http://bit.ly/MMeI3G
- Might your child be playing in a home where there’s a gun? Tomorrow is the day to ASK: http://wapo.st/LBzF3k via
- Divorce 101 Seminar Canceled, But Our Materials Are Available Here: http://bit.ly/MMeI3G
- Update: Interstate Jurisdiction and Enforcement http://bit.ly/MsO1Va
- Update on Non-Marital and Cohabitation http://bit.ly/KUACD8
- Update on our Practice Areas http://bit.ly/MsKaYk
- New: Guardianship and Conservatorship http://bit.ly/MsJPER
- Updated Kansas Family Law Forms http://bit.ly/KUyiMp
- New: Seminar 89. Where is the Law in 2012? http://bit.ly/MMeI3G
- Updated Frequently Asked Questions http://bit.ly/LC4Zza
- New: Do I have any rights if I’m not married to my partner? http://bit.ly/LC46ql
- New: Do I need to tell anyone that I’m moving if I receive child support? http://bit.ly/LCWWoJ
- Update: Can I move with my children after divorce?http://bit.ly/LCVyCD
- Updated Publications http://bit.ly/LkmZ2O
- New: Changes Made to Kansas Domestic Relations Law by House Substitute for 2000 SB150 http://bit.ly/LkmHsL
- .@StinsonMorrison attys Mark Hinderks & Todd LaSala speak
@KansasBar‘s Annual Ethics for Good Seminar, June 21-22, 2012 http://emfl.us/NoBd
- Updated Seminars and Presentations http://bit.ly/LA3YYi
- New: Seminar 88. A Snapshot View of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act http://bit.ly/MtMPPB
- News: Can I allow my child to see a grandparent or stepparent with my ex’s consent? http://bit.ly/MLIBRv
#KSCourts: Three nominated to 21st District Court Opening http://bit.ly/M47mLA
- Introvert dreads exhausting visits with extrovert husband’s family http://ow.ly/1kIrQt
- Future health insurance, life insurance and
#SocialSecurity can be big questions in a divorce http://ow.ly/bpqY6 via @Memphis_Divorce
- Tiny Tyrants: How to Really Change Your Kid’s Behavior http://slate.me/L46WSd
- Updated page on Kansas Family Law Appeals 2007 http://bit.ly/KMk2Ki
- Update: Seminar 82. Divorce 101: Where is the Law in 2011? http://bit.ly/M1OYTA
- Update: Seminars and Presentations http://bit.ly/LA3YYi
- Updated page on Kansas Family Law Appeals 2011 http://bit.ly/McPmA3
#KSCourts: Three Nominated for Riley/Clay County District Court Position (Miller position) http://bit.ly/MqamAO
- Family-Like Environment Better for Troubled Children and Teens http://on.apa.org/PknBFh RT
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@UniformLaws Commission Annual Meeting on July 13-19 will consider #Military Child Custody Act and #UCCJEA Revisions http://bit.ly/M03cnQ
- Update on our new associate: Elizabeth Myers http://bit.ly/KIgmJv
- Update on Ronald W. Nelson http://bit.ly/N1I0Mq
- Our New Associate: Elizabeth Myers http://bit.ly/KIgmJv
- What do I do when the father of my kids refuses to let them be in any extracurricular activities? http://rpx.me/oMwg
- I want to move back to my home country with my daughter. Can her father stop me? http://rpx.me/_Lwg
- What happens if I don’t have my ex’s social security number when I’m filling out divorce papers? http://rpx.me/TLwg
#KSCourts: Gov. Brownback has until July 12 to fill Shawnee County District Judge Position from Nominees http://bit.ly/M3OL3x
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–June–16 http://bit.ly/LgoxuE
- Fathers Day message for alienated parents. http://bit.ly/KLmMmvfrom