#KSLegislature: Welcome back @RepTrent!
#NMCourts: Same-sex partner of adoptive mother has legal rights as a parent and can seek child #custody. http://bit.ly/JYPrIP [PDF]
- News: Servicemember Family Protection Act http://bit.ly/KVSFtA
#KSLegislature: #SB304, Family Law Code Cleanup, Published in Kansas Register and Effective on 2012-May-31 http://bit.ly/JCHuTu
- Iowa Supreme Court allows paternity fraud claimshttp://bit.ly/Lo4045 via
- There is nothing so powerful in making your spouse feel heard as listening with tolerance & compassion without speaking.
- RT
- This graph reveals a lot about
#LGBT rights and U.S. state laws http://j.st/Wuu HT @mcgeoff via TulsaFamilyLaw
- News: Sine Die http://bit.ly/L9DWxp
- RT
@KansasBarLeg: Sen. Morris declares Kansas Senate adjourned Sine Die!!!!
#KSLegislature: RT @rjwilson: The #kssen is adjourned sine die at 10:55 on June 1, 2012.
#KSLegislature: RT @rjwilson: The #kshouse is officially adjourned sine die at 10:50 AM June 1, 2012.
#KSLegislature: Speaker of the #KSHouse Mike O’Neal announces retirement from legislature after 28-years
#KSCourts: Trial court finding that no material change exists to modify child support reviewed for abuse of discretion http://bit.ly/KiAeCl
#KSCourts: Trial courts have jurisdiction to consider support modification after appeal is filed http://bit.ly/KiAeCl
#KSLegislature: Sen.Taddiken announces retirement. “Burning candle at both ends and running out of wick” MT @rjwilson
- RT
@KansasBarLeg: Sen. Wagle giving moving speech on her cancer diagnosis. Very touching! GOD BLESS! #ksleg
- NY
@UniformLaws Commissioner Justin Vigdor on the ULC http://ow.ly/biAaZ
#KSLegislature: #KSSenate Resolution Recognizing Service of 1st Asst Revisor Jim Wilson on his retirement after 40-yrs http://bit.ly/KivLzw
- States Revising Power-Of-Attorney Laws, Strengthening Notary Rolehttp://bit.ly/JXuXvi
@nationalnotary via @uniformlaws
- Fiancee’s jealousy is a bad omen http://ow.ly/1karrI
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals Issues 2 #FamilyLaw-related Appeals Decisions Today (2012-June-01) http://bit.ly/A8FGAf #paternity #conservator
- Don’t blow your divorce case by making these mistakes. http://ow.ly/aXnZs Tips from
- Is it possible for a custodial parent to be guilty of kidnapping that child?
#NYAppeals Court Says “Yes!” http://1.usa.gov/KQsqEM
#KSLegislature: #HB2613, Lifetime Extension of #PFA Orders, Signed and Enrolled by Gov’r. Effective 2012-July-01 http://bit.ly/xw8Rgb
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals July, 2012 Docket Is Now Online: http://bit.ly/f2sEdn
- If your spouse is in a bad mood, don’t assume it’s about your relationship. It likely has nothing to do with you. MT
#KSLegislature: #KSHouse and #KSSenate Return to Topeka Today (2012-June-01) for #sinedie
- In a sign of new times, NY court says it’s no longer slander to falsely call someone “gay” http://wapo.st/KgD0b9
- Why arguments about who is “right” and who is “wrong” hurt your relationship http://bit.ly/MDWdDh MT
- Wisdom is learning what to overlook~William James
- Georgia high court to decide whether kids can appeal ruling denying access to child custody proceedings http://bit.ly/JCfOD9h
- RT
- Georgia high court to decide whether kids can appeal ruling denying access to child custody proceedings http://bit.ly/JCfOD9h
- Appeals Court Rules Against Federal Marriage Act http://nyti.ms/LLTxya
- Marriages–shotgun or otherwise–are more likely to survive the birth of a child than cohabitation. http://ow.ly/b8jki RT
#FLAppeals: Court erred in finding that N.C. was #UCCJEA Home State when child lived in Fla for 6-months before filing http://bit.ly/JCe3Wl
- Expectant Mother’s Move from Ontario to California not “abduction” rules Ontario Appeals Court http://bit.ly/JCdtIc
#KSCourts: 31 Attorneys Apply for 2 Open Positions on Johnson County District Court http://bit.ly/Jdxq92
- First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Rules
#DOMA is Unconstitutional. Court Opinion here: http://1.usa.gov/L9gxbP [PDF]
- via
- DC non-resident gay divorce law takes effect this week http://bit.ly/JPmeQt MT
- RT
@washingtonpost: #BREAKINGNEWS Boston appeals court finds federal Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional http://wapo.st/JTvXkl #DOMA
#KSCourts: Glenn Braun (former @KansasBar President) was appointed 23rd District Judge in early May http://bit.ly/L9inJV @washburnlaw graduate
- 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals Finds
#DOMA Unconstitutional http://apne.ws/L9gcpI
- There are 6,840,507,003 people in the world, why are you letting just one of them get to you? RT
@iamthatgirl via @wescrenshawphd
- RT
@HouseFloor: Passed: H.R. 4201: Servicemember Family Protection Act http://bit.ly/NiPGf7
- RT
@BryanAGarner: There is no shame in defending lost causes as best one can: they are sometimes the noblest causes.
#PAHouse Judiciary Committee will vote June 5 on judicial merit selection http://goo.gl/fb/UrqaU via @GaveltoGavel
- .
@USHouse Passes Military Child Custody Bill Intruding Into States’ Rights to Decide Child Custody Matters http://wapo.st/JT4I9q
- Custody orders of military families are best served by state law, developed specifically to deal with
#familylaw #HR4201
- MT
- Can I as a grandparent have vistions rights with my grandchildren? http://rpx.me/4uog
- News: Kansas Family Law Code Cleanup Signed/Enrolled http://bit.ly/N9ARvt
- New: Kansas Family Law Code Cleanup – Enrolledhttp://bit.ly/JyTYQX
- Are you Reading your Spouse’s Text Messages? You’d better stop Now! http://ow.ly/bcM9V RT
- Fathers ‘Need To Step Up’ For Black Daughters http://n.pr/N6jzzhvia
#DSM5 Psychiatric Manual May Soon Include ‘Gambling Disorder’http://n.pr/N6jzz9 [NPR] #KSLegislature: #SB304, #FamilyLaw Code Cleanup, Case Manager Qualifications, Enrolled: http://bit.ly/K9RWrz Effective on KSRegister Pub
#KSLegislature: #SB304, #FamilyLaw Code Cleanup, Case Management Qualifications signed by Govr, Enrolled http://bit.ly/y8MZjm
- .
@MichiganLeg hears Unif Child Abduction Prevention Act (SB743) today. #UCAPA http://ow.ly/bdnjm MT @uniformlaws
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012 May 26 http://bit.ly/KCd32m
- Myth #1: People don’t value marriage the way they used to. More myths about
#marriage: http://wapo.st/JFpBVz
@KULawSchool Prof Martin Dickinson on #Brownback‘s ‘regressive’ tax act http://bit.ly/L5oIWr
- North Carolina’s Same-Sex Marriage Ban Leaves Some in Limbo http://n.pr/KVjOe6