Twitter Weekly Update 2012–August–19

  • Dealing With Memories That Cut Like a Knife  from @Sassy_Divorcee
  • Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, but around in awareness~James Thurber via @sassy_divorcee
  • Five Horrible Things I Regret Doing To My Ex  via @divorcedpauline
  • When anger rises, think of the consequences~Confucius
  • Don’t expect love to always make you feel good, but do expect it to make you grow in ways you never thought you would. RT @AlyssaAlfch
  • News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–August–12 
  • Do grandparents have legal rights to their grandchildren in Kansas?  #parentalrights 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas Supreme Court November 15 2012 Argument Docket Posted 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas Supreme Court October 2012 Argument Docket Posted 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas Court of Appeals September 2012 Argument Docket Posted 
  • #KSCourts: Johnson County Judge Sheppard Announces Retirement, Nominating Commission Seeks Nominations 
  • #KSCourts: Fraud or new evidence is a grounds to set aside only if unknown trial – not merely newly presented 
  • #KSCourts: Trial errors are not a proper subject of a Motion to Set Aside Under Rule 60 
  • #KSCourts: Rule 60(a) motion for omission allows only order correcting matter actually rendered, but not included 
  • #KSCourts: If motion to set aside judgment properly sets out a reason for relief, it is still subject to ct discretion 
  • #KSCourts: Motion for Relief from Judgment is not alternate procedure to correct errors correctable on appeal 
  • #KSCourts: Appeal of order denying motion for relief from judgment allows appeals court to review only the denial 
  • #KSCourts: A Motion for Relief from Judgment is available only in very limited circumstances 
  • #KSCourts: A Motion to Set Aside a Judgment is Not a substitute for an appeal lost by failure to timely appeal 
  • #KSCourts: One Kansas #FamilyLaw Appeals Decision Issued Today (2012-Aug-17)  #procedure
  • Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 
  • Marry a “Princess” or a “GLUM” at your own risk  via@aboutpsych
  • Child care costs exceed rent in most states 
  • New @UniformLaws #Prenuptial Rules Aim to Get States on Same Page  RT @UniformLaws
  • Updated Page: Ronald W. Nelson PA in the Media 
  • Sixth Annual Domestic Relations Case Management Training Course a focus of @CJOnline article  (quoting @RonaldWNelson)
  • .@WashburnLaw Seminar Will Focus on #CaseManagement, High Conflict Custory Proceedings 
  • From thinking proceeds speaking; thence to acting is often but a single step. But how irrevocable and tremendous! @foundingfather
  • Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment~Lao Tzu via @hpsteele
  • Virginia pastor convicted of helping mother #abduct daughter and flee U.S. during child-custody battle: 
  • #NVCourts: Nevada Supreme Court: Attorney Son Can Represent His Father Against His Mother in Divorce … 
  • #SCOTUS will decide whetehr #Hague #Abduction case becomes moot after child returns to country of residence 
  • #SCOTUS grants #cert on #Hague International #AbductionConvention Decision from 11th Circuit  11-1347
  • .@UniformLaws Legis.Counsel Eric Fish quoted on Unif. Deployed Parents Custody & Visitation Act, need for #UCCJEA in MA 
  • Six Things To Know About #Medicaid In Kansas And Missouri from@KCUR  via @KansasAction