Twitter Weekly Update 2012-August-05

  • Survey by @StateCourts & @JusticeStake presented #ABAAnnualIndicates Public Unconvinced That State Cts Need More Money 
  • Be courteous to all but intimate with few, and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence~@foundingfather
  • In #CollaborativeLaw, parties pledge in writing not to go to court for A Better #Divorce MT @A_BetterDivorce
  • Telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person’s mental and physical health  RT @APA
  • Understanding high conflict personalities is the missing piece in managing #HighConflict disputes  RT @HighConflict
  • Judging adolescents’ actions: Teens mature intellectually before they mature emotionally  RT @DrLeeKeyes
  • Shared pleasure is the glue that adheres couples together, and embodies joy like nothing else @hitchedmedia
  • Updated Page: Appellate 
  • #KSCourts: Trial court decision improperly emphasized judge’s own knowledge of outside facts and it is reversed 
  • #KSCourts: Personal reputation is not a matter of such “generalized or universal knowledge” to be indisputable 
  • #KSCourts: It is improper for a trial court to take judicial notice of the reputation of a particular individual 
  • #KSCourts: District Judge erred when he took judicial notice of the character and reputation of the parties’ families 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas courts may take judicial notice of facts & propositions of “generalized knowledge” universally known. 
  • #KSCourts: KSA 60-409 governs matters subject to “judicial notice” 
  • #KSCourts: When deciding the child’s best interests, Kansas statutes provide factors guiding the court’s consideration 
  • #KSCourts: When the custody issue lies only between parents, the paramount consideration is the child’s best interests 
  • #KSCourts: Kansas courts must make child custody, residency, and parenting decisions for the child’s best interests 
  • #KSCourts: 1 #FamilyLaw Related Kansas Appeals Decision Issued Today (2012-August-03) 
  • Updated Page: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 
  • U.S. Ct Appeals Reverses District Court Order Returning Abducted Child to UK Under Hague Abduction Convention #ICARA
  • Defendant Satisfied Burden to show Left-Behind Mother acquiesced to TX custody jurisdiction in Hague Abduction case 
  • #KSCourts: More than 60 Kansas House and Senate candidates want to give governor ability to pick judges.  via@bradc25
  • #CollaborativeLaw promotes respect & keeps individuals, not judges, in control of the process  MT @A_BetterDivorce
  • You have the power to teach your children kindness. Start at home. RT @divorcedwkids
  • Keep information private so sensitive issues remain out of the public eye with #collaborativelaw  MT @A_BetterDivore
  • The Least Understood Branch Initiative: Helping the public better understand the #judicial system  RT @StateCourts
  • New Illinois law makes it illegal for employers to ask job applicants for their online profile passwords 
  • Being Aware About How Thought Distortions Effect Our Interactions with Others Helps Resolve Conflict 
  • Managing Anger for Parents Triggered by #Divorce or Relationship Issues!  RT @RosalindSedacca
  • New #HBO Documentary Produced by Rosie O’Donnell Examines How Kids Cope with #Divorce 
  • #NJCourts@GovChristie vetoes bill to help pay for court tech; 2nd governor to veto court tech bills this year 
  • The only way to really ‘get’ what troubles someone is to see it from their perspective.  via @DrKarenSherman
  • What My Son’s Disabilities Taught Me About ‘Having It All’  via @fertilitylaw
  • Bad facts make bad law. If the law is ruled by passion, and not reason, justice cannot prevail. RT @berkeslaw
  • State legislatures anticipate high staff turnover  citing @NCSLOrg
  • Living together does not take you to the next step of romance. It takes you to a whole new, complicated world of roomates RT@wescrenshawphd
  • California Proposition 8 Backers Seek Supreme Court Review  [@SFGate#Prop8
  • August is Child Support Awareness Month 
  • Former judge says courts will likely face influx of cases involving #PTSD  via @PRI
  • In UK, civil partnerships are 5X more popular than expected  via @AbductionLawyer
  • Microsoft shifts e-mail crown from Hotmail to <> 
  • #MICourts: Impossibility can be defense to crime of felony nonsupport, but MCL 750.165 imposes strict liability 
  • Another Federal Judge (in Connecticut) Strikes Down Provision of Defense of #Marriage Act #DOMA 
  • .@BryanAGarner on Words: Shall We Abandon Shall? 
  • Prop 8 Proponents File Cert with #SCOTUS Seeking to Reverse 9th Circuit Decision on #Prop8  [PDF]
  • UK High Court Justice speaking in child custody battle: “I cannot be Solomon and order you to cut your child in half” 
  • News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–July–29 
  • Austrailian Court enforces slamic Marriage Agreement dowry, rather than proceeding thru expensive family ct processes 
  • .@wescrenshawphd #Divorce Rule 11: Find a therapist who is specialized in divorce & custody matters. 
  • How we interpret the meaning of conflict with our spouse determines if–or how–we change our own behavior. MT @MarriageVelcro
  • Do rebound relationships serve a purpose?  RT@DivorceSupport >Every life event is another lesson.
  • .@AACAP Reports Parents Can Inflict Emotional Harm without realizing it. 
  • Boehner appoints House members to House-Senate conference committee on Violence Against Women Act (#VAWA 
  • UK Appeals Court: Islamic tradition ‘is no defence against divorce ruling’ 
  • UK Appeals Court tells Muslim husband Islamic tradition not a reason for failure to satisfy court imposed obligations 
  • For the Sake of the Kids: There are no mistakes, only learning experiences 
  • Vietnam Considers Same-Sex Marriage  RT@PsychNews
  • Integrative Law: Why it Matters Not Just to Collaborative Lawyers:  RT @phtcollab
  • #KSCourts@CJOnline story about new Shawnee Co Judge Bill Ossmann who will #familylaw cases in District Court 
  • My answer on @Avvo to: Can I take my ex to small claims for the child support she refuses to acknowledge I paid?