#KSLegislature: #HJudiciary Passes Out #SB262, Grandparent Preference in #CINC, With Amendments http://bit.ly/zg72ka [PDF]
#KSLegislature: #HJudiciary Passes Out #HB2741 with technical amendments to #HCOW http://bit.ly/xdhwqq [action] http://bit.ly/AuwKlA [bill]
- RT
@KansasBarLeg Rep. Brookens amendment passes. Rep. Ryckman makes amendment to reduce service of process fee from $15 down to $10. Amendment passes 10-5.
- #SCOTUS Will Release Same-Day Audio Of Health Care Arguments http://n.pr/As3HQU
- In 19 States, School Spanking Is Legal http://on.apa.org/FO4DnI Discipline should teach, not punish: http://on.apa.org/wXGVAJ RT
- HHS Issues Final Rule For 2014
#Medicaid Expansion http://ow.ly/9HCzb via @KHNews
#KSCourts: #SCt: Where father given option to appear, but chose not to do so, tele-testimony under circumstances denied http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Failure to Acknowledge & Consciously Follow Statute was harmless under circumstances http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Father Did Not Meet Burden Requiring trial ct to Allow Tele-testimony http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Where Adequate Notice of Parent Rts Termin Hearing Given, no violation in disallowing tele-testimony http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Trial Ct appropriately found no good cause in compelling circumstances to allow tele-testimony under facts http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Due Process Violation Exists Only When Claimant Able to Establish Denied Specific Procedural Protections http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Whether Due Process Rights are violated is a question of law http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Finds Father Due Process Rts Not Violated By Ct refusal to allow last-minute request for tele-hearing http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: #SCt: Overturns Appeals Court’s Decision and Affirms Parental Rts Termination – In re KE http://bit.ly/FO9tDg
#KSCourts: Appeals Ct adopts majority view on crediting #SSDI Payments Towards #ChildSupport Arrearages http://bit.ly/FO7P4v
#KSCourts: Arrearages Payable by #SSDI Benefits May Satisfy Only from time benefits become available forward http://bit.ly/FO7P4v
#KSCourts: Amts Recd from #SSDI Payments to Children in excess of childsupport arrearage is gift for more than month http://bit.ly/FO7P4v
#KSCourts: Lump-sum #SSDI benefits recd by children from Dad Disability may be credited towards child support arrearage http://bit.ly/FO7P4v
#KSCourts: Where military pension division language used in decree would not allow #DFAS to proceed, amendment upheld http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Whether Contract is ambiguous is a question of law for which Appeals Ct has de novo review http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: “Reasonable time” to file for amendment under Rule 60(b) depends on individual case facts http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Where party unable to file request to amend until facts known, Rule 60(b) allows filing for decree amendment http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Ct mod affirmed where facts to make out proper military pension division order not known until 8-years later http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Std of Review Under Rule 60(b) is “abuse of discretion” Party alleging abuse of discretion shoulders burden http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Ct affirms amendment of military pension division 8-years after original entry to clarify intent http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: Ct affirms modification of divorce decree 8-years after entry because entry was ambiguous http://bit.ly/Ahp7dQ
#KSCourts: SCt releases 1 Family Law Decision; Ct of Appeals releases 2 Family law decisions today (2012-Mar-16) http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
- Update: Kansas Family Law Appeals 2012 http://bit.ly/A8FGAf
#KSLegislature: #KSCourts: #HApprop dumps e-filing court documents system. Maybe next year. MT @rmealy
- Bit-Torrent “Swarming” Does Not Create Personal Jurisdiction for IP Suit http://bit.ly/wK4WTL
@rdd via RT @ABAIPL
- New Virginia law allows uncontested divorce without court hearing statewide http://bit.ly/AwTq9h MT
#INCourts: Revised Guidelines for Parenting Time and Responsibilities and Parenting Coordination Proposed http://1.usa.gov/z7eO0n
#KSLegislature: #SB297, marital property “gifts,” fails to make it out of #HJudiciary. No motion to pass out MT @KansasBarLeg
#SB262 passes out of #HJudiciary, estab. custody preference to grandparents when a child is removed from parental custody. MT @Brett4ks
- Update: Legislative http://bit.ly/wlGof3
#KSLegislature: #SB262, grandparents #CINC rights, amended by RepPauls passes #HJudiciary as amended MT @KansasBarLeg http://bit.ly/ySbbOk
#KSLegislature: #SEduc Tables #SB410, re Dylexia. Will write letter to #KSDEduc expressing concerns. MT @PQHancock
- Update: 86. 2011 Kansas Family Law Recodification: What’s Now? http://bit.ly/A2wZ6A
- Update: 86. 2011 Kansas Family Law Recodification http://bit.ly/A2wZ6A
- Update: Seminars http://bit.ly/yi5eUy
- Selection Methods for State High Courts http://bit.ly/x8EVNm from
- Please check out my answer on
@Avvo to: Can you argue unjustifiable conduct under UCCJEA for why a custody http://rpx.me/auRf
- Patricia Apy will present a ‘Lunch & Learn’ presentation titled, “Bringing Sean Goldman Home” March 14 (today) at
@WashburnLaw http://bit.ly/xqKZUN
- The Time is Now for the Senate to Vote on
#VAWA http://4vawa.org/
- There’s exactly nothing you can do to control what you partner does when you’re not around. MT
- England’s Appeals Court rules lesbian couple must allow bio-father’s involvement in child’s life http://bit.ly/yGiSlg via
- U.S. Senate’s Newest Dysfunctional Battle:
#GOP Opposition to the Violence Against Women Act (#VAWA) http://nyti.ms/xCi7Lj
- For the most part, those spouses who think they can have satisfying marriages are the ones who in fact do. RT
- Splitting Up a Rich
#Military #Pension in Divorce http://on.wsj.com/zakoag via @Memphis_Divorce
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@Avvo to: Ex does not follow the divorce decree for visitation. Could I require my ex to http://rpx.me/80Qf
- My answer on
@Avvo to: I married my wife while she was still married. Now she has a divorce and i want to marry her… http://rpx.me/L0Qf
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@Avvo to: What can I do? – Unfortunately, your situation is very common http://rpx.me/D0Qf
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@Avvo to: Does military enlistment qualify as emancipation to terminate child support? http://rpx.me/l0Qf
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@Avvo to: Can i be emancipated? – Kansas law provides that the district court … http://rpx.me/7ZQf
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@Avvo to: I am pregnant and engaged to be married. Is it possible to . . . http://rpx.me/KZQf
- My answer on
@Avvo to: Can i get visitation rigths if my ex-wife has full costudy of my child? http://rpx.me/zZQf
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@Avvo to: Child support – You don’t provide enough information for anyone to a… http://rpx.me/2YQf
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@Avvo to: Child support and alimony worksheet for Kansas – The Kansas Child Support Guidelines … http://rpx.me/SYQf
- My answer on
@Avvo to: Can i lower my child support monthly payment? http://rpx.me/IYQf
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@Avvo to: Can i lower my child support monthly payment? – It’s unclear why you “did not hav… http://rpx.me/yYQf
- My answer on
@Avvo to: My ex owes me $4,200, she refuses to pay. It’s unclear what you are asking and what… http://rpx.me/cYQf
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@Avvo to: Where do I go for help to enforce my ex to pay childsupport and med… http://rpx.me/VXQf
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@Avvo to: If ex wife owes husband $25K from property, can his last year of alimony b… http://rpx.me/qXQf
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@Avvo to: I am us citizen, i was married during green card status, now i am us… http://rpx.me/1WQf
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@Avvo to: My father is 74 years old has congestive heart failure, copd, emphes… http://rpx.me/vWQf
#KSLegislature: Sen Vratil on #HB2444: If we want teachers/schools to do more, they must have more dollars. MT @SQEKS
#KSLegislature: Sen Schodorf says #HB2444 (Seclusion) can come up in conference; passed House. Wait to see what #KSBOE does MT @pqhancock
#KSLegislature: Sen Wagle, Schmidt & Others Say Teachers Need More Training with Emotionally Disburbed Kids MT @pqhancock via @crowjennifer
#KSLegislature: #SEduc Tables #HB2444, Seclusion & Restraint, Deferring to #KSBOE, which ‘promises’ to deal with it. @pqhancock via @AndyMarso
- Our awareness of another person’s state of mind depends on how well we know our own~Daniel Siegel
@OneSquigglyLine via @LisaKiftTherapy
#KYCourts: Ct Abused Its Discretion By Dividing Retired Servicemember’s Disability Pay Portion http://bit.ly/AeXtu8 via @DianaSkaggs
#KSLegislature: #SJudiciary just tabled #HB2533 because it would lessen the # of mandatory reporters of abuse. MT @crowjennifer
- Facebook Profile Exposes Man’s Double Life–and Bigamy http://huff.to/ADBXLa via
@LanderholmLaw (Correction)
- Update: 86. 2011 Kansas Family Law Recodification http://bit.ly/A2wZ6A
#KSLegislature: Testimony Presented on Mar-13 to #HJudiciarySupporting Family Law Cleanup Bill #HB2741 http://bit.ly/z7Xf5j
- One-third of Marines on their 3rd or 4th deployment in Afghanistan report psychological problems: http://ow.ly/9D3RT RT
#KYCourts: Appeals Court Vacates Child Custody Award for Lack of #UCCJEA Modification Jurisdiction http://bit.ly/wxJaSW via @DianaSkaggs
#MOAppeals: Court of Appeals Sustains Children’s Name Change Over Father’s Objections as in their “best interests” http://1.usa.gov/xGPurA
#MOAppeals: #UCCJEA Is Not Subject Matter Jurisdiction in MO. Subject Matter Jurisdiction Comes from Constitution http://1.usa.gov/xGPurA
#MOAppeals: Action Requesting Name Change for Child Is Not an Action for “Custody” Under #UCCJEA http://1.usa.gov/xGPurA
- If you & your partner can’t accept an unabridged version of each other, things are going to play out poorly down the road MT
- This week,
#SCOTUS hears arguments on Whether a Posthumous Child May Receive #SocialSecurity Benefits http://bit.ly/zLmdmC
- Update: Legislative http://bit.ly/wlGof3
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–03–11 http://bit.ly/y5VnBO
- Disabled learn to ride bikes with unique program: “Lose the Training Wheels” http://bit.ly/xDNFZ6 RT
- The Shariah debate rages on in states.10th Circuit sustains preliminary injunction on OK’s version http://goo.gl/ROXv5 via
#KSCourts: Court of Appeals April 2012 Argument Docket Posted http://bit.ly/f2sEdn
- “[Big]Law Firms [Finally] Get Into the Social Media Game” http://wapo.st/zCrOKG