#KSCourts: Court of Appeals Docket for April 2012 Posted bit.ly/f2sEdn
- Study Finds Winning Can Breed
#Aggression Toward the Losers; But Losing Doesn’t Create Reverse Reaction bit.ly/yiygTv via @PsychNews
#KSCourts: No Kansas Family Law Appeals released today (2012-Mar-02)
- KU Professor: Gay Marriage Bans Had ‘Ironic Outcome’ tinyurl.com/7x4een4
- Collect Child Support and Alimony from Disability Payments. wp.me/s25FgM-247 from
- Kansas Legislators Raise Concerns About Schools’ Desire to Help Children With
#Dyslexia. Schools say: What Problem? bit.ly/xWJsaa
- Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness~
#KSLegislature: Mar-07 #HJudiciary Hearing on #SB262 Grandparent Custody Considerations. bit.ly/ySbbOk
- Advocates for developmentally disabled continue opposition to KanCare carve-in bit.ly/yPHrWb via
@SSGKS #dd
- Maryland becomes 8th state to allow same-sex marriage wj.la/AF6NNO
- RT
@GovernorOMalley: The marriage equality bill is officially signed! #MD4Equality #MDSSM
#Maryland @GovernoroOMalley signs Marriage Equality Bill Into Law
- 13% of Americans are on
#Twitter @pewresearch via @MarkRosch
- Hong Kong’s High Court Will Hear Case to Allow Transgender Marriage bit.ly/xwarSR via
#ARKAppeals: Ark Custody Statute Does Not Allow Grandparent to Sue Parent for Child Custody, Only Visitation bit.ly/xPzaPz
#7thCir Opines (Posner) that Police May Search a Cellphone for its number Without Obtaining a Warrant bit.ly/yvwTKa [PDF]
#KSCourts: #KSLegislature: Debate on one judge per county bill,#SB423, postponed till Wednesday, March 8th. RT @KansasBarLeg
#KSLegislature: #SJudiciary hears testimony on #HB2533: Failure to report suspected #childabuse on Mar-08 bit.ly/AkUWCY
#KSLegislature: #SJudiciary will hear testimony on #HB2613 mandating 2-year or lifetime protection orders Mar-8 bit.ly/xw8Rgb
#KSLegislature: #SEduc will hear testimony on #HB2444, requiring schools to follow seclusion/restraint guidelines Mar-8-12 bit.ly/Av02NU
- 4th Circuit Footnote Warns Attorneys About Using Intemperate Language Regarding Adversaries bit.ly/wvn9km ht
- What to do when your child blames you for the divorce bit.ly/xeD9kd via
#KSCourts: @GovBrownback appoints Francis Meisenheimer, @KULawSchool ’80, to 30th District Court bit.ly/zlpr1g
#INLegislature: Indiana House Passes Senate Bill to Reduce Child Support Duration to 19, Returns Bill to Senate bit.ly/AwVbSW
- Successful couples understand that their partners do not need to be their clones. RT
- The Politics of Spreading Money Among Your Stepchildren huff.to/z5osid via
#IIRS Form 8888 permits direct deposit of federal refund into multiple accts! @MarciRCarroll via @Memphis_Divorce 1.usa.gov/yZOlMf
- Couples Therapy isn’t Always an Option ow.ly/1hHpZM via
- What Makes A Good Divorce Client? huff.to/wCO4LZ
@henrydivorce via @ParentingBridge
- Punishment or Comfort? Teacher Placed on Leave After Putting Student With
#Autism in Box bit.ly/zkGgAb via @COPAA
- Fighting Like Cats and Dogs Over Pet Custody wapo.st/wzkW5S
- Advocates & Consumers Coming in Topeka on Tuesday, March 6 for Kansas
#MentalHealth Advocacy Day bit.ly/yTMTQ5 #ksleg
#NewJersey legislators Introduce Constitutional Amendment to Allow Legislative “override” of Judicial Decisions goo.gl/fb/TzFaf
- Feds Close to Taking Action Against Kansas for Violations of
#ADAbit.ly/w5WNLj via @ljwrothschild
- “Pet Custody” Cases Are Increasing. bit.ly/zL4KZK
- New Hampshire to Vote on Bill to Revoke Same-Sex Marriage Law nyti.ms/xPrpM8
- In
#parenting #teenagers emotional reactivity only generates more emotion: cooler heads required amzn.to/wMyGcX MT @WesCrenshawPhD
#KSCourts: @GovBrownback appoints WyCo Chief Deputy DA Michael Russell to 29th Judicial District Judge Position bit.ly/zxzHk7
#UtahAppeals: Ct Affirms Dismissal of Divorce for Lack of Residence in State. Ct Discusses “residence” definition bit.ly/xLXiWC
#AlaAppeals: Ala did not have #UIFSA modification jurisdiction with in-state filing parent & out-of-state respondent bit.ly/xpwQYS
#AlaAppeals: Where in-state parent failed to properly register out-of-state childsupport under #UIFSA, Ct cannot modify bit.ly/xpwQYS
- Please see my answer on
@Avvo to: We were wondering how long the notarized papers were valid. rpx.me/dDvf
- See my answer on
@Avvo to: Baby born to minor in KS. I am the parent of the teen father. rpx.me/OCvf
#KState Researcher Says Rekindling Former Romance Often Extinguishes a Couple’s Later Happiness bit.ly/zai1o3
- Rekindling Romance With Ex May Lead to Stress & Unhappiness, Says
#KState Researcher bit.ly/w00fEk
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–02–25 bit.ly/yJssjf
- Children With Special Needs: A Revolutionary Approach Gives New Hope huff.to/xRfbcL via
#Medicaid: Help in Hard Times huff.to/wKGD3D via @SpecialPlanning