- What do Divorce Lawyers Do in their Own Divorces? huff.to/A5g7jE
@Chicago_Divorce via @NJFamilyLaw
- Why are 2d and 3d marriages more likely to fail? bit.ly/x7SPH7
@MarkBanschickMD via @NJFamilyLaw
- #DOJ Interpretation Guts
#VAWA Protections bit.ly/zZ9o7J via@HaralambieLaw
- #Maryland Legislative Committee Will Hear Testimony on Uniform
#CollaborativeLaw Act #UCLA Feb-22 @UniformLaws
- @WVcourts finds that federal, service-related #veterans disability benefits may be considered for family support bit.ly/yHm88A
- Uniform
#CollaborativeLaw Act being heard in #Hawaii Legislative Committee today via @UniformLaws
- #KSLegislature: #HB2736 directing court clerk to refuse to file stalking petition that fails to state defendants age bit.ly/wUDNco
- #KSLegislature:
#HB2736 requiring a statement of the known or estimated age of the defendant in #stalking petition bit.ly/wUDNco
- #KSLegislature: #HB2741 Cleanup provisions for Kansas Family Law Code (78 pp) bit.ly/z7wMqd [PDF]
- #KSLegislature: #HB2740 requiring domestic relations case managers qualifications and continuing education requirements bit.ly/wSvD2I
- #KSLegislature: Intro:
#HB2736 Amending requirements of #stalking petitions for defendants under age-14. bit.ly/xACRtm
- First NewYork Appellate Decision on NY’s New Support Guidelines: bit.ly/AEEpNH via
- #KSCourts: No Kansas Family Law Appeals Decisions Issued Today (2012-Feb-10)
- MT
@rmealy: Today is the last day for committee bill introductions. Both chambers will remain open until 5pm for bill introductions
- New: 86. 2011 Kansas Family Law Recodification bit.ly/wnuJrV
- #KSLegislature: “Turn-around” Day for the 2012 Session is 2-weeks from today, on Feb-24 bit.ly/yGCiMO
- NJ Senate and Assembly Scheduled to Vote on Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Valentines Day Week. bit.ly/y0OwnU via
- Legislators question cuts to
#mentalhealth spending bit.ly/yIlLZh via@SSGKS
- #KSLegislature: #HJudiciary Hearing
#HB 2655 interference w/judicial process doc destruction Feb–16 @3:30pm Rm 346-S bit.ly/yMY0mL
- #KSLegislature:
#HChildren Hearing: #HB2137, Enacting “protective parent reform act” Feb-16 @9:00am Rm142-S bit.ly/zyUhcO
- #KSLegislature:
#HChildren Hearing: #HB2444 seclusion & restraints on students w/ disabilities Feb-14 @9:00am Rm142-S bit.ly/Av02NU
- #KSLegislature:
#HChildren: Hearing #HB2537, access to records in#CINC cases February 14, 2012 9:00am Room 142-South. bit.ly/A3eSAj
- He that is jealous is not in love~Saint Augustine
- Kansas honors Judge Wesley Brown bit.ly/xkm7SR via
- RT
@rmealy: #KSCourts facing $1.4 million shortfall. House Approps comm looking to shift funds to fill that gap to keep courts open.
- The Federal $26B Housing Settlement with Banks Will Have Interesting
#FamilyLaw Ramifications bit.ly/wXnoUc
- As Washington State Legislature Approves Same-Sex Marriage and Measure Awaits Governor’s Signature, Another Fight Looms bit.ly/AAasJS
@govsambrownback Orders Flags Lowered on Saturday, February 11th in Honor of Judge Wesley Brown: facebook.com/note.php?note_…
- Washington State Lawmakers OK Gay Marriage n.pr/yHe58T
- Bill legalizing same-sex marriage in
#Washington PASSES House; Senate passed measure last week- @KING5Seattle bit.ly/zCcLH1
#SCOTUS Justice Sotomayer appears on Sesame Street bit.ly/wwlLC2
- #KSLegislature: The last day to consider bills in the house of origin for 2012 is Friday, February 24
- #KSLegislature: Today, Feb 8, was the last day that individual members could introduce bills to the 2012 Legislature
- #KSLegislature: Fri, February 10 is the last day Committees (with exceptions) can introduce bills for consideration by the 2012 Legislature
- #KSLegislature:
#SJudiciary: Possible Action on #SB304 Certified Batterer Intervention Program Act 2012-Feb-17 bit.ly/y8MZjm
- #KSLegislature:
#SJudiciary: Possible Action on #SB283 Sheriffs civil process fees 2012-Feb-17 bit.ly/w7k1WO
- Texas Criminal Appeals Court Oks Social Media Evidence in Conviction bit.ly/wxY3JT
- Instead Of Bail, Florida Judge Orders Man To Take His Wife To Dinner and a Bowling Date n.pr/A36VaT
- Washington State Set to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage Within Coming Weeks nyti.ms/AyPuyh
- Los Angeles’ first married same-sex couple now divorcing lat.ms/yoE1NV
- “[In Kansas,] Statewide, percent of
#DV-related homicides increased from 14.84% in 2008 to 31.07% in 2010″~Joyce Grover via @kcsdv
- #KSCourts: Court of Appeals Oral Argument Dockets Posted for March-2012 bit.ly/f2sEdn
- #KSCourts: Supreme Court Docket for April-2012 Posted bit.ly/AkK9aM
- DC Council approves bill making gay divorce easier bit.ly/wp1CHV via
- 11th Circuit in Decision by 10th Circuit Judge Upholds Dismissal of Suit by Worker Who Wouldn’t Give Same-Sex Counseling ow.ly/1hedDJ
- #KSLegislature: Introduced:
#HR 6009, urging Congress to adopt a “parental rights amendment” to the U.S.Constitution bit.ly/wp6GB8
- #KSLegislature: Intro: #2644, changing terminology in statutes from “mental retardation” to “intellectual disability” bit.ly/w9PjAe
- #KSLegislature: Intro:
#SB 397, changing terminology in statutes from “mental retardation” to “intellectual disability” bit.ly/y8YuKU
- #KSLegislature: Intro:
#HB2655 Expanding Crime of Inference with Judicial Process to include document destruction bit.ly/yMY0mL
- #KSLegislature: Intro:
#HB2658 Segregating #CINC in secured facilities bit.ly/xGgBzz
- Narrow, California Only, Focus of
#Prop8 Decision May Mean#SCOTUS Will Not Accept Case for Review lat.ms/x0V6hC
- 9th Circuit Rules that
#Prop8 is Unconstitutional 1.usa.gov/AgeYuh [PDF]
- #KSLegislature:
#HB2636: Introduced, Inclding sexual orientation and gender ID as factors re denial of civil rights bit.ly/A9nLbx
- Brownback proposes $16M cut in
#Kansas children’s programs:bit.ly/ApxfYQ
- KYAppeals: Court properly amended Military Retirement Division to Correctly Divide only Marital Property bit.ly/xJhI2H
- KYAppeals: Trial Court Cannot Divide Military Disability Pay in Divorce bit.ly/xJhI2H
- News: Twitter Weekly Update 2012–02–05 bit.ly/yrhqw8
- Victim seeks legislative help to strengthen Kansas anti-stalking lawbit.ly/wVDuvw
- California court will issue long awaited decision Tuesday on the constitutionality of
#Prop8, banning gay marriage @NBCNews
- Can’t Stop Calling Your Ex? There’s an app for that! bit.ly/yPDEbX
- U.S. Senate Judiciary approves legislation to extend Violence Against Women Act (
#VAWA): bit.ly/AbM43J via @oscarwriter
@UniformLaws Drafting Committee on the Premarital and Marital Agreements Act meets this weekend: ow.ly/8TPF1
- #KSLegislature: #KSCourts: Hon. Dan Creitz reporting on the weighted caseload study with Sen. Judiciary. RT
@UKSupremeCourt to take up tweeting bo.st/ynq0J4 via @SCOTUSBlog
- Learning to Live with
#Aspergers: A Memoir of Marriage and One Man’s Quest to be a Better Husband n.pr/wWlgC0
- #KSLegislature: House Bill Seeks to Extend Protection Orders for Life in some situations bit.ly/xVggTI