- In Shooting’s Wake, Psych Community Worries About Added Stigmahttp://tinyurl.com/4oj6npr
- Mental illness suddenly reveals itself in a young adult: Families Struggle for Appropriate Care http://is.gd/iZsxD2 #MentalHealth
- Three ‘age at onset’ groupings identified in bipolar patients http://ow.ly/3ENGs #mentalhealth RT @themhsorg
- Learn the facts about #mentalhealth and share them with others-especially if you hear something that isn’t true. http://bit.ly/9yHxGm
- I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear~Martin Luther King, Jr
- Don’t Blame the Parents (and understand the challenge): #MentalHealth Problems Aren’t Always Obvious http://usat.ly/f6o42N
- Speak when you are angry-and you’ll make the best speech you’llever regret~Dr Laurence Peter RT @KaraKJMiller
- #MentalHealth Funding Cuts: Lack of Constituency and Stigma at the Root of the Problem Needing Focus http://to.pbs.org/h8i9Kc
- Surrogacy in the News: Kidman and Urban have second child through surrogate http://wapo.st/f2Aiq7
- Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ~Martin Luther King, Jr
- RT @DickPrice: We make a living by what we get, we make a lifeby what we give
- Don’t Put Off Talking About The Inevitable: Care At Life’s End.’Engage With Grace’ http://n.pr/fvTOlC
- KsLegislature: Recodification of Kansas Domestic Relations CodeIntroduced-SB24 http://bit.ly/hQ93Q1 #KsSenate
- Winner of huge Mega Millions jackpot may have to split it with estranged husband http://usat.ly/e0ezNy
- Video Games and the Depressed Teenager http://nyti.ms/hfEavk
- Promise Not To Tell: The Too Common Occurrence of Sexual Abuse http://www.kansas.com/promisenottotell/
- Just finished interview with @fox4wdaf On Idaho Mega Millions Lottery Winner And Marital Property Division
- Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill~Buddha
- RT @HaralambieLaw: patients can designate who they want as visitors http://bit.ly/gZvDTm
- Americans Fault #MentalHealth System in Rampage-But Insist On Cutting Mental Health Services Funding (A Disconnect?) http://usat.ly/fuWC8Z
- Stay-at-Home Parenting After Divorce http://bit.ly/gXcGyK
- Kidnapped as Infant from Hospital in 1987, Woman Contacts Mom After Spotting Baby Photos Online http://ow.ly/1aWiAD
- RT @coparenting101: “Memoir: Dating a Psychopath” http://bit.ly/dF23Iy
- RT @BlendedFamilies: Note to Blended Families: Kids need both Mom + Dad 2 Grow. REMEMBER: “It’s OK for your children to love BOTH homes!”
- KsLegislature- Amendments to Kansas Breach of Privacy & Blackmail Criminal Statutes Introduced- HB2045 http://bit.ly/dNz07I
- KsLegislature: Bill Protecting Inadvertant Disclosure of Attorney-client privilege and work-product Introduced~SB35 http://bit.ly/hpCEPr
- KsLegislature: Bill Relating to Children; Permanency & Priority of Child Custody Orders Introduced ~SB38 http://bit.ly/ii5VMo
- A Problem for Struggling Families: Getting Someone to Psychiatric Treatment Can Be Difficult and Inconclusive http://nyti.ms/dERPDH
- Megamillions Lottery Winner May Have to Split Winnings – Again.http://bit.ly/dZUveS with @kansasdivorce interview clips
- Mutual respect is the foundation of genuine harmony~ RT @DalaiLama
- Census Shows Parenting by Same-Sex Couples More Common in the South Than Elsewhere http://nyti.ms/fFjwmW
- JPMorgan Chase ‘Accidentally’ Overcharged and Forclosed Upon Military Families Mortgages http://n.pr/hlEATg
- Nevada Judiciary Makes its Supreme Court Case Filings Public Through Its Website: http://www.nevadajudiciary.us
- KsLegislature: Kansas Legislature Daily Calendars Are Now Available at http://bit.ly/ghggD7 [Senate] OR http://bit.ly/fUFFBK [House]
- KsLegislature: Senate Judicary Will Hear Testimony on Kansas Domestic Relations Recodification Jan 25 @10:30am #SB24 http://bit.ly/hQ93Q1
- KsLegislature: Correction=Senate Judicary Will Hear Kansas Domestic Relations Recodification Jan 25 @9:30am http://bit.ly/hQ93Q1
- DoD launches interactive simulation to provide information on #PTSD http://bit.ly/hVsGYU RT @NAMIMass
- Tucson shooting draws attention to #MentalHealth laws & fundinghttp://wapo.st/dZVLdL States Need To Restore Funds for MentalHealth Care
- How to Fight Fair; Simple Rules for Politicians, Teachers, Kids, and Relationships http://bit.ly/hjlKkj RT @NAMIMass
- #ABAFamily Spring 2011 #CLE Conference Registration is Now Online! Amelia Island, Fla April 6-9 http://bit.ly/icQCeH
- NIMH Teams Up to Study Austism Spectrum Disorder Rates in Somali-American Children http://bit.ly/hM0X4u
- Reduce anger: Call a friend, write a journal, monitor negativity, be thankful for what is good MT @Divorce_Care
- A new #Lawrence police detective will specialize in domestic violence cases: http://bit.ly/gYb6Dm
- For Sale By Divorce: A Real Estate Niche http://n.pr/gpBr60 #NPR
- Court Rules that Plaintiff Who Discussed Law Suit with Her Lawyer on Work E-Mail Can’t Claim Attorney-Client Privilege http://bit.ly/fIyDtN
- Lawyer Loses Paternity Case Because Daughter Was Born (From Affair) to Married Couple http://bit.ly/fOxAaZ
- Study Finds that Children With Persistent Sleep Problems Are More Likely to Suffer Later #MentalHealth Issues http://bit.ly/fqeE8T
- KsCourts: No Kansas domestic relations appeals decisions were issued today (2011-Jan-21)
- In a rut dealing in the same #FamilyLaw issues? Spice it up! Find 1 piece of FamilyLaw Legislation to follow! MT @OKAdoptionLaw
- Google Tweaks Search Algorithm to Block New Webspam, Content Farms: http://theatln.tc/eDiB7Y RT @TheAtlanticTech
- #Suicides among active duty soldiers dropped slightly in 2010 after 5 yrs of record increases http://nyti.ms/hAyo69 RT @NAMIMass
- Questions Remain In Case of Abducted Baby Who Turned Up 23 Years Later Because of Her Own Investigation Into Her ID http://nyti.ms/f5FROt
- Pay attention to the Internet and Social Media in a Divorce. http://ow.ly/3Figj RT @DickPrice
- ‘Mobile Payment’ Systems Allow Small and Mobile Businesses to Take Easy Payments http://n.pr/gL8zo9