Spousal Support and Maintenance
- Establishing and defending against claims for spousal support and maintenance
- Post decree modification, termination, and extension of spousal support obligations
- Enforcement – interstate and international
Ron’s experience:
Spousal support, often referred to as alimony or maintenance, has evolved over the years in philosophy and application. Many clients hear about “guidelines” to which courts refer for answers to questions such as how much, how long, how often, or when to start and stop. Ron believes and advocates for his clients based on each family’s circumstances and what makes sense going forward. We have seen cases that require in-depth understanding of and ability to analize present and future needs. We have seen appeals over spousal support agreements that break down in the test of time. Many of these cases benefitted from Ron’s comprehensive approach and his ability to ask the right questions.
Appellate Cases:
Marriage of Ehinger, 34 Kan.App.2d 583 (2005) (spousal support – statutory power to modify spousal support)
Marriage of Kopac, 30 Kan.App.2d 735 (2002) (spousal support – considerations in termination on basis of “cohabitation”)
Skillett v. Sierra, 30 Kan.App.2d 1041 (2002) (support – child support cannot be used to support a non-marital partner – reversing court’s use of ‘financial considerations’ to increase support received by non-marital partner)