Non-Marital and Cohabitation (Living Together)
- Legal Counseling on rights and obligations of unmarried cohabitants
- Preparing Cohabitation and Co-Ownership Agreements
- Equitable property division mediation, Collaborative Law, and litigation
- Legal rights of persons living together without marriage
Our experience:
Many people never marry. But they are just as intimate and just as intertwined as marriages. And they potentially involve equally as complicated issues – sometimes more complicated than with the “standard” divorce. Our lawyers are at the forefront in assisting clients attain well-reasoned and compassionate resolutions to the difficult issues that come out of these relationships, whether by settlement, with a lasting agreement based on individual needs and circumstances or by litigation. We understand how to apply the law and common sense to relationships outside the standard marriage. Our expertise, gained from over 30 years experience, encompasses all aspects of family law.
Published Appellate Cases:
Ellis vs. Berry, 19 Kan. App. 2d 105 (1993) (cohabitants – standards for determining property division between unmarried cohabitants; trial procedure)