Social Media for the Kansas Lawyer: Consultation, Investigation, Ethics, & Evidence (Kansas Bar Association)(February 2014)
Ronald W. Nelson
Ashlyn L. Yarnell
Seminar Brochure
Powerpoint Presentation (Download)
A. Social Media for the Kansas Lawyer: Consultation, Discovery, Ethics, and Evidence
C. Attorney Ethical Rules Implicated in Social Media Investigation, Discovery and Hearings
Supplementary Materials:
01 Gallion v. Gallion, Clarification Order – Facebook Passwords Order
02 Florida Bar Advertising Advisory – LinkedIn Claims of Expertise
03 Electronic Communications Advisory (Ronald W. Nelson, PA)
04 New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Ethics Opinion 843 (2010) – Lawyer Investigation of “Public” Social Media
05 New Hampshire Bar Association Ethics Committee Advisory Opinion 2012–13/05 (2012) – Social Media Contact with Witnesses in the Course of Litigation
06 Ethical Risks Arising from Lawyers’ use of (and refusal to use) Social Media (Delaware Bar Ass’n Review)
06A Chace v. Louisel (Fla App 2014) – Judge Disqualified for “Friending” Litigant
07 The Individual’s Right of Privacy in Marriage (Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers)
08 Stored Wire and Electronic Communications and Transactional Records Access, 18 USC Chapter 121
09 Interception and Disclosure of Wire, Oral, or Electronic Communications, 18 USC 2511
10 United States Department of Justice, Criminal Resource Manual, 18 U.S.C 2511 Prohibitions
11 San Diego County, California Bar Association Ethics Committee Opinion 2011-2 (2011) – “Friending” for Investigation
12 Philadelphia, PA Bar Association Ethics Committee Opinion 2009-02 (2009) – “Third-party Friending” for Investigation
13 Barnes v. CUS Nashville, LLC, US District Court, Middle District Tennessee – Discovery of Social Media
14 Largent v. Reed, Court Common Pleas, Franklin County, Pennsylvania – Discovery of Social Media Materials
15 Crispin v. Audiger, US District Court, Central District California – Discovery, Application of Stored Communications Act Protections
16 McMillian v. Hummingbird Speedway, Court of Common Pleas, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania – Discovery of Social Media Materials
17 Offenback v. L.M. Bowman, Inc., US District Court, Middle District Pennsylvania – Discovery of Social Media Materials
18 Sekisui American v. Hart, USDC SD New York – Duty to Preserve
19 Lester v Allied Concrete, 285 Va. 295, 736 S.E.2d 699 (2013) – Appeal of Sanctions for Spoliation (Virginia Supreme Court, January 10, 2013)
19A Lester v. Allied Concrete, Circuit Court Order – Spoliation findings
19B Lester v. Allied Concrete, Circuit Court Order – Spoliation sanctions
19C In re Murray, Disciplinary Order
20 Gatto v. United Airlines, USDC New Jersey – Spoliation findings, sanctions
21 Koplin v. Rosel Well Perforators, Inc., 241 Kan. 206, 734 P.2d 1177 (1987)
22 Superior Boiler Works v. Kimball, 292 Kan. 885 (2011) (Kansas Supreme Court, August 12, 2011)
23 United States v. Merigildo, USDC, SD New York – Fourth Amendment, Using Friends
24 Lorraine v. Markel Insurance Company, 241 F.R.D. 534 (D.Md. May 4, 2007) – Admissibility of Digital Evidence
25 Tienda v. State of Texas, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals – Authentication of Social Media Evidence
26 Quagliarello v. Dewees, US District Court, Middle District Pennsylvania (August 4, 2012) – Probative Value vs. Prejudicial Effect
27 New York State Bar Ass’n, NYSBA Commercial and Federal Litigation Section Social Media Ethics Guidelines (March 18, 2014)
Guideline 1: Advertising
Guideline 2: Furnishing Legal Advice Through Social Media
Guideline 3: Review and Use of Evidence Obtained Through Social Media
Guideline 4:Ethically Communicating with Clients
Guideline 5: Researching Social Media Profiles