Child Support and Family Maintenance Obligations

•    Establishment of parentage
•    Establishment and defense of child support claims
•    Post decree child support modification
•    Enforcement – intrastate, interstate, and international

Ron’s Experience:

Ron focuses his practice on handling all aspects of family law cases dealing with support issues, including establishing parentage so that child support can be ordered, determining current – and past – support obligations, and making sure that support issues are properly address in court. Ron has handled hundreds of cases in which child support is at issue, including appellate cases addressing the details for deciding an appropriate child support order. Experienced with interstate and international jurisdictional issues affecting child support, Ron has deep knowledge and understanding of the laws and court decisions affecting child-support in Kansas.


Kansas Child Support Guidelines

Appellate Cases:

Marriage of Hall, 43 Kan.App.2d 392 (2010) (child support – court power to order “cooperation” with former spouse to obtain life insurance). (Review Granted by Kansas Supreme Court on 2011.Apr.11)

Skillett v. Sierra, 30 Kan.App.2d 1041 (2002) (child support – application of ‘financial considerations’ adjustment; using child support guidelines to determine retroactive child support in parentage cases)

Marriage of Ronen, 29 Kan.App.2d 443 (2001) (child support – defining expenses included in basic child support amount and responsibility for extracurricular expenses)

Marriage of Gordon-Hanks, 27 Kan.App.2d 987 (2000) (case management – domestic relations case management standards; hearing and evidentiary requirements to support orders)

Marriage of Scott, 263 Kan. 638 (1998) (child support – imputing income to residential parent; ‘reasonable’ child care expenses)